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Advanced all-in-one discord bot with prefix & slash commands


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Advanced all-in-one discord bot with prefix & slash commands

With over 100 slash commands and over 50 prefix commands, Testify is an open source discord bot that's easy to set up and use and full of fun features for your servers!

To test out Testify, be sure to invite him to your server by clicking here


Never share or commit your .env file or any of its values! These contain sensitive information including your bot token, MongoDB credentials, and API keys that could be used to compromise your systems or incur unwanted charges if leaked. Always add .env to your .gitignore file.

Table of Contents

โญ If you're a fan of this repository or have used it or any of its code, please consider leaving us a star. It would be greatly appreciated and allows us to see if users value the bot! โญ


Moderation Tools

  • Complete Moderation Suite: Ban, kick, timeout, warn, and mute functionality
  • Auto-moderation: Filter profanity, spam, and inappropriate content
  • Audit Logging: Comprehensive logging of all moderation actions
  • Ticket System: Create and manage support tickets with transcripts

Entertainment & Fun

  • Music System: Play music from YouTube, Spotify, and SoundCloud with queue management
  • Leveling System: XP and ranking system with customizable rewards
  • Mini-games: Variety of games including RPS, coinflip, 8ball, and more
  • Meme Commands: Random memes, jokes, and fun interactions

Information & Utility

  • User Info: Detailed user information with profile cards
  • Server Info: Server statistics and information
  • Role Info: Detailed role information including permissions
  • Profile System: Create and customize user profiles

Integration & API Features

  • Valorant Integration: View skins, store, and player info
  • Instagram Notifications: Get notified of new posts from Instagram accounts
  • Spotify Integration: Advanced Spotify tracking and integration
  • Weather Information: Get weather forecasts for any location


  • Custom Prefix: Set a custom prefix for your server
  • Custom Embeds: Create and customize rich embeds
  • Announcement System: Create professional announcements
  • Thread Management: Create and manage threads


System Requirements

Operating System Support Status Notes
Windows 11 โœ… Full Support Recommended for development
Windows 10 โœ… Full Support Recommended for development
macOS โœ… Full Support Tested on macOS Ventura+
Linux (Ubuntu) โœ… Full Support Tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS+
Linux (Debian) โœ… Full Support Tested on Debian 11+
Linux (CentOS) โœ… Full Support Tested on CentOS 8+
Linux (Fedora) โœ… Full Support Tested on Fedora 34+

Node.js Support

Node.js Version Support Status Notes
v18.13.0+ โœ… Supported Minimum required version
v19.x โœ… Supported
v20.x โœ… Supported Recommended for best performance
v21.x โœ… Supported Latest features


If you're struggling to use a certain node version, I'd suggest either downgrading or upgrading your version using nvm To install nvm, please follow this link.



  • Project Setup

    1. Fork the Github project :

      1. Sign up / Sign in to GitHub.
      2. Navigate to Testify.
      3. Click Star to support development.
      4. Click Fork to copy all code to your own repository.
    2. Click the Code button. From the drop-down that appears, click Download ZIP to download the entire repository as a ZIP folder.

    3. Extract the files to a new folder and open it with Visual Studio Code.

  • Obtain Discord Bot Token

    1. Sign in to Discord Developer Portal.

    2. Create a bot :

      1. Enter the left side Applications.
      2. Click New Application in the upper right corner and enter the name of the bot. After confirmation, enter the new page.
      3. Click on the left side Bot.
      4. Enable all intents listed under Privileged Gateway Intents and click Save Changes.
      5. View and copy the token by clicking the Reset Token button.
    3. Set up OAuth2 :

      1. Click on OAuth2 in the left column.
      2. Click on URL Generator in the left column.
      3. In the right column, select bot and applications.commands under SCOPES.
      4. Scroll down and select Administrator under BOT PERMISSIONS.
      5. Copy the URL at the bottom and paste it into your browser.
      6. Choose the server you want to add the bot to and click Continue > Authorize.
  • Obtain MongoDB Connection String

