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be.createClient(options) : Client

Returns a Client instance and connects to the server.

options is an object containing the properties :

Parameter Optionality Description
host Conditional Not required if realms is set. host to connect to, for example
port optional port to connect to, default to 19132
version optional Version to connect as. If not specified, automatically match server version.
offline optional default to false. Set this to true to disable Microsoft/Xbox auth.
username Required The profile name to connect to the server as. If offline set to true, the username that will appear on join, that would normally be the Xbox Gamer Tag.
connectTimeout optional default to 9000ms. How long to wait in milliseconds while trying to connect to server.
onMsaCode optional Callback called when signing in with a microsoft account with device code auth, data is an object documented here
profilesFolder optional Where to store cached authentication tokens. Defaults to .minecraft, or the node_modules folder if not found.
skipPing optional Whether pinging the server to check its version should be skipped.
followPort optional Update the options' port parameter to match the port broadcast on the server's ping data (default to true if realms not specified)
autoInitPlayer optional default to true, If we should send SetPlayerInitialized to the server after getting play_status spawn.
conLog optional Where to log connection information (server join, kick messages to). Defaults to console.log, set to null to not log anywhere.
raknetBackend optional Specifies the raknet implementation to use. Possible options are 'raknet-native' (default, original C++ implementation), 'jsp-raknet' (JS port), and 'raknet-node' (Rust port). Please note when using the non-JS implementation you may the need approporate build tools on your system (for example a C++ or Rust compiler).
compressionLevel optional What zlib compression level to use, default to 7
batchingInterval optional How frequently, in milliseconds to flush and write the packet queue (default: 20ms)
realms optional An object which should contain one of the following properties: realmId, realmInvite, pickRealm. When defined will attempt to join a Realm without needing to specify host/port. The authenticated account must either own the Realm or have been invited to it
realms.realmId optional The id of the Realm to join.
realms.realmInvite optional The invite link/code of the Realm to join.
realms.pickRealm optional A function which will have an array of the user Realms (joined/owned) passed to it. The function should return a Realm.

useNativeRaknet is deprecated. Setting to true will use 'raknet-native' for raknetBackend and setting it to false will use a JavaScript implemenation (jsp-raknet)

The following special events are emitted by the client on top of protocol packets:

  • 'status' - When the client's login sequence status has changed
  • 'join' - When the client has joined the server after authenticating
  • 'spawn' - When the client has spawned into the game world, as it is getting chunks
  • 'kick' - The server has kicked the client
  • 'close' - The server has closed the connection
  • 'error' - An recoverable exception has happened. Not catching will throw an exception
  • 'connect_allowed' - Emitted after the client has pinged the server and gets version information.
  • 'heartbeat' - Emitted after two successful tick_sync (keepalive) packets have been sent bidirectionally
  • 'packet' - Emitted for all packets received by client
  • 'session' - When the client has finished authenticating and connecting

be.createServer(options) : Server

Returns a Server instance and starts listening for clients. All clients will be authenticated unless offline is set to true.

options is an object containing the properties :

Parameter Optionality Description
host Required The host to bind to. use to bind all IPv4 addresses.
port optional the port to bind to, default 19132
version optional Version to run server as. Clients below this version will be kicked, clients above will still be permitted.
offline optional default to false. Set this to true to disable Microsoft/Xbox auth enforcement.
maxPlayers optional default to 3. Set this to change the maximum number of players connected.
kickTimeout [Future][1] How long to wait before kicking a unresponsive client.
motd optional The "message of the day" for the server, the message shown to players in the server list. See usage below.
advertisementFn optional optional. Custom function to call that should return a ServerAdvertisement, used for setting the RakNet server PONG data. Overrides motd.
conLog optional Where to log connection information (server join, kick messages to). Default to log only in DEBUG mode.
raknetBackend optional Specifies the raknet implementation to use. Possible options are 'raknet-native' (default, original C++ implementation), 'jsp-raknet' (JS port), and 'raknet-node' (Rust port). Please note when using the non-JS implementation you may the need approporate build tools on your system (for example a C++ or Rust compiler).

useNativeRaknet is deprecated. Setting to true will use 'raknet-native' for raknetBackend and setting it to false will use a JavaScript implemenation (jsp-raknet){ host, port }) : ServerAdvertisement

Ping a server and get the response. See type definitions for the structure.

Server usage

You can create a server as such:

const bedrock = require('bedrock-protocol')
const server = bedrock.createServer({
  host: '',   // the host to bind to, use '' to bind all hosts
  port: 19132,       // optional, port to bind to, default 19132
  offline: false,    // default false. verify connections with XBL
  motd: {
    motd: 'Funtime Server', // Top level message shown in server list
    levelName: 'Wonderland' // Sub-level header

Then you can listen for clients and their events:

// The 'connect' event is emitted after a new client has started a connection with the server and is handshaking.
// Its one paramater is the ServerPlayer class instance which handles this players' session from here on out.
server.on('connect', (client) => {
  // 'join' is emitted after the client has authenticated & connection is now encrypted.
  client.on('join', () => {
    // Then we can continue with the server spawning sequence. See examples/serverTest.js for an example  spawn sequence.
    // ...
    // Here's an example of sending a "text" packet,
    client.queue('text', { type: 'system', message: + ' just joined the server!' })

Server event emissions:

  • 'connect' - emitted by Server after a client first joins the server. Second paramater is a ServerPlayer instance.

