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Beaconstac Android-SDK


Beaconstac Advanced Android SDK is meant only for specialized use cases. Please check with the support team before deciding to integrate this SDK.

Integrate with your existing project in Android Studio

In the build.gradle file of the app, add the following in the dependencies section:

implementation ''
implementation 'com.mobstac.beaconstac:proximity:3.3+'

If you want to receive background updates as shown in the sample app here, add this to your app gradle

implementation ''

Latest version



Beaconstac requires the following permissions

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>

It is not necessary to explicitly add these permissions to your app. They will be added automatically when you include the SDK.

Runtime permissions

Since Android 6.0, Android has introduced the concept of runtime permissions. Beaconstac SDK requires one runtime permission:


Beaconstac requires the location permission to scan for nearby beacons. Beaconstac SDK's initialize() will fail if location permission is denied.


  1. Please extract your developer token from the Beaconstac dashboard under "My Account".
  2. Internet access is required to initialize the SDK.
  3. Bluetooth enabled for scanning beacons.


Use our one line integration

Note: If this is used, the Beaconstac SDK will automatically start scanning for beacons and trigger notifications based on rules defined on Beaconstac dashboard. You can also explicitly start or stop beacon scanning by calling Beaconstac.getInstance(getApplicationContext()).startScanningBeacons() and Beaconstac.getInstance(getApplicationContext()).stopScanningBeacons() respectively. Please refer advanced for more info.

For using the SDK while the app is in the background or terminated state, please refer Handling background scanning and delivering notifications.

Beaconstac.initialize(getApplicationContext(), MY_DEVELOPER_TOKEN, new MSErrorListener() {
    public void onError(MSException msException) {
        Log.d("Beaconstac", msException.getErrorMessage());


Use our advanced integration

1. Initialise the SDK with your developer token (preferably in the Application class)

Beaconstac.initialize(getApplicationContext(), MY_DEVELOPER_TOKEN, new MSSyncListener() {
    public void onSuccess() {
        Log.d("Beaconstac", "Initialization successful");
        Beaconstac.getInstance(getApplicationContext()).startScanningBeacons(new MSErrorListener() {
            public void onError(MSException msException) {


    public void onFailure(MSException e) {
        Log.d("Beaconstac", "Initialization failed");


2. Get Beaconstac instance

Beaconstac beaconstac = Beaconstac.getInstance(getApplicationContext());

3. Start scan

Beaconstac.getInstance(getApplicationContext()).startScanningBeacons(getApplicationContext(), new MSErrorListener() {
    public void onError(MSException msException) {


4. Stop scan

Beaconstac.getInstance(getApplicationContext()).stopScanningBeacons(getApplicationContext(), new MSErrorListener() {
    public void onError(MSException msException) {


5. Get beacon event callbacks

Note: You only need to implement this if you want to get callbacks for beacon events.

Beaconstac.getInstance(getApplicationContext()).setBeaconScannerCallbacks(new BeaconScannerCallbacks() {
    public void onScannedBeacons(ArrayList<MBeacon> rangedBeacons) {

    public void onCampedBeacon(MBeacon beacon) {

    public void onExitedBeacon(MBeacon beacon) {

    public void onRuleTriggered(MRule rule) {


6. Override Beaconstac SDK's notification

Note: If you implement this method Beaconstac SDK will not trigger any notification. A Notification.Builder object will returned to the app and it will be the application's responsibility to modify and trigger the notifications.

Beaconstac.getInstance(getApplicationContext()).overrideBeaconstacNotification(new BeaconstacNotification() {
    public void notificationTrigger(Notification.Builder notification) {


7. Add additional values to your webhooks

Beaconstac.getInstance(getApplicationContext()).addValuesToWebhook(MY_KEY, VALUE);



8. Set user's name

Beaconstac.getInstance(getApplicationContext()).setUserName(getApplicationContext(), USER_FIRST_NAME , USER_LAST_NAME);

9. Set user's email

Beaconstac.getInstance(getApplicationContext()).setUserEmail(getApplicationContext(), USER_EMAIL);

10. Set scan power mode

Set the power mode for bluetooth low energy scan callbacks. Set to HIGH for frequent scans with high power consumption. Default value is set to BALANCED.


11. Set latch latency

Set the device's willingness to camp-on to new beacons if it is already camped on to one. If set to LOW the device switches to the other beacons quickly and if set to HIGH the device's attachment will be steady. The default value is set to MEDIUM.


Handling background scanning and delivering notifications

App running in the background

For Android < 8

You can scan for beacons when the app is in the foreground or in the background.

For Android >= 8

You scan for beacons when the app is in the foreground. If you need to scan for beacons while the app is running in the background, please start a FOREGROUND SERVICE and start the scan inside the service.

App in terminated state

You can use the following method to register a BroadcastReceiver and get callbacks when the device enters the range of a new beacon or beacon goes out of range.

The BroadcastReceiver will receive callbacks as follows.

1. Periodically
2. When device screen is turned on.

Note: The BroadcastReceiver will be unregistered when the device reboots, please make sure you register the receiver again.

BroadcastReceiver example implementation

public class MyBroadcastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
        Nearby.getMessagesClient(context).handleIntent(intent, new MessageListener() {
            public void onFound(Message message) {
            public void onLost(Message message) {

1. Subscribe for updates

Beaconstac.getInstance(getApplicationContext()).subscribeForBackgroundUpdates(getApplicationContext(), new MyBroadcastReceiver());

Once a callback is received by the receiver you can choose to start scanning for beacons using the Beaconstac SDK and once done you must stop the scan. Please refer to the example receiver here.

Note: Stopping the scan is required and should be a mandatory step. If not stopped, the Beaconstac SDK will keep scanning indefinitely. This will result in high power consumption and will keep on showing a persistent notification on devices running on Android 8 and above.

2. Unsubscribe from updates

Beaconstac.getInstance(getApplicationContext()).unSubscribeFromBackgroundUpdates(getApplicationContext(), new MyBroadcastReceiver());

Due to the restriction added on Android 8 and above on running background tasks, a persistent notification will be shown when the SDK is running in the background. Please see this for more details.

Please add the following string resources to your app with suitable changes to the text value.

<string name="background_notification_title">Notification title</string>
<string name="background_notification_subtitle">Notification subtitle</string>

Please add a drawable resource named ic_launcher to override the default icon for the persistent notification shown when the scan runs in background.

You can find more information and example usage in the BeaconstacExample app contained in the examples directory of this repo.