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Parser for Twitch IRC messages with temotes/third party emote support.


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Parser for Twitch IRC messages.

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from twitch_irc_parser import TwitchIRC

raw = "type: pubmsg, source: crippledbyte!, target: #testchannel, arguments: ['Kappa this is a test FeelsDankMan TeaTime'], tags: [{'key': 'badge-info', 'value': None}, {'key': 'badges', 'value': 'broadcaster/1,twitchconEU2022/1'}, {'key': 'color', 'value': '#3FB5BA'}, {'key': 'display-name', 'value': 'CrippledByte'}, {'key': 'emotes', 'value': '25:0-4'}, {'key': 'first-msg', 'value': '0'}, {'key': 'flags', 'value': None}, {'key': 'id', 'value': 'e35baca3-0653-4502-aa6d-ed25006905ea'}, {'key': 'mod', 'value': '0'}, {'key': 'returning-chatter', 'value': '0'}, {'key': 'room-id', 'value': '123456789'}, {'key': 'subscriber', 'value': '0'}, {'key': 'tmi-sent-ts', 'value': '1674656103223'}, {'key': 'turbo', 'value': '0'}, {'key': 'user-id', 'value': '53862903'}, {'key': 'user-type', 'value': None}]"

message = TwitchIRC.Message(raw)

if message.is_parsed:
    print('User: @' + message.user['display_name'])
    print('Channel: #' +['name'])
    print('Text: ' + message.text)
    print('Timestamp: ' + message.timestamp)

which outputs:

User: @CrippledByte
Channel: #testchannel
Text: Kappa this is a test FeelsDankMan TeaTime
Timestamp: 2023-01-25T15:15:03.223000

It's possible to define emotes and bots (see

message = TwitchIRC.Message(raw, emotes=EMOTES, bots=BOTS)

Message class


  • Unavailable values are None.
key type examples description
"raw" string "type: pubmsg, source: ..." Input IRC message.
"is_parsed" boolean True Message was parsed successfully.
"id" string "e35baca3-0653-4502-aa6d-ed25006905ea" Message identifier in GUID format.
"channel" dict Channel dict Contains information about the channel that the message was sent in.
"user" dict User dict Contains information about the user that sent the message.
"text" string 👋 hello! FeelsDankMan TeaTime Message text including emote text.
"timestamp" string "2023-01-25T15:15:03.223000" Message sent timestamp in ISO 8601 format.
"text_color" string None, "#3FB5BA" Color of the message text (same as user color if '/me' action was used).
"badges" OrderedDict {"vip": "1", "subscriber": "3012", "sub-gift-leader": "1"} Badges of user that are visible in message.
"emotes" list list of Emotes dict Emotes used in message.
"tmi_sent_ts" int 1674656103223 Message sent Unix timestamp with milliseconds.

Channel dict

key type examples description
"id" int 123456789 Channel id.
"name" string "testchannel" Channel name (lowercase, room id without # prefix).

User dict

key type examples description
"id" int 53862903 User id.
"type" string Unknown.
"name" string "crippledbyte" User name (lower case).
"display_name" string "CrippledByte" User name with capitalization.
"color" string "#3FB5BA" Color of user name.
"subscription_time_months" int 25 Number of months the user has been subscribed to this channel.
"is_bot" boolean User is pre-defined bot.
"is_moderator" boolean User is moderator in this channel.
"is_vip" boolean User is vip in this channel.
"is_partner" boolean User is Twitch partner.
"is_broadcaster" boolean User is broadcaster in this channel.
"is_subscribed" boolean The user is currenly subscribed to the channel.
"is_first_message_in_channel" boolean First message in this channel by user.
"has_twitch_turbo" boolean User has Twitch Turbo.

Emotes dict

key type examples description
"id" int "25", "emotesv2_9df75c0cd2204b6c9f4d079c066e6245" Twitch emote id (optional).
"code" string "Kappa", "popCat" Text of emote.
"provider" string "twitch", "7tv", "bttv", "ffz" Emote provider.
"range" list [0, 4], [21, 32] [start, end] of emote code position in message text.
"urls" list Url dict List of image urls and sizes.
"zero_width" boolean Emote is a zero width emote.

Url dict

key type examples description
"id" int "1x", "2x", "3x", "4x", Size of emote the url points to. Not all sizes are always available.
"code" string "", "" Url of emote image.


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