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UIBUILDER exposes a number of REST API's. This is an index of them.
2023-09-14 12:39:52 -0700
2024-09-08 08:41:30 -0700

Most of UIBUILDER's standard REST API's are common across all instances of uibuilder nodes added to your Node-RED flows. However, see below for the instance API's features.

In this section, "Admin API" refers to a web endpoint that is only accessible from Node-RED's admin web server, this is generally restricted therefore to the Node-RED Editor. "User API" refers to a web endppoint accessible to users of your UIBUILDER web app and therefore can be called from your front-end code as needed.

In all examples below, <url> refers to a uibuilder instance URL setting.

v2 Admin API's


At some point, it is expected that these v2 API's will be folded into the v3 API's.

These are the oldest API's built into uibuilder. They are provided by nodes/libs/admin-api-v3.js which returns an ExpressJS router function. The router is added to Node-RED's admin ExpressJS server in libs/web.js in the function _adminApiSetup which is called from setup which, in turn is called as web.setup(uib) from the main uibuilder runtime setup function.

All of the endpoints are only accessible from the Node-RED Editor. Note that each API has a specified endpoint URL that is relative to the Editor's URL.

  • GET uibuilder/uibgetfile - Returns the content of a file (fname) in the <uibRoot>/<url>/<folder> folder. Parameters: url, fname, folder

  • GET uibuilder/uibindex - return web page with full details of the uibuilder configuration (for all instances) or JSON that lists all uibuilder endpoints

  • GET uibuilder/uibvendorpackages - Check & update installed uibuilder front-end library packages, return list as JSON - this runs when NR Editor is loaded if a uib instance deployed

  • GET uibuilder/uibnpmmanage - Run npm commands (install, remove, update). Parameters: url, cmd. If url not provided, uibPath = , else uibPath = <uib.rootFolder>/

  • POST uibuilder/uibputfile - Create or update the a file (fname) in the <uibRoot>/<url>/<folder> folder. Parameters: url, fname, folder, data.

v3 Admin API's

The newer v3 API's are provided by nodes/libs/admin-api-v3.js which returns an ExpressJS router function. The router is added to Node-RED's admin ExpressJS server in libs/web.js in the function _adminApiSetup which is called from setup which, in turn is called as web.setup(uib) from the main uibuilder runtime setup function.

Unlike the the v2 API's, the v3 are provided by a master set of all, get, put, post, and delete handlers.

API's that require a uibuilder url

All of these API endpoints are only accessible from the Node-RED Editor. The endpoint is simply defined as /:url which translates in Editor code to ./uibuilder/admin/<url> which is relative to the Editor's URL.

Each of the v3 API's accepts a cmd parameter (either via URL query parameters or via JSON in the BODY for POST/PUT/etc). Alloed cmds are shown below.

  • ALL - this handles gathering of the GET/POST parameters into a common object. It is triggered first for all of the API endpoints. It passes control onto the specific handlers once finished.

  • GET

    • listall - List all folders and files for this uibuilder instance
    • listfolders - List all folders for this uibuilder instance
    • checkurls - Check if URL is already in use
    • listinstances - List all of the deployed instance urls
    • listurls - Return a list of all user urls in use by ExpressJS
    • checkfolder - See if a node's custom folder exists. Return true if it does, else false
    • checkpackage - Check whether a specific package name has been installed using the library manager
  • PUT

    • deleteondelete - tells uibuilder to delete the instance folder
    • updatepackage - (Not currently in use)
  • POST

    • replaceTemplate - Replace instance files from a requested template
    • newfolder - create a new folder for the given instance
    • newfile - create a new file for the given instance

    • deletefolder - delete a folder for the given instance
    • deletefile = delete a file for the given instance

API's that do not require a uibuilder url

These are accessible from the Node-RED Editor only and use the URL ./uibuilder/admin/-nourl-.

  • GET
    • getElements - Return the list of all available no-code elements & their configuration abilities.
    • getOneElement - Return the description HTML and advanced options HTML for a specific element type.

Middleware User API's

uibuilder allows additional custom API's to be defined through the use of the <uibRoot>/.config/uibMiddleware.js file. This file allows any custom ExpressJS middleware to be added and can therefore be used to define additional common user API's or any other user-facing web endpoint.

An example template file is provided but authors should expect to need to understand ExpressJS middleware concepts and programming.

Instance Admin API's

These are specific to each instance of a uibuilder node that you add to your flows.

uibuilder has one other admin API (accessible only from the Node-RED Editor). This should be moved into the admin v3 API's in some future release but currently exists in the uibuilder runtime at the end of the nodeInstance function.

  • GET /uibuilder/instance/<url> - shows the instance details web page.

Instance User API's

uibuilder also allows admins to create custom instance API's. This provides a powerful capability to define API's needed for a specific web app. See How to use Instance API's for details.

Unlike the Admin API's, these API's are accessible to any client that can reach the http(s)://<host>/<url>/api URL path.