layout | title | image | status | contributors | github_repo | industry_tags | tech_tags | client_tagline | project_summary | project_url | client_mission_stmt | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
page |
Project Title |
e.g. projects/fcbikecoop.svg (dir is actually in assets/images/projects but jekyll will find it) |
In progress |
Super-short, single-line project tagline to serve as page content heading |
TLDR paragraph summary of project |
If there is one, otherwise link to repo |
If applicable, otherwise remove this line |
- In your local repository, copy this file and paste to _posts/projects/
- Fill out meta above and details below, following instructions in each.
- Fill out details below, following instructions in each.
Once the Jekyll stuff is in place, you can view the page at http://domain.or.ipaddres/projects/yyyy/mm/dd/rest-of-file-name-with-hyphens (e.g.
Everything from here down will end up in the main "Project Details" section.