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Terms used in this documentation and their meanings.
2019-05-27 10:13:00 -0700
2023-09-30 06:05:48 -0700
2023-12-30 09:01:41 -0800
Term Meaning
<xxxx> When a word is shown between angle brackets in the UIBUILDER documentation, it indicates that this is a variable. (unless it is clearly an HTML tag).
CSS Selector The standardised code that allows CSS or JavaScript to identify one or more elements on a web page. See MDN CSS Selectors for details. e.g. the selector for an HTML element with an id of more would be #more, to select all the elements with a specific class, .classname, all list entries li.
ECMA Non-profit standards organisation for information and communications systems. Amongst other things, manages the standards for JavaScript - formally known as ECMA Script - in the ECMA-262 standard.
element Something on a web page. Defined by one or more HTML "tags" such as <div>...</div>.
ESM AKA "ES Module" (ES=ECMA Script, AKA JavaScript). The Modern module form supported by modern browsers as well as Node.JS. Note that Node.JS also supports CommonJS modules, these are not supported by browsers). Ref.1, Ref.2
IIFE "Immediately Invoked Function Expression". Ref.
instance In Node-RED, when a node is added to a flow, it is said that this is an instance of a node. Unlike the Node-RED Dashboard, UIBUILDER can have many instances, each on a separate root url (instanceRoot).
In addtion, Node-RED itself can be run multiple times. Each of these is "an instance of Node-RED".
instanceRoot The root folder for a specific uibuilder node instance. It will be at <uibRoot>/<url>/.
library One or more programme files that are utilised by other programs. Often delivered as one or more modules and installed as a package.
low-code The ability to process information with minimal, reduced computer code.
module A node.js module contains one or more exported objects. These are then required (for old-style CommonJS modules) or imported for ESM style modules. See the Node.js documentation for details.
package A collection of scripts, configuration and documentation that is normally installed via thenpm command.
A package is defined by a package.json file in the root folder.
parent Indicates a level up in the HTML page's hierarcy. For example, an H1 element would typically have a parent of BODY, a TD a parent of TR.
Also indicates a level up in a filing system or URL hierarchy.
port Indicates the input and output ports of a Node-RED node (wires attach to these).
Alternatively, a TCP port. They define a communications channel over a TCP protocol. Most commonly seen in browser URLS. Appearingafter the name/IP-address. For example, Node-RED's default port is 1880 and MQTT's is 1883.
root Indicates the top level of a defined hierarcy.
UIBUILDER Extension package for Node-RED. node-red-contrib-uibuilder. Also shorthand for the node template and any node instances installed.
uibRoot The root folder that contains all settings and front-end user code for all instances of UIBUILDER.
Default Location:
If projects not in use: <userDir>/uibuilder/
If projects in use: <userDir>/projects/<projectName>/uibuilder/
However, as of v4, the uibRoot folder can now be moved to wherever you want it.
As of v5, this is also where any front-end library packages are installed. Each installed package is added to the web server so that it can be accessed from your web pages.
url When used in lower-case, refers to the uibuilder node setting of the same name that defines the URI for the instance.
e.g. if url = 'test1' and Node-RED is running on the default port on the local device, the full URL of the default page would be http://localhost:1880/test1/
When written in upper-case, it refers to the W3C URL, e.g. what you will see in your browser's address bar.
UMD "Universal Module Definition". Ref.
userDir The folder used by Node-RED to store all settings, configuration and flows for a running instance of Node-RED
Default location: <userHome>/.node-red/
userHome The operating system folder designated as the "home" folder for the user ID running Node-RED.
For Linux, MacOS and in PowerShell on Windows, there is a shortcut for userHome: ~.
vendor A 3rd party. In this case, refers to any 3rd-party package installed via npm.
wire In Node-RED, the line that connects nodes together. Indicates the passing of messages from one node to another.
zero-code The ability to process information without the need to write computer code.

See also, MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms