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This repository was archived by the owner on Apr 24, 2023. It is now read-only.


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We recommend these as replacement:


You want to monitor your HDD/SSD(s), her is a solution to do it, try it out.


  • prints performance data for inGraph ( and other solutions like Graphana, maybe in the near future )
  • unknown attribute autocorrection ( through smartvalues json database )
  • warning/critical thresholds for each separate key or group ( through smartvalues json config )
  • multi HDD/SSD scan ( you need only one execute to get them all, that plugin was designed as a multicheck )
  • low system footprint and a few perl modules as requirements ( most of them are core modules, or in the future a part of the core, maybe ... )
  • easy to use and to extend the database
  • reverse condition correction ( with a switch called CR in the json database )


# cd /path/to/check_smartvalues
# ./check_smartvalues -db check_smartvalues.db.json -c check_smartvalues.cfg.json -s -d 'megaraid,22 /dev/sda' -r
OK: [ 22 OK ] - [ 0 WARNING ] - [ 0 CRITICAL ] - [ 0 UNKNOWN ] in 0.163ms ( longoutput for details )
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 22 ] - #5 - Reallocated_Sector_Ct is [ 100 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 22 ] - #9 - Power_On_Hours is [ 100 ] - [ w: 200, c: 300 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 22 ] - #12 - Power_Cycle_Count is [ 100 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 22 ] - #170 - Available_Reserved_Space is [ 100 / 010 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 22 ] - #171 - Program_Fail_Count is [ 100 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 22 ] - #172 - Erase_Fail_Count is [ 100 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 22 ] - #174 - Unexpected_Power_Loss is [ 100 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 22 ] - #183 - Runtime_Bad_Block is [ 100 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 22 ] - #184 - End-to-End_Error is [ 100 / 090 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 22 ] - #187 - Reported_Uncorrect is [ 100 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 22 ] - #190 - Airflow_Temperature_Cel is [ 31 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 22 ] - #192 - Power-Off_Retract_Count is [ 100 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 22 ] - #199 - UDMA_CRC_Error_Count is [ 100 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 22 ] - #225 - Host_Writes is [ 100 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 22 ] - #226 - Timed_Workload_Media_Wear is [ 100 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 22 ] - #227 - Timed_Workload_Host_Read/Write _Ratio is [ 100 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 22 ] - #228 - Power-off_Retract_Count is [ 100 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 22 ] - #232 - Available_Reservd_Space is [ 100 / 010 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 22 ] - #233 - Media_Wearout_Indicator is [ 043 ] - [ w: 35, c: 25 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 22 ] - #241 - Total_LBAs_Written is [ 100 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 22 ] - #242 - Total_LBAs_Read is [ 100 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 22 ] - #249 - Total_NAND_Writes is [ 100 ]

# cd /path/to/check_smartvalues
# ./check_smartvalues -c check_smartvalues.cfg.json -db check_smartvalues.db.json -di -d "megaraid,21 /dev/sda" -r -pd
WARNING: [ 21 OK ] - [ 1 WARNING ] - [ 0 CRITICAL ] - [ 0 UNKNOWN ] in 0.221s ( longoutput for details ) | 'megaraid,21_/dev/sda - Reallocated_Sector_Ct'=100%;0;0 'megaraid,21_/dev/sda - Power_On_Hours'=100%;200;300 'megaraid,21_/dev/sda - Power_Cycle_Count'=100%;0;0 'megaraid,21_/dev/sda - Available_Reserved_Space'=100%;0;0 'megaraid,21_/dev/sda - Program_Fail_Count'=100%;0;0 'megaraid,21_/dev/sda - Erase_Fail_Count'=100%;0;0 'megaraid,21_/dev/sda - Unexpected_Power_Loss'=100%;0;0 'megaraid,21_/dev/sda - Runtime_Bad_Block'=100%;0;0 'megaraid,21_/dev/sda - End-to-End_Error'=100%;0;0 'megaraid,21_/dev/sda - Reported_Uncorrect'=100%;0;0 'megaraid,21_/dev/sda - Airflow_Temperature_Cel'=29c;0;0 'megaraid,21_/dev/sda - Power-Off_Retract_Count'=100%;0;0 'megaraid,21_/dev/sda - UDMA_CRC_Error_Count'=100%;0;0 'megaraid,21_/dev/sda - Host_Writes'=100%;0;0 'megaraid,21_/dev/sda - Timed_Workload_Media_Wear'=100%;0;0 'megaraid,21_/dev/sda - Timed_Workload_Host_Read/Write _Ratio'=100%;0;0 'megaraid,21_/dev/sda - Power-off_Retract_Count'=100%;0;0 'megaraid,21_/dev/sda - Available_Reservd_Space'=100%;0;0 'megaraid,21_/dev/sda - Total_LBAs_Written'=100%;0;0 'megaraid,21_/dev/sda - Total_LBAs_Read'=100%;0;0 'megaraid,21_/dev/sda - Total_NAND_Writes'=100%;0;0 'megaraid,21_/dev/sda - Media_Wearout_Indicator'=033%;35;25 
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 21 ] - #5 - Reallocated_Sector_Ct is [ 100 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 21 ] - #9 - Power_On_Hours is [ 100 ] - [ w: 200, c: 300 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 21 ] - #12 - Power_Cycle_Count is [ 100 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 21 ] - #170 - Available_Reserved_Space is [ 100 / 010 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 21 ] - #171 - Program_Fail_Count is [ 100 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 21 ] - #172 - Erase_Fail_Count is [ 100 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 21 ] - #174 - Unexpected_Power_Loss is [ 100 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 21 ] - #183 - Runtime_Bad_Block is [ 100 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 21 ] - #184 - End-to-End_Error is [ 100 / 090 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 21 ] - #187 - Reported_Uncorrect is [ 100 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 21 ] - #190 - Airflow_Temperature_Cel is [ 29 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 21 ] - #192 - Power-Off_Retract_Count is [ 100 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 21 ] - #199 - UDMA_CRC_Error_Count is [ 100 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 21 ] - #225 - Host_Writes is [ 100 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 21 ] - #226 - Timed_Workload_Media_Wear is [ 100 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 21 ] - #227 - Timed_Workload_Host_Read/Write _Ratio is [ 100 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 21 ] - #228 - Power-off_Retract_Count is [ 100 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 21 ] - #232 - Available_Reservd_Space is [ 100 / 010 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 21 ] - #241 - Total_LBAs_Written is [ 100 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 21 ] - #242 - Total_LBAs_Read is [ 100 ]
OK: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 21 ] - #249 - Total_NAND_Writes is [ 100 ]
WARNING: on LSI MegaRAID - [ DeviceID 21 ] - #233 - Media_Wearout_Indicator is [ 033 ] - [ w: 35, c: 25 ]
================= megaraid,21_/dev/sda info begin =================
Device Model:     INTEL SSDSC2BW120A4
Serial Number:    PHDA4102012P1207GN
LU WWN Device Id: 5 5cd2e4 000394ad1
Firmware Version: DC32
User Capacity:    120,034,123,776 bytes [120 GB]
Sector Size:      512 bytes logical/physical
Rotation Rate:    Solid State Device
ATA Version is:   ACS-2 (minor revision not indicated)
SATA Version is:  SATA 3.0, 6.0 Gb/s (current: 6.0 Gb/s)
================= megaraid,21_/dev/sda info end ===================

