Federated Learning over Wireless Networks: Convergence Analysis and Resource Allocation (Accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON))
This repository is for the Experiment Section of the paper: "Federated Learning over Wireless Networks: Convergence Analysis and Resource Allocation"
Authors: Canh T. Dinh, Nguyen H. Tran, Minh N. H. Nguyen, Choong Seon Hong, Wei Bao, Albert Zomaya, Vincent Gramoli
Paper Link: https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.13067
Source Code (Tensoflow version): https://github.com/CharlieDinh/FEDL
numpy, scipy, pytorch, Pillow, matplotlib.
To download the dependencies: pip3 install -r requirements.txt
The code can be run on any pc.
- To generate non-idd MNIST Data: In folder data/mnist, run: "python3 generate_niid_mnist_100users.py"
- To generate FEMNIST Data: first In folder data/nist run preprocess.sh to obtain all raw data, or can be download in the link below, then run python3 generate_niid_femnist_100users.py
- To generate niid Linear Synthetic: In folder data/linear_synthetic, run: "python3 generate_linear_regession.py"
- The datasets are available to download at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Q91NCGcpHQjB3bXJTvtx5qZ-TrIZ9WzT?usp=sharing
There is a main file "main.py" which allows running all experiments and 3 files "main_mnist.py, main_nist.py, main_linear.py" to produce the figures corresponding for 3 datasets. It is noted that each experiment is run at least 10 times and then the result is averaged.
To produce the experiments for Linear Regresstion:
In folder data/linear_synthetic, before generating linear data set, configure the value of
for example rho = 1.4 (in the papers we use 3 different values of : 1.4, 2, 5) then run: "python3 generate_linear_regession_update.py" to generate data corresponding to different values of . -
To find the optimal solution: In folder data/linear_synthetic, run python3 optimal_solution_finding_update.py (also the value of
need to be configured to find the optimal solution) -
To generate result for the training process, run below commands:
python3 -u main.py --dataset Linear_synthetic --algorithm FEDL --model linear --num_global_iters 200 --clients_per_round 100 --batch_size 0 --local_epochs 20 --learning_rate 0.04 --hyper_learning_rate 0.01 --rho 1.4 --times 1 python3 -u main.py --dataset Linear_synthetic --algorithm FEDL --model linear --num_global_iters 200 --clients_per_round 100 --batch_size 0 --local_epochs 20 --learning_rate 0.04 --hyper_learning_rate 0.03 --rho 1.4 --times 1 python3 -u main.py --dataset Linear_synthetic --algorithm FEDL --model linear --num_global_iters 200 --clients_per_round 100 --batch_size 0 --local_epochs 20 --learning_rate 0.04 --hyper_learning_rate 0.05 --rho 1.4 --times 1 python3 -u main.py --dataset Linear_synthetic --algorithm FEDL --model linear --num_global_iters 200 --clients_per_round 100 --batch_size 0 --local_epochs 20 --learning_rate 0.04 --hyper_learning_rate 0.07 --rho 1.4 --times 1 python3 -u main.py --dataset Linear_synthetic --algorithm FEDL --model linear --num_global_iters 200 --clients_per_round 100 --batch_size 0 --local_epochs 20 --learning_rate 0.04 --hyper_learning_rate 0.01 --rho 2 --times 1 python3 -u main.py --dataset Linear_synthetic --algorithm FEDL --model linear --num_global_iters 200 --clients_per_round 100 --batch_size 0 --local_epochs 20 --learning_rate 0.04 --hyper_learning_rate 0.03 --rho 2 --times 1 python3 -u main.py --dataset Linear_synthetic --algorithm FEDL --model linear --num_global_iters 200 --clients_per_round 100 --batch_size 0 --local_epochs 20 --learning_rate 0.04 --hyper_learning_rate 0.05 --rho 2 --times 1 python3 -u main.py --dataset Linear_synthetic --algorithm FEDL --model linear --num_global_iters 200 --clients_per_round 100 --batch_size 0 --local_epochs 20 --learning_rate 0.04 --hyper_learning_rate 0.07 --rho 2 --times 1 python3 -u main.py --dataset Linear_synthetic --algorithm FEDL --model linear --num_global_iters 200 --clients_per_round 100 --batch_size 0 --local_epochs 20 --learning_rate 0.04 --hyper_learning_rate 0.01 --rho 5 --times 1 python3 -u main.py --dataset Linear_synthetic --algorithm FEDL --model linear --num_global_iters 200 --clients_per_round 100 --batch_size 0 --local_epochs 20 --learning_rate 0.04 --hyper_learning_rate 0.03 --rho 5 --times 1 python3 -u main.py --dataset Linear_synthetic --algorithm FEDL --model linear --num_global_iters 200 --clients_per_round 100 --batch_size 0 --local_epochs 20 --learning_rate 0.04 --hyper_learning_rate 0.05 --rho 5 --times 1 python3 -u main.py --dataset Linear_synthetic --algorithm FEDL --model linear --num_global_iters 200 --clients_per_round 100 --batch_size 0 --local_epochs 20 --learning_rate 0.04 --hyper_learning_rate 0.07 --rho 5 --times 1
All the train loss, testing accuracy, and training accuracy will be stored as h5py file in the folder "results".
