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A Curated List of Some of the Commonly Asked Interview Questions and their Answers

Note: Currenlty I am collecting the questions, after collecting the questions, I will start writing the answers also. You can contribute also in Questions and Answers. Please give some stars ⭐ for the inspiration.

Table of Contents


  • What do you understand about the universal selector?
  • What do you understand by the universal sector?
  • Differentiate between the use of ID selector and class selector.
  • How can you use CSS to control image repetition?
  • Are the HTML tags and elements the same thing?
  • Difference between inline, block and inline-block element. Is it possible to change an inline element into a block level element?
  • What are HTML meta tags?
  • Differentiate between a div and a span.
  • What do you understand by CSS box model?
  • How is Cell Padding different from Cell Spacing?
  • Define z-index.
  • How do you specify units in the CSS? What are the different ways to do it?
  • What are CSS Pseudo-elements and Pseudo-classes?
  • What are the different Media types in CSS?
  • What is SASS?
  • What is the difference between an ‘ID’ and a ‘Class’?
  • What is meant by specificity?
  • What is the Box model in CSS? Which CSS properties are a part of it?
  • What is VH/VW units in CSS?
  • What is progressive rendering?
  • What is the importance of CSS Sprites?

Git & GitHub

  • What do you understand by the term ‘Version Control System’?
  • What’s the difference between Git and GitHub?
  • Name a few Git commands with their function.
  • Difference between git fetch and git pull.
  • What is a git repository?
  • What does git clone do?
  • What does git status command do?
  • What is merge conflict?
  • How can you remove a merge conflict?
  • What does the command git config do?
  • What does git add command do?
  • Define 'index'.
  • What is the functionality of git Is-tree?
  • Explain head in terms of git and also explain the number of heads that can be present in a repository.

JavaScript DOM

  • What is DOM?
  • What are the Different ways to get an element of DOM?
  • Difference between Event Handler and Event listener?
  • “Event Bubbling” mean in JavaScript?
  • Explain different types of Event in javaScript
  • Difference between event.paventDefault() and event.stopPropagation()?


  • What is ES6? Have you ever used anything from ES6?
  • Explain the difference between var, let and const.
  • What is the arrow function, and how to create it?
  • Give an example of an Arrow function in ES6? List down its advantages.
  • Discuss spread operator in ES6 with an example.
  • What do you understand about default parameters?
  • What are template literals in ES6?
  • Tell us the difference between Arrow function and Regular function.


  • Why is Java Platform independent?
  • What are different datatypes in Java and what are their ranges?
  • What are some of the features of Java?
  • Differentiate between a compiler and an interpreter?
  • What are different types of Operators in Java?
  • Explain about type casting or type conversion and their types in Java?
  • Explain about String Class?
  • What are different conditional statements in Java and explain them?
  • Difference between the for loop and a while loop?
  • How do you array input from the user?
  • What are Methods in Java?
  • Explain about parameter passing in java?
  • What is Method Overloading and Method Overriding?
  • What are Variable arguments and Command line arguments in java?
  • What is OOP and explain it's principles in java?
  • Difference between class and an object in java?
  • How to write a class in java?
  • What is Data Hiding?
  • What are constructors in java?
  • Explain about inheritance in java?
  • Difference between generalisation and specialisation in java?
  • Difference between this and super keyword in java?
  • Explain about Dynamic Method Dispatch in java?
  • What is Polymorphism? Explain it's types?
  • What is an Abstract class in java?
  • What is an interface in java?
  • What is an inner class and explain about different inner classes in java?
  • Explain about Static keyword and where can we use it?
  • Explain about final keyword in java and it's uses?
  • What is a package in java?
  • What are access modifiers in java, explain them?
  • What is are Exceptions in java and explain their types?
  • How to handle exception in java?
  • Explain about try and catch block in java?
  • Difference throw and throws in java?
  • What is Multi threading in java?
  • Explain Thread Daemon, join and yield in java?
  • What are wrapper classes?
  • Difference between String, StringBuffer and StringBuilder in java?
  • What are Lambda expressions in java?
  • What are streams and explain about different streams in java?


  • What is the difference between list and tuples in Python?
  • What are the key features of Python?
  • What type of language is python?
  • What are different data types in Python?
  • What is the differnce between set and dictionary in Python?
  • Explain decorators in Python


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