If you need to specify custom -d for smartctl command, here's an example

./check_smartvalues -db ./check_smartvalues.db.json -c ./check_smartvalues.cfg.json -d "-d sat /dev/sdb"


  • 0.4


  • rewrite to use threads for faster scans over SAS storage boxes ( is cuurently under development )
  • a better debug output ( a long running gag )
  • a better documentation and usage descriptions/examples ( there where some improvments with 0.4 )
  • better performance data labels ( it's hard to make that better, cuurently no ideas )


  • [bugfix/feature] ( see history )

    • added some new devices and tresh configs
    • fixed some typos and also removed that string chainings in multiline output ( i replaced them with heredoc )
    • added new --deviceinfo switch, his result is added to longoutput
    • backward compatibility with perl 10.0.1 ( got old squeeze )
  • [bugfix/feature] ( see history )

    • added a new samsung ssd to database and config with some usefull threshhold's
    • fixed a bug which corrects the condition between normal and raw values
    • fixed the verbose debug output of return value condition description
  • [bugfix/critical] when the normalized value is in warning but not critical, the critical elsif condition overrides always the warning $retval, so the check ( eg. ID ) will never be in a warning state

  • [initial release] version 0.1

Git history

commit 0822c1ac3f43b52843334a7f68bf791a3a48a509
Author: Enrico Labedzki 
Date:   Thu Nov 19 10:14:34 2015 +0100

    [nms] merged some new tresh values and also new devices from our live system config.json

commit 2097aceb3a442d50be35987a351e4bb51c830914
Author: Enrico Labedzki 
Date:   Thu Nov 19 10:06:50 2015 +0100

    [nms] fixed some typos and added the new feature deviceinfo, the plugin is now backward compatible to perl 10.0.1, fixed help messages

commit bbd16733f55a9631413690ff12466fb9cff4636d
Author: Enrico Labedzki 
Date:   Thu Oct 29 17:28:55 2015 +0100

    [bugfix] when the normalized value is in warning but not critical, the critical elsif condition overrides always the warning $retval, so the check ( eg. ID ) will never be in a warning state

commit 922d291d6bd895c23167e6f58acfbb66dbfbc17f
Author: Enrico Labedzki 
Date:   Tue Aug 11 13:44:37 2015 +0200

    [nms] changed project name

commit ebf9b6d6294b0b0dcf33213c0bd2d513a91e6d61
Author: Enrico Labedzki 
Date:   Tue Aug 11 12:56:00 2015 +0200

    [nms] added a usage example

commit 1b279297920ceea8237e62c036f7de56d395e573
Author: Enrico Labedzki 
Date:   Tue Aug 11 12:40:37 2015 +0200

    [nms] changed plugin anchor

commit 0b6296c410136ecca04887c2489d6dc6320adc93
Author: Enrico Labedzki 
Date:   Tue Aug 11 11:46:31 2015 +0200

    [nms] initial release/commit