This repo hosts lab materials for ECE 346: Intelligent Robotic Systems at Princeton University.
Note: If you are following this repository outside of ECE 346 or are refreshing your ECE 346 laptop, please skip to Set up ROS Environment via RoboStack after cloning the repository with
git clone --recurse-submodules
First, you will need to connect your ECE 346 laptop to a Wi-Fi network. To connect to eduroam, open your terminal and run
python3 ~/Documents/
If you don't see this file, you can temporarily connect to puvisitor using a non-Princeton email to download it, and run the same command as above (but likely in ~/Downloads/
. Click 'Yes' and enter one group member's username, i.e., and corresponding password. Then navigate to your Wi-Fi networks by clicking the top right of your screen, selecting the Wi-Fi logo followed by 'Select Network', 'eduroam', 'Connect'. If you're having trouble with this, try redownloading the script or ask a lab TA for help!
Next, you will connect your laptop to one group member's GitHub account using an SSH key. Note You can copy and paste within an Ubuntu terminal by using ctrl+shift+C and ctrl+shift+V respectively! In your terminal, run
# Install packages to use GitHub and copy/paste
sudo apt install git xclip
# Replace with your GitHub email address
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
Press enter three times to skip requiring a password for each push/pull. Then run,
# Start the ssh-agent and add your private key to it
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
Open Google Chrome and log into GitHub using the same email from previous steps. In the upper-right corner of any page on GitHub, click your profile photo, then click 'Settings'. In the "Access" section of the sidebar, click 'SSH and GPG keys'. Click 'New SSH key'. In your terminal, run this command to copy your SSH key
# Copy public ssh key to your clipboard:
cat ~/.ssh/ | xclip -selection clipboard
Now in your browser, enter 'ece346-XX' for 'Title', where XX is your group number. For 'Key', simply paste the SSH key that you just copied.
Setting up GitHub on VSCode
In VSCode, log into GitHub. Click the settings icon, then 'Back up and sync settings', 'Sign in', 'Sign in with GitHub'.
If you've never used git before, we recommend this introductory tutorial.
In the upper-right corner of any page on GitHub, select '+', then click New repository.
Type ECE346_GroupXX as the name for your repository, add a README file, and an optional description.
Choose 'Private' as your repository visibility.
Click 'Create repository'.
In your terminal, run the following command in your root directory (
cd ~
). Important:--recurse-submodules
is neccessary to get all submodules, i.e., linked specific commits of separate GitHub repositories!git clone --recurse-submodules
From inside the cloned directory, rename the original
GitHub repo to 'upstream' (default is 'origin'), which you'll use to fetch future lab assignments and ECE346 git remote rename origin upstream git remote set-url --push upstream DISABLE
Add your new private repository as a new remote named 'origin'. Note, this is just typical name for the 'primary' remote (online repository). To locate your private repo's URL, navigate to its main page on GitHub, select the green
<> Code
icon, select SSH, and copy this URL to your clipboard.git remote add origin <URL of your private Repo>
Complete your GitHub configuration in your terminal. Note: run these commands inside your ECE346 directory after creating a private fork below. Otherwise, you'll get the error
fatal: not in a git directory
# Replace with your GitHub email address and full name or a fun alias ;). Note this will appear on GitHub
git config --global “”
git config --global “Your Name”
- Push the
branch of your local cloned repository to your new private remote one, which has now become a private fork ofECE346
.git push -u origin SP2025
If your laptop says "The authenticity of host ''... continue connecting?" type "yes". 10. Add all course AI's as collaborators to your private fork by navigating to your private repository's Settings -> Click Collaborators and Teams under Access -> Click Add People -> Add to Repository: "jarodwille", "alexzni", "logflash", "CalvinTAVN", "vp2025", and "mb9041".
When working on the labs and making changes to your code, you can push the code to your private repo on GitHub by simply doing:
git push origin
Not sure about merge? It is never a bad idea to keep a copy locally before merging.
- Commit all of your changes
git add . git commit -m "Updates for Lab X"
- Create a temporary local branch on your computer.
git checkout -b temp
- You can now merge the original 'upstream' repo into your temporary local branch.
This will create a merge commit for you. If you encounter any conflicts, this tutorial can help you take care of them.
git pull upstream SP2025
- Inspect all changes that you have made in the temporary branch, then checkout your
branch.git checkout SP2025 git merge temp git branch –-delete temp # Update submodules in case there are any git submodule update --init --recursive
Once you are fully comfortable with the git merge workflow, you may want to skip steps 1 and 3 just run git pull upstream --recurse-submodules SP2025
directly into your local SP2025
Optional tool for merge conflicts: If you'd like, you can download GitKraken, which is a GitHub commit visualizer for when you run into merge conflicts, which may make things easier. However, after a few uses you need to start a free trial, so let us know about better free alternatives (Sourcetree is not available for Ubuntu). After downloading for Linux (.deb), navigate to your file and install:
cd ~/Downloads
sudo dpkg -i gitkraken-amd64.deb
One crucial component of ECE346 is the Robot Operating System (ROS) by Open Robotics. Even though most your robot's computation will be handled on board, it's very useful to set up ROS on your computer for development, testing, and visualization. We use ROS Noetic on RoboStack for portability across Linux and MacOS and to easily manage packages with conda/mamba. To set up our environment, open a terminal and run
cd ~/ECE346
sudo apt install curl
cd Host_Setup
chmod +x
This process should take ~5 minutes. If you do not have conda (anaconda/miniconda/miniforge, etc.) installed, the script will first install miniforge, and then create a new Python 3.9, ROS Noetic environment. Otherwise, it will install miniforge in parallel with your current conda, and then create a new ROS Noetic environment.
We create an alias for activating the new environment called start_ros
. You can activate the environment by running either start_ros
or conda activate ros_base
Open a new terminal, and activate your ROS environment by running start_ros
Then run roscore
to start the ROS master. If everything works, you will see
We have a ROS cheat sheet for you! Check it out here.
"Package not found"
Very likely, you forgot to run source devel/setup.bash
in your workspace. Also, try recompiling your packages using catkin_make
first if you recently made changes to your code.
"Oh no! My ROS is broken
Do not panic, let's just try to delete the ROS environment and reinstall it.
First, go back to the base environment.
conda activate base
Then, delete the ROS environment.
conda env remove -n ros_base
Finally, reinstall ROS following Set up ROS Environment via RoboStack.
"Unable to contact my own server at [http://xxxx]"
You will typically see this error on Mac OS. This is because the default ROS master is not set to localhost. To fix this, you need to run following lines to in your terminal.
export ROS_HOSTNAME=localhost
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311
export ROS_IP=localhost
We also provide a script to automate this process. Simply run source
in your terminal.
Important: You need to run these lines every time you open a new terminal. Or, you can export them to your shell profile by running
profile= # choose from ~/.bash_profile, ~/.zshrc, and ~/.bashrc
echo "export ROS_HOSTNAME=localhost" >> $profile
echo "export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311" >> $profile
echo "export ROS_IP=localhost" >> $profile
"Missing xcrun at /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/xcrun"
This is also a common error on Mac OS. To fix this, you need to install the Xcode Command Line Tools. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal.
xcode-select --install
title={A RoboStack Tutorial: Using the Robot Operating System Alongside the Conda and Jupyter Data Science Ecosystems},
author={Tobias Fischer and Wolf Vollprecht and Silvio Traversaro and Sean Yen and Carlos Herrero and Michael Milford},
journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine},