A function is a group of related statements that performs a specific task.
Functions help break our program into smaller and modular chunks.
As our program grows larger and larger, functions make it more organized and manageable.
- The function needs to be defined before it can be called. Calling a function before its definition will cause an error.
Functions can take arguments, which can be used to generate the function output.
You can call the same function with different arguments.
Even better, you can define functions with more than one argument; separate them with commas.
Arguments can be used as variables inside the function.
You can have different statements in your functions, working with the argument variables, such as if statements and loops.
Once you return a value from a function, it immediately stops being executed.
Any code placed after the return statement won’t be executed.
A function can only return once, thus, if you need to return multiple values, you can use a list.