The Habit Tracker with Data Visualization project allows users to add, update, delete, and mark habits as completed. Users can also visualize their habit completion data using simple graphs.
- Add, update, and delete habits.
- Mark habits as completed for each day.
- View a calendar of completed habits.
- Generate visual reports of habit completion.
To install the required modules, use the following steps:
- Open Command Prompt (Windows) or Terminal (macOS/Linux).
- Install matplotlib module by running:
pip install matplotlib
- Navigate to the project directory in Command Prompt (Windows) or Terminal (macOS/Linux).
- Run the script using Python:
Habit Tracker
1. Add Habit
2. Delete Habit
3. Mark Habit as Completed
4. View All Habits
5. Save Habits to File
6. Load Habits from File
7. Visualize Habit
8. Exit
Choose an option: 1
Enter habit name: Exercise
Habit Tracker
1. Add Habit
2. Delete Habit
3. Mark Habit as Completed
4. View All Habits
5. Save Habits to File
6. Load Habits from File
7. Visualize Habit
8. Exit
Choose an option: 3
Enter habit name: Exercise
Enter date (YYYY-MM-DD) or press Enter for today: 2024-08-07
- This project uses matplotlib for data visualization.