    1. Sign up / Sign in to MongoDB.
    2. Choose your preferred cloud database plan.
    3. Customize the cluster settings to your preference and click Create Cluster.
    4. Navigate to the Network Access page, click Add IP Address and select Allow access from anywhere.
    5. Navigate back to the Database page and click Connect.
    6. Create a database user, click Choose a connection method and select Connect your application.
    7. Copy your connection string and replace <password> with the password for the database user that you created earlier.
  • Setting up the env file

    If you go along with this, you can ignore the parts in the Project Execution that explain how to generate and fill in the .env

    1. For easy setup of the env files, ( .env & .development.env ) you can run the command npm run setup-env:prod
    2. Once you've ran the command, it generates a script in the console
    3. You need to then fill out the fields in the console. Fields marked with the text "Required" are you required fields and you need to fill those ones in. The script will not continue if you ignore to fill in those fields.
    4. Once you've filled in the field, it will write those fields into and generate the .env.
    5. Alternatively, you can ignore this and fill in the fields yourself by viewing the .example.env file.
    6. If you then want to setup the .env.development file, you can run the command npm run setup-env:dev and follow the steps above again.
  • Project Execution

    1. Rename the filed named example.env to .env
    2. Navigate to the Bot page on the Discord Developer Portal and click Reset Token. Afterwards, create a .env file within the root directory.
    3. Paste your bot token into the token variable inside the .env file.
    4. Paste your MongoDB connection string into the mongodb variable inside the .env file.
    5. Navigate to the OAuth2 page and copy the CLIENT ID.
    6. Paste your client ID into the clientid variable inside the .env file.
    7. Navigate to your discord server, enable developer mode and right click the dropdown beside the server name.
    8. Click Copy Server ID and paste it into the guildid variable inside the .env file.
    9. Visit the Spotify web API docs and sign in. Once signed in, navigate to dashboard. Once on here, you'll need to create an app. Fill out the steps on the site to create your app. Once created, you'll need to copy your clientid and client secret into the SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID & SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET fields in the .env file. You can leave the SPOTIFY_REDIRECT_URI as it is. Only change this if you're updating the port of the Spotify server.
    10. Navigate to the package.json file and pay attention to the runnable commands listed under scripts.
    11. Open the terminal in Visual Studio Code and install all necessary packages using npm run setup. This will install the dependencies and give you a brief install guide
    12. Open a new terminal and type npm run prod to run the file without using nodemon or npm run prod:nodemon to run the bot with nodemon.
    13. The bot should then turn online, you should be able to see this by the console logs that is setup upon start up
  • Runnable commands (scripts)

    Wipe Database -
    To wipe the database that is connected via your mongoDB url, you can run the command npm run wipe-data:prod, this brings up a menu which you can follow in order to either wipe the entire database from all it's data, or wipe all the data from individual schemas.

    Update Packages -
    To update all your dependencies, you can run the command npm run update-packages, this cycles through the dependencies and updates one's which are out of date.

    update-ytdl-core -
    To update the version of the ytdl-core package, you can run the command npm run update-ytdl-core, this updates the package to the most recent version to ensure the music system works.

    setup-env:prod -
    To run the setup of the .env file you can run the command npm run setup-env:prod, this generates a script in the console that generates a .env file and where you fill out the fields with whats required for the .env file and it writes it in the file.

    setup-env:dev -
    To run the setup of the .env.development file you can run the command npm run setup-env:dev, this generates a script in the console that generates a .env.development file and where you fill out the fields with whats required for the .env.development file and it writes it in the file.

    log-setup -
    To run the setup of the colored logs in the discord-logs module. This saves you from manually doing the below method Setting-up-audit-logs

