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- ET6-edXtras Public
Examples and exercises to complement 6.00.1x and 6.00.2x. This repo is a work in progress! We'll continue updating it based as you progress through the edX courses based on your feedback. PRs welcome!
- ET6-Recitations-6001x Public
This repository contains workshop materials and practice problems to supplement MITx: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python.
- ET6-Suggested-Study Public
Suggested resources to accompany the MIT Emerging Talent Certificate in Computer and Data Science.
- ET6-Social-Coding Public
This repository contains starter code and resources for Social Coding workshops covering 1-off fun subjects like generative art, coding competitions, code reading sessions or pseudocoding.
- ET6-Recitations-6002x Public
This repository contains workshop materials and practice problems to supplement MITx: Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science.
- ET6-MITx-Recitation-Group41 Public
- ET6-MITx-Recitation-Group40 Public
- ET6-MITx-Recitation-Group39 Public
- ET6-MITx-Recitation-Group38 Public