Hello, I'm Ezequiel, a senior MLOps with a passion for scaling machine learning solutions to solve big problems. I have been programming with Python since I was just 16, and I've been hooked ever since. Programming is not just my profession, but also a hobby that I thoroughly enjoy. I love taking on new challenges and exploring innovative technologies to push the boundaries of what's possible in ML.
My programming journey began with traditional software development, building command-line interfaces and full-stack web applications. However, as I dived deeper into the world of data science, I found my true calling in machine learning. I enjoy nothing more than taking a complex data problem and devising a scalable solution that can make a real-world impact.
In addition to my work in ML, I'm also a Bayesian statistics enthusiast. I believe that statistical methods can help us better understand the world and make more informed decisions. That's why I've spent considerable time studying and applying Bayesian statistics to various domains, with a focus on incorporating prior knowledge into ML models.
When I'm not working on ML projects, you can find me writing on my personal blog about programming, data science, and other tech-related topics. I'm also a passionate Christian and an active member of my church community. I love exploring the intersection of my faith and my love for statistics and data science.
Packages I maintain:
- pycracks
- fastapi-hypermodel
- Pelican Plugin - Blur Thumbnails
- Pelican Plugin - URL Shortener
- Pelican Plugin - Service Worker
- Pelican Plugin - Bundler and Cache Busting
- Streamlit-multipage (archive)
Online guides I wrote:
- Understanding Programming Paradigms
- Python Security
- Python For Programmers
- Flask Full Stack Cookiecutter
- Python WebScrapping with Playwright, Selenium and Dagster
- Jupyer Book Template
- Python Design Patterns (WIP)
- Python Typing (WIP)
- Control Theory (Spanish)
Web Apps I developed:
- Personal blog - Web - Repo
- Lyrics to PPT - Web - Repo
- WatchThis - Web - Repo
- Interactive Optimization - Web - Repo
- Finance Tools - Web - Repo
- Tabú Bíblico (Spanish) - Web - Repo
- Jupyter Map - Web - Repo
Below you will find some stats of the things I do outside of my work
From: 01 April 2017 - To: 25 March 2025
Total Time: 1,850 hrs 29 mins
Python 833 hrs 35 mins ###########-------------- 45.05 %
Markdown 231 hrs 57 mins ###---------------------- 12.54 %
HTML 144 hrs 5 mins ##----------------------- 07.79 %
Jupyter Notebook 123 hrs 45 mins ##----------------------- 06.69 %
JavaScript 101 hrs 34 mins #------------------------ 05.49 %
YAML 96 hrs 21 mins #------------------------ 05.21 %
Other 40 hrs 50 mins #------------------------ 02.21 %
C# 40 hrs 46 mins #------------------------ 02.20 %
TOML 38 hrs 6 mins #------------------------ 02.06 %
JSON 31 hrs 27 mins ------------------------- 01.70 %