Command Categories

Slash Command Categories

Category Name Description
AiCommands AI-based commands for chat responses, image generation and analysis
AuditLogging Configuration for server audit logging
Automod Automated moderation tools to filter content
Community General utility commands for the community
Devs Developer-specific tools and utilities
Economy Currency and economic system commands
Fun Entertainment and amusement commands
Giveaway Tools for running server giveaways
Help Documentation and assistance commands
InfoCommands Information retrieval tools
InstaNotification Instagram post tracking system
LevelAndEconomy Experience and economy management
LevelSystem User level progression system
MiniGames Various interactive games
Other Miscellaneous commands
Owner Bot owner administration commands
PrefixSettings Configuration for custom prefixes
Profile User profile management system
Spotify Spotify integration and tracking
Valorant Valorant game information and tracking

Prefix Command Categories

Category Name Description
Dev Developer-specific tools and debug commands
EconomyCommands Currency system management commands
FunCommands Entertainment and amusing interactions
InfoCommands Information retrieval commands
LevelCommands User progression and level management
ModerationCommands Server moderation and administration tools
Music Audio playback and music commands
OwnerCommands Bot owner-only administrative commands
TestCommands Testing and experimental features
UtilityCommands General utility and helper commands


To set the advanced logs registry for the Testify audit-logs ( the event handler registers ) than follow this!

  1. Navigate to node_modules => discord-logs => lib => index.js
  2. Once in the index.js file for the discord logs package you'll want to copy and paste this code in below.
 "use strict";
 var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
     function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
     return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
         function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
         function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
         function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
         step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());

 const color = {
     red: '\x1b[31m',
     orange: '\x1b[38;5;202m',
     yellow: '\x1b[33m',
     green: '\x1b[32m',
     blue: '\x1b[34m',
     reset: '\x1b[0m',
     pink: '\x1b[38;5;213m'

 function getTimestamp() {
     const date = new Date();
     const year = date.getFullYear();
     const month = date.getMonth() + 1;
     const day = String(date.getDate()).padStart(2, "0");
     const hours = String(date.getHours()).padStart(2, "0");
     const minutes = String(date.getMinutes()).padStart(2, "0");
     const seconds = String(date.getSeconds()).padStart(2, "0");
     return `${year}-${month}-${day} ${hours}:${minutes}:${seconds}`;

