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Library Telegram bot Awesome

A Telegram bot to handle your personal library.

How to deploy the bot completely free (Cloudflare based)

It can handle 100k requests for free per day (Cloudflare limits).

Click here to expand the deployment.

The deployment only takes less than 10 minutes.

  • Create a new bot on telegram with @BotFather. Save the api token for future use.

  • Create a Cloudflare account.

  • Go to workers & pages then create a new worker so deploy it.

  • Click edit so replace the code with the content of lib_tel_bot.js. Deploy it.

  • Click configure worker, go to setting, go to variables.

  • Add the variable API_KEY (secret type). Which is the bot api token.

  • Add the variable SECRET_TOKEN (secret type). Generate its value through the script You can also type it with your hands (1-256 characters. Only characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _ and - are allowed). Save it for future use.

  • Optionally you can add a variable GBOOKS_API_KEY (secret type), which is a Google API key restricted to the Books API service. It let you do more requests, generally you don't need it unless you plan to do thousands of requests per day.

  • Encrypt (set the secrect type!) all variables and save.

  • DB setup

    Follow the instructions in the DB setup file.

  • Webhook

    Open the following link after substitution to configure webhook.<replace with your bot api token>/setWebhook?url=<replace with your worker url>&secret_token=<replace with your secret token>

    You should see something like {"ok":true,"result":true,"description":"Webhook was set"} then the bot works.

    If you filled wrong info or need to update info you can delete webhook and then you can set it again. Open the following link after substitution to delete webhook.<replace with your bot api token>/deleteWebhook

🀌 Try it!

πŸ“œ User guide

😎 Admin

An admin can also run user commands.

  • /add <ISBN10 or ISBN13> <Optionally the book's title> adds the book to the DB by taking the data from Google books API or Open Library API. It shows also the added book's data. A query with also the title has more probability of success.
  • /del <ISBN10 or ISBN13> removes the book from the DB.
  • /addmanually <isbn10>;<isbn13>;<title>;<authors>;<publisher>;<publishedDate>;<pageCount>;<textSnippet>;<description>;<language>;<location>;<thumbnail (image cover link)>;<price> adds the book with all the specified data. Don't use ";" in fileds. Leave empty a field if you don't want to specify it (e.g. ;1234567890123;Hello;;;;;;;;room a, library 3;;).
  • /settitle <ISBN10 or ISBN13> <New book's title> changes the book's title to the specified.
  • /setauthors <ISBN10 or ISBN13> <New book's authors> changes the book's authors to the specified.
  • /setpublisher <ISBN10 or ISBN13> <New book's publisher> changes the book's publisher to the specified.
  • /setdate <ISBN10 or ISBN13> <New book's publishedDate> changes the book's publishedDate to the specified.
  • /setpages <ISBN10 or ISBN13> <New book's pageCount> changes the book's pageCount to the specified.
  • /setsnippet <ISBN10 or ISBN13> <New book's textSnippet> changes the book's textSnippet to the specified.
  • /setdesc <ISBN10 or ISBN13> <New book's description> changes the book's description to the specified.
  • /setlang <ISBN10 or ISBN13> <New book's language code> changes the book's language code (e.g., en, it, ..) to the specified.
  • /setlocation <ISBN10 or ISBN13> <New book's location> changes the book's location to the specified.
  • /setprice <ISBN10 or ISBN13> <New book's price> changes the book's price to the specified.
  • /setthumbnail <ISBN10 or ISBN13> <Thumbnail image link> changes the book's thumbnail to the specified.

😊 User

  • Send any text message to search for books by title in DB.
  • /show <ISBN10 or ISBN13> shows all the book's data if the book exists in DB.
  • /count shows the total number of books in DB.
  • /pagecount shows the total number of pages in DB.
  • /totalvalue shows the total value (prices' sum) of books in DB.
  • /help shows a link to this user guide.
  • /searchauthor <Author name> shows books in DB by the author name.
  • /searchpublisher <Publisher name> shows books in DB by the publisher name.

😭 Others

They can do nothing. If you want everyone able to do read only operations remove the users check ("export default" zone).

πŸ› οΈ To do

  • Search books by published date.
  • Favorites hadling.
  • Web interface.

πŸ’­ Discussion

For any comment or to request a new feature you can either use the Discussions section or contact me through the bot.

🫢 Support

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