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This document contains the results of the Model2Vec project. The results are presented in the following sections:

MTEB Results

Model2Vec is evaluated on MTEB, as well as two additional tasks: PEARL (a phrase representation task) and WordSim (a collection of word similarity tasks). The results are shown in the table below.

Note: The potion and M2V models are our static models.

Model Avg (All) Avg (MTEB) Class Clust PairClass Rank Ret STS Sum Pearl WordSim
all-MiniLM-L6-v2 56.08 56.09 62.62 41.94 82.37 58.04 41.95 78.90 30.81 60.83 49.91
potion-base-32M 52.46 51.66 65.97 35.29 78.17 50.92 33.52 74.22 29.78 55.37 55.15
potion-base-8M 50.54 50.03 64.44 32.93 76.62 49.73 31.71 73.24 29.28 53.54 50.75
potion-retrieval-32M 49.73 49.76 59.56 30.55 76.38 50.05 36.35 73.22 28.85 49.31 50.02
potion-base-4M 48.87 48.23 62.19 31.47 75.37 48.75 29.11 72.19 28.89 52.55 49.21
static-retrieval-mrl-en-v1 48.18 48.36 57.39 28.32 75.63 49.16 35.61 72.18 28.64 49.68 44.76
static-similarity-mrl-multilingual-v1 48.15 47.15 59.96 24.40 79.02 48.25 29.54 74.88 30.28 51.66 51.66
M2V_base_output 46.79 45.34 61.25 25.58 74.9 47.63 26.14 68.58 29.2 54.02 49.18
potion-base-2M 45.52 44.77 58.45 27.5 73.72 46.82 24.13 70.14 31.51 50.82 44.72
GloVe_300d 42.84 42.36 57.31 27.66 72.48 43.3 22.78 61.9 28.81 45.65 43.05
BPEmb_50k_300d 39.34 37.78 55.76 23.35 57.86 43.21 17.5 55.1 29.74 47.56 41.28
Task Abbreviations

For readability, the MTEB task names are abbreviated as follows:

  • Class: Classification
  • Clust: Clustering
  • PairClass: PairClassification
  • Rank: Reranking
  • Ret: Retrieval
  • STS: Semantic Textual Similarity
  • Sum: Summarization

The results show that potion-base-32M is the most performant static embedding model. It reaches 92.11% of the performance of all-MiniLM-L6-v2 with an average MTEB score of 51.66 while being orders of magnitude faster.

Note: the potion-retrieval-32M, static-retrieval-mrl-en-v1, and static-similarity-mrl-multilingual-v1 models are task-specific models. We've included them for completeness, but they should not be compared directly to the other models for tasks that they are not designed for.

The figure below shows the relationship between the number of sentences per second and the average MTEB score. The circle sizes correspond to the number of parameters in the models (larger = more parameters). This plot shows that the potion and M2V models are much faster than the other models, while still being competitive in terms of performance with the all-MiniLM-L6-v2 model. NOTE: for fairness of comparison, we disabled multiprocessing for Model2Vec for this benchmark. All sentence-transformers models are run with the sentence-transformers library's default settings for encode.

Figure: The average MTEB score plotted against sentences per second. The circle size indicates model size.

Retrieval Results

A subset of models we created and compare against are specifically designed for retrieval tasks. The results are shown in the table below, including two general-purpose models for comparison and a transformer.

Model Retrieval Score
all-MiniLM-L6-v2 41.95
potion-retrieval-32M 36.35
static-retrieval-mrl-en-v1 35.61
potion-base-32M 33.52
potion-base-8M 31.71

As can be seen, potion-retrieval-32M model is the most performant static retrieval model, reaching 86.65%% of the performance of all-MiniLM-L6-v2 with a retrieval score of 36.35.

Training Results

The main results for Model2Vec training are outlined in this section.

We compare five different architectures for our main results:

  • model2vec + logreg: A model2vec model with a scikit-learn LogisticRegressionCV on top.
  • model2vec full finetune: A model2vec classifier with the full model finetuned. This uses our StaticModelForClassification.
  • tfidf: A TF-IDF model with a scikit-learn LogisticRegressionCV on top.
  • setfit: A SetFit model trained using all-minilm-l6-v2 as a base model.
  • bge-base + logreg: A BGE-base encoder model with a scikit-learn LogisticRegressionCV on top.