 const discord_js_1 = require("discord.js");
 const handlers_1 = require("./handlers");
 let eventRegistered = false;
 module.exports = (client, options) => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {
     if (eventRegistered)
     eventRegistered = true;
     const intents = new discord_js_1.IntentsBitField(client.options.intents);
     if (intents.has(discord_js_1.IntentsBitField.Flags.Guilds)) {
         if (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.debug)
             console.log(`${}[${getTimestamp()}] ${color.reset}[AUDIT_LOGS] ChannelUpdate event handler registered.`);
         client.on('channelUpdate', (oldChannel, newChannel) => {
             (0, handlers_1.handleChannelUpdateEvent)(client, oldChannel, newChannel);
         if (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.debug)
             console.log(`${}[${getTimestamp()}] ${color.reset}[AUDIT_LOGS] GuildUpdate event handler registered.`);
         client.on('guildUpdate', (oldGuild, newGuild) => {
             (0, handlers_1.handleGuildUpdateEvent)(client, oldGuild, newGuild);
         if (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.debug)
             console.log(`${}[${getTimestamp()}] ${color.reset}[AUDIT_LOGS] RoleUpdate event handler registered.`);
         client.on('roleUpdate', (oldRole, newRole) => {
             (0, handlers_1.handleRoleUpdateEvent)(client, oldRole, newRole);
         if (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.debug)
             console.log(`${}[${getTimestamp()}] ${color.reset}[AUDIT_LOGS] ThreadUpdate event handler registered.`);
         client.on('threadUpdate', (oldThread, newThread) => {
             (0, handlers_1.handleThreadChannelUpdateEvent)(client, oldThread, newThread);
     else {
         if (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.debug)
             console.log(`channelUpdate, guildUpdate, roleUpdate and threadUpdate event handlers not registered (missing Guilds intent).`);
     if (intents.has(discord_js_1.IntentsBitField.Flags.GuildMembers)) {
         if (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.debug)
             console.log(`${}[${getTimestamp()}] ${color.reset}[AUDIT_LOGS] GuildMemberUpdate event handler registered.`);
         client.on('guildMemberUpdate', (oldMember, newMember) => {
             (0, handlers_1.handleGuildMemberUpdateEvent)(client, oldMember, newMember);
         if (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.debug)
             console.log(`${}[${getTimestamp()}] ${color.reset}[AUDIT_LOGS] UserUpdate event handler registered.`);
         client.on('userUpdate', (oldUser, newUser) => {
             (0, handlers_1.handleUserUpdateEvent)(client, oldUser, newUser);
     else {
         if (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.debug)
             console.log('guildMemberUpdate, userUpdate event handlers not registered (missing GuildMembers intent).');
     if (intents.has(discord_js_1.IntentsBitField.Flags.GuildMessages && discord_js_1.IntentsBitField.Flags.MessageContent)) {
         if (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.debug)
             console.log(`${}[${getTimestamp()}] ${color.reset}[AUDIT_LOGS] MessageUpdate event handler registered.`);
         client.on('messageUpdate', (oldMessage, newMessage) => {
             (0, handlers_1.handleMessageUpdateEvent)(client, oldMessage, newMessage);
     else {
         if (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.debug)
             console.log('messageUpdate event handler not registered (missing GuildMessages or MessageContent intent).');
     if (intents.has(discord_js_1.IntentsBitField.Flags.GuildPresences)) {
         if (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.debug)
             console.log(`${}[${getTimestamp()}] ${color.reset}[AUDIT_LOGS] PresenceUpdate event handler registered.`);
         client.on('presenceUpdate', (oldPresence, newPresence) => {
             (0, handlers_1.handlePresenceUpdateEvent)(client, oldPresence, newPresence);
     else {
         if (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.debug)
             console.log('presenceUpdate event handler not registered (missing GuildPresences intent).');
     if (intents.has(discord_js_1.IntentsBitField.Flags.GuildVoiceStates)) {
         if (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.debug)
             console.log(`${}[${getTimestamp()}] ${color.reset}[AUDIT_LOGS] VoiceStateUpdate event handler registered.`);
         client.on('voiceStateUpdate', (oldState, newState) => {
             (0, handlers_1.handleVoiceStateUpdateEvent)(client, oldState, newState);
     else {
         if (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.debug)
             console.log('voiceStateUpdate event handler not registered (missing GuildVoiceStates intent).');
  1. This code makes the logs register like so this image below Audit-logs
  2. To update the color of the logs, you can change the part ${} to the color you'd like which are defined in the color variable.
  3. That should be it, now when you start up the bot, it should look all cool ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Technical Features

Console Logger

  • Discord Webhook Integration: All console output is sent to a Discord webhook for remote monitoring
  • Rate Limiting: Intelligent handling of Discord API rate limits to prevent errors
  • Message Batching: Efficiently batches messages to reduce API calls
  • Error Handling: Robust error handling with proper logging

Database Integration

  • MongoDB Integration: Complete database integration for persistent data storage
  • Schema System: Well-organized schema system for all bot functionality
  • Data Management: Tools for data management and backup

API Integrations

  • Valorant API: Integration with Valorant API for game data
  • Spotify API: Integration with Spotify API for music data
  • Instagram API: Integration for tracking Instagram posts
  • Weather API: Integration for weather forecasts

Performance Optimization

  • Command Handler: Efficient command handling for both prefix and slash commands
  • Event Manager: Comprehensive event management system
  • Process Management: Proper handling of process events and termination


Connect with us on Discord for support / any related inquiry.


Released under the terms of MIT License license.

Thanks to TheLegendDev for the readme template from Nub Bot ๐Ÿ’›