To produce the figure for linear regression run
python3 plot_linear.py
Note that all users are selected in Synthetic data, so the experiments for each case of synthetic only need to be run once
For MNIST, run below commands:
python3 -u main.py --dataset Mnist --algorithm FEDL --model mclr --num_global_iters 800 --clients_per_round 10 --batch_size 20 --local_epochs 20 --learning_rate 0.003 --hyper_learning_rate 0.2 --rho 0 --times 10 python3 -u main.py --dataset Mnist --algorithm FedAvg --model mclr --num_global_iters 800 --clients_per_round 10 --batch_size 20 --local_epochs 20 --learning_rate 0.003 --hyper_learning_rate 0 --rho 0 --times 10 python3 -u main.py --dataset Mnist --algorithm FEDL --model mclr --num_global_iters 800 --clients_per_round 10 --batch_size 40 --local_epochs 20 --learning_rate 0.003 --hyper_learning_rate 0.2 --rho 0 --times 10 python3 -u main.py --dataset Mnist --algorithm FedAvg --model mclr --num_global_iters 800 --clients_per_round 10 --batch_size 40 --local_epochs 20 --learning_rate 0.003 --hyper_learning_rate 0 --rho 0 --times 10 python3 -u main.py --dataset Mnist --algorithm FEDL --model mclr --num_global_iters 800 --clients_per_round 10 --batch_size 0 --local_epochs 20 --learning_rate 0.003 --hyper_learning_rate 0.2 --rho 0 --times 10 python3 -u main.py --dataset Mnist --algorithm FedAvg --model mclr --num_global_iters 800 --clients_per_round 10 --batch_size 0 --local_epochs 20 --learning_rate 0.003 --hyper_learning_rate 0 --rho 0 --times 10 python3 -u main.py --dataset Mnist --algorithm FEDL --model mclr --num_global_iters 800 --clients_per_round 10 --batch_size 0 --local_epochs 20 --learning_rate 0.003 --hyper_learning_rate 2 --rho 0 --times 10 python3 -u main.py --dataset Mnist --algorithm FEDL --model mclr --num_global_iters 800 --clients_per_round 10 --batch_size 0 --local_epochs 20 --learning_rate 0.003 --hyper_learning_rate 4 --rho 0 --times 10
To produce the figure for MNIST experiment, run
python3 plot_mnist.py
For FEMNIST, run below commands:
python3 -u main.py --dataset Femnist --algorithm FEDL --model mclr --num_global_iters 800 --clients_per_round 10 --batch_size 20 --local_epochs 10 --learning_rate 0.003 --hyper_learning_rate 0.2 --rho 0 --times 10 python3 -u main.py --dataset Femnist --algorithm FedAvg --model mclr --num_global_iters 800 --clients_per_round 10 --batch_size 20 --local_epochs 10 --learning_rate 0.003 --hyper_learning_rate 0 --rho 0 --times 10 python3 -u main.py --dataset Femnist --algorithm FEDL --model mclr --num_global_iters 800 --clients_per_round 10 --batch_size 0 --local_epochs 10 --learning_rate 0.015 --hyper_learning_rate 0.5 --rho 0 --times 10 python3 -u main.py --dataset Femnist --algorithm FEDL --model mclr --num_global_iters 800 --clients_per_round 10 --batch_size 20 --local_epochs 20 --learning_rate 0.003 --hyper_learning_rate 0.2 --rho 0 --times 10 python3 -u main.py --dataset Femnist --algorithm FedAvg --model mclr --num_global_iters 800 --clients_per_round 10 --batch_size 20 --local_epochs 20 --learning_rate 0.003 --hyper_learning_rate 0 --rho 0 --times 10 python3 -u main.py --dataset Femnist --algorithm FEDL --model mclr --num_global_iters 800 --clients_per_round 10 --batch_size 0 --local_epochs 20 --learning_rate 0.015 --hyper_learning_rate 0.5 --rho 0 --times 10 python3 -u main.py --dataset Femnist --algorithm FEDL --model mclr --num_global_iters 800 --clients_per_round 10 --batch_size 20 --local_epochs 40 --learning_rate 0.003 --hyper_learning_rate 0.2 --rho 0 --times 10 python3 -u main.py --dataset Femnist --algorithm FedAvg --model mclr --num_global_iters 800 --clients_per_round 10 --batch_size 20 --local_epochs 40 --learning_rate 0.003 --hyper_learning_rate 0 --rho 0 --times 10 python3 -u main.py --dataset Femnist --algorithm FEDL --model mclr --num_global_iters 800 --clients_per_round 10 --batch_size 0 --local_epochs 40 --learning_rate 0.015 --hyper_learning_rate 0.5 --rho 0 --times 10
To produce the figure for FEMNIST experiment, run
python3 plot_femnist.py
For non-convex experiment on (MNIST dataset): Note that FEDL is unstable with minibatch for example 20:
python3 -u main.py --dataset Mnist --algorithm FEDL --model dnn --num_global_iters 800 --clients_per_round 10 --batch_size 40 --local_epochs 20 --learning_rate 0.0015 --hyper_learning_rate 0.8 --rho 0 --times 10 python3 -u main.py --dataset Mnist --algorithm FEDL --model dnn --num_global_iters 800 --clients_per_round 10 --batch_size 0 --local_epochs 20 --learning_rate 0.0015 --hyper_learning_rate 4.0 --rho 0 --times 10