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Quickly prototype frontier exploration algorithm for 2D SLAM applications


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These packages are created to be an easy-to-use platform to rapidly prototype frontier exploration algorithms on a robot in various environments with both full and limited field of view sensor data. Through this package, users should be able to easily leverage the provided libraries to generate, cluster, and evaluate frontiers or integrate the provided component functions into their own novel approaches.

Example_pic1 Example_pic2


This package was created to study the performance of various frontier exploration algorithms. This implementation is paired with slam_toolbox and Nav2 with both 360 degree and narrowed Field of View (FOV) on the LaserScan. The narrow FOV simulates a 2D lidar sensor that may be "damaged" or "occluded" during usage. Users can re-run my tests in simulation or on their own differential drive robots.

For those using this package some provided features include:

  • Utilize my frontier generation library for other frontier exploration methods
  • Utilize my clustering library to cluster frontiers with DBSCAN
  • Flatten a 3D to 2D lidar scan
  • Systematically and dynamically corrupt lidar data
  • Test frontier algorithms provided in this package.

Portfolio Post

To read more about this project, please visit my portfolio website post!

Using this Repo

Detailed instructions on how to use the provided ROS2 packages and libraries to simulate or deploy your own robots can be found in the use file

Main Package Dependencies

Some of these may be needed for the simulation but not for the library.

  • ROS2 Humble
  • Gazebo Classic
  • slam_toolbox
  • Nav2 (for nav_msgs)
  • Robotis packages (clone from humble-devel)
    • turtlebot3
    • turtlebot3_msgs
    • turtlebot3_simulations
  • PCL (Point Cloud Library)
    • pcl_conversions
    • pcl_ros (ros-humble-pcl-ros)
  • libpcap-dev (to eliminate warn message)

To install via rosdep copy the command below assuming frontier_toolbox in in the src folder of your ros2 workspace:

rosdep install --from-paths src/frontier_toolbox/frontier_exp_cpp/ src/frontier_toolbox/nav_client_cpp/ src/frontier_toolbox/robot_mapping/ --ignore-src --rosdistro humble --os=ubuntu:22.04 --skip-keys "opencv4 opencv2" --reinstall -y

A dependencies file is also included under ros2_dependencies.yaml


This package is released under the Apache-2.0 License. Related packages like Nav2 are licensed under thee BSD 2.0 License, but are not required for the usage of every package in this repository.