Spectacular AI SDK fuses data from cameras and IMU sensors (accelerometer and gyroscope) and outputs an accurate 6-degree-of-freedom pose of a device. The SDK also includes a Mapping API that can be used to access the full SLAM map for both real-time and offline 3D reconstruction use cases.
This repository contains example Unity integration for the Spectacular AI DepthAI C++ Plugin, enabling real-time tracking and reconstruction with OAK-D devices straight in Unity.
Installation You can either,
- Clone this repository and open unity-examples using Unity Hub.
git clone https://github.com/SpectacularAI/unity-wrapper.git
- Or, download
from the releases page, and import it directly to your Unity project inside Unity Editor usingAssets->Import Package->Custom Package...
OAK-D setup To use an OAK-D device, you also need to
set up the USB udev rules
and, on Linux, install libusb
development libraries:
sudo apt install libusb-1.0-0-dev
See Luxonis documentation for more information.
- plugin: contains source code for the
plugin. A prebuilt version is shipped with the unity-examples for Windows and Linux Ubuntu x84-64 so building the plugin is not necessary to get started. - unity-examples: contains source code for the Unity wrapper and a couple of examples that demonstrate the usage:
- HelloDepthAI Minimal OAK-D example. Shows how to use the SDK to track the pose of OAK-D device in real-time.
- MappingVisu SLAM example. Build and visualize 3D point cloud of the environment in real-time using OAK-D device.
- Record Recording tool. Enables recording datasets with OAK-D device for Replay API. Note: requires FFmpeg https://spectacularai.github.io/docs/sdk/index.html#ffmpeg.
- AprilTag April Tag integration example. Place April Tags using Unity Editor. The April Tags are then input to the SDK enabling absolute positioning.
- HelloReplay Minimal Replay API example. Shows how to use the Replay API in Unity to replay your recordings.
The examples in this repository are licensed under Apache 2.0 (see LICENSE).
A list of 3rd party copyright notices that should be included in
redistributions is provided within unity-examples/Assets/SpectacularAI/Plugins/<operating system>/LICENSE
The SDK itself (not included in this repository) is proprietary to Spectacular AI. For commerical licensing options and more SDK variants (ARM binaries & C++ API), contact us at https://www.spectacularai.com/#contact.