This module simply encapsulates SimplixStorage and provides serialization annotations and factory mode for faster use. It handles thread safety internally, so it can be used safely in a multithreaded environment.
// Dependencies
dependencies {
// annotation module
// configuration module
public class Example extends Plugin {
public void onPluginEnable() {
SimplixBuilder simplixBuilder =
SimplixBuilderFactory.createSimplixBuilder("example", "D:/");
Yaml yaml = simplixBuilder.createYaml(); // json / toml / yaml
// do something eg:
yaml.set("example", "test"); // thread safety
// more about SimplixStorage:
We recommend using SimplixSerializer
for serialization and deserialization, which can be implemented internally using
The SimplixSerializerSerializableAutoRegister
annotation will automatically register the serializer.
public class PlantSerializable implements SimplixSerializable<Plant> {
public Plant deserialize(@NonNull Object object) throws ClassCastException {
// deserialize
public Object serialize(@NonNull Plant plant) throws ClassCastException {
// serialize
public Class<Plant> getClazz() {
return Plant.class; // return the class of the object
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SimplixSerializer.deserialize(plantString, Plant.class);