We use 14 classification datasets, using 1000 examples from the train set, and the full test set. No parameters were tuned on any validation set. All datasets were taken from the Setfit organization on Hugging Face.

dataset tfidf model2vec + logreg model2vec full finetune setfit bge-base + logreg
20_newgroups 50.71 56.24 57.94 61.29 67.39
ade 71.46 79.20 79.68 83.05 86.12
ag_news 81.68 86.70 87.20 88.01 88.95
amazon_counterfactual 85.18 90.96 91.93 95.51 92.74
bbc 95.09 95.80 97.21 96.60 97.50
emotion 59.28 65.57 67.11 72.86 65.63
enron_spam 96.00 96.40 96.85 97.45 97.30
hatespeech_offensive 66.45 83.54 85.61 87.69 84.92
imdb 80.44 85.34 85.59 86.00 92.25
massive_scenario 77.26 82.86 84.42 83.54 87.07
senteval_cr 65.61 77.03 79.47 86.15 90.53
sst5 18.52 32.34 37.95 42.31 38.49
student 74.16 83.20 85.02 89.62 89.71
subj 86.39 89.20 89.85 93.80 94.55
tweet_sentiment_extraction 53.20 64.96 62.65 75.15 69.48
tfidf model2vec + logreg model2vec full finetune setfit bge-base + logreg
average 70.8 78.0 79.2 82.6 82.8

As can be seen see, full fine-tuning brings modest performance improvements in some cases, but very large ones in other cases, leading to a pretty large increase in average score. Our advice is to test both if you can use potion-base-32m, and to use full fine-tuning if you are starting from another base model.

The speed difference between model2vec and the other models is immeense, with the full finetune being 35x faster than a setfit based on all-minilm-l6-v2 on CPU and 200x faster than thebge-base transformer model.

tfidf model2vec + logreg model2vec full finetune setfit bge-base + logreg
samples / second 108434 17925 24744 716 118

The figure below shows the relationship between the number of sentences per second and the average training score, where we've included more transformer-based models for comparison.

Figure: The average training score plotted against sentences per second (log scale).


To better understand the factors contributing to the performance of Model2Vec, we conducted a comprehensive set of ablation studies, covering various aspects of the model's architecture and preprocessing methods. In these studies, we examined the impact of key elements such as PCA, Zipf weighting, and the use of Sentence Transformers versus regular transformer models. We also compared the performance of input embeddings versus output embeddings, since it would seem plausible that these should also work well. The results are shown in the table below.

Model Avg (All) Avg (MTEB) Class Clust PairClass Rank Ret STS Sum Pearl WordSim
M2V_base_output 46.79 45.34 61.25 25.58 74.9 47.63 26.14 68.58 29.2 54.02 49.18
M2V_base_output_nopca 44.04 42.31 61.42 20.15 68.21 44.67 25.25 61.87 29.85 51.02 48.96
M2V_base_output_nozipf 43.61 41.52 60.44 21.62 72.15 45.57 20.35 62.71 30.66 52.28 49.17
M2V_base_input_nozipf_nopca 40.97 39.55 54.16 18.62 68.3 43.65 23.63 59.38 32.04 50.19 40.52
M2V_base_output_nozipf_nopca 40.8 38.44 59.78 19.31 62.39 42.26 19.01 55.16 30 49.09 48.97
M2V_base_input 40.74 39.93 60.35 22.66 59.63 43.02 25.47 50.05 29.35 50.61 34.47
M2V_bert_output_nozipf_nopca 35.54 34.82 55.69 15.42 58.68 39.87 12.92 55.24 30.15 46.9 26.72

There's four main findings in these results:

  1. Non-Sentence Transformers do not work well. This can be seen by comparing M2V_bert_output_nozipf_nopca (which uses BERT, a non-Sentence Transformer) and M2V_base_output_nozipf_nopca (which uses BGE-base, a Sentence Transformer). Using a Sentence Transformer gives a ~5.2% increase in performance.
  2. PCA is crucial for performance. This can be seen by comparing M2V_base_output_nozipf_nopca and M2V_base_output_nozipf which gives a ~2.8% increase in performance. Furthermore, PCA improves performance on all tasks.
  3. Zipf weighting is crucial for performance. This can be seen by comparing M2V_base_output_nozipf_nopca and M2V_base_output_nopca which gives a ~3.1% increase in performance.
  4. Output embeddings outperform input embeddings. This can be seen by comparing M2V_base_input and M2V_base_output which gives a ~6.1% increase in performance. Note that input embeddings do work well for some tasks. We hypothesize that this is because input embeddings are inherently normalized.