'error' event is emitted when a catchable exception happens with a client (for example receiving a bad encrypted packet).

A ServerPlayer instance also emits the following special events:

  • 'join' - the client is ready to recieve game packets after successful server-client handshake/encryption
  • 'close' - emitted when client quit the server
  • 'login' - emitted by client after the client has been authenticated by the server
  • 'spawn' - emitted after the client lets the server know that it has successfully spawned
  • 'packet' - Emitted for all packets received by client

Client usage

You can create a client like below:

const bedrock = require('bedrock-protocol')
const client = bedrock.createClient({
  host: '',  // the host to bind to, use '' to bind all hosts
  port: 19132,        // optional, port to bind to, default 19132
  username: 'Notch'   // Any profile name, only used internally for account caching when in online mode. In offline mode, the username to connect with.
// The 'join' event is emitted after the player has authenticated
// and is ready to recieve chunks and start game packets
client.on('join', client => console.log('Player has joined!'))

// The 'spawn' event is emitted. The chunks have been sent and all is well.
client.on('spawn', client => console.log('Player has spawned!'))

// We can listen for text packets. See proto.yml for documentation.
client.on('text', (packet) => {
  console.log('Client got text packet', packet)

// For example, we can listen to
// and send them a chat message when a player joins saying hello. Note the lack of the `packet` prefix, and that the packet
// names and as explained in the "Protocol doc" section below, fields are all case sensitive!
client.on('add_player', (packet) => {
  client.queue('text', {
    type: 'chat', needs_translation: false, source_name: client.username, xuid: '', platform_chat_id: '', filtered_message: '',
    message: `Hey, ${packet.username} just joined!`

Order of client event emissions:

  • 'connect' - emitted after a client first joins the server
  • 'login' - emitted after the client has been authenticated by the server
  • 'join' - the client is ready to recieve game packets after successful server-client handshake
  • 'spawn' - emitted after the client has permission from the server to spawn


See the type defintions for this library for more information on methods.

Both Client and ServerPlayer classes have write(name, params) and queue(name, params) methods. The former sends a packet immediately, and the latter queues them to be sent in the next packet batch. Prefer the latter for better performance and less blocking.

You can use .close() to terminate a connection, and .disconnect(reason) to gracefully kick a connected client.

Protocol docs

For documentation on the protocol, and packets/fields see the the protocol doc (the emitted event names are the Packet types in lower case without the "packet_" prefix). More information on syntax can be found in When sending a packet, you must fill out all of the required fields.

Realm docs

To make joining a Realm easier we've added an optional realm property to the client. It accepts the following options realmId, realmInvite, and pickRealm, supplying one of these will fetch host/port information for the specified Realm and then attempt to connect the bot.

  • realmId - The id of the Realm to join.
  • realmInvite - The invite code/link of the Realm to join.
  • pickRealm - A function that will be called with a list of Realms to pick from. The function should return the Realm to join.
const bedrock = require('bedrock-protocol')
const client = bedrock.createClient({
  realms: {
    pickRealm: (realms) => realms[0] // Function which recieves an array of joined/owned Realms and must return a single Realm. Can be async

Proxy docs

You can create a proxy ("Relay") to create a machine-in-the-middle (MITM) connection to a server. You can observe and intercept packets as they go through. The Relay is a server+client combo with some special packet handling and forwarding that takes care of the authentication and encryption on the server side. Clients will be asked to login if offline is not specified on connection.

const { Relay } = require('bedrock-protocol')
const relay = new Relay({
  version: '1.16.220', // The version
  /* host and port to listen for clients on */
  host: '',
  port: 19132,
  /* Where to send upstream packets to */
  destination: {
    host: '',
    port: 19131
relay.listen() // Tell the server to start listening.

relay.on('connect', player => {
  console.log('New connection', player.connection.address)

  // Server is sending a message to the client.
  player.on('clientbound', ({ name, params }, des) => {
    if (name === 'disconnect') { // Intercept kick
      params.message = 'Intercepted' // Change kick message to "Intercepted"
  // Client is sending a message to the server
  player.on('serverbound', ({ name, params }, des) => {
    if (name === 'text') { // Intercept chat message to server and append time.
      params.message += `, on ${new Date().toLocaleString()}`
    if (name === 'command_request') { // Intercept command request to server and cancel if its "/test"
      if (params.command == "/test") {
        des.canceled = true

'Relay' emits 'clientbound' and 'serverbound' events, along with the data for the outgoing packet that can be modified. You can send a packet to the client with player.queue() or to the backend server with player.upstream.queue().