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Multiprocess testing


Multiprocess testing can be used for different use cases like

  • integration tests (Netcode + actual transport or multi-scene testing for example)
  • performance testing.
  • Anything requiring a more realistic environment for testing that involves having a full client and server, communicating on a real network interface using real transports in separate Unity processes.

The tests you write and test locally will be deployed dynamically to bokken instances. The tests shouldn't have to worry about what hardware it runs on, this should be abstracted away by "workers" and "coordinator".

How to write a multiprocess test

There's a few steps to write a multiprocess test

  1. Your test class needs to inherit from BaseMultiprocessTests
  2. Each test method needs the MultiprocessContextBasedTest attribute
  3. Each test method needs to run InitializeContextSteps();
  4. Each context based step can use
yield return new ExecuteStepInContext(StepExecutionContext.Clients, stepToExecute: nbObjectsBytes => {
    // Something here

A test method would look like

    [UnityTest, MultiprocessContextBasedTest]
    public IEnumerator MyTest()
        InitializeContextSteps(); // the only call that should be made outside of context based tests
        yield return new ExecuteStepInContext(StepExecutionContext.Server, bytes =>
            Debug.Log("server stuff");
        yield return new ExecuteStepInContext(StepExecutionContext.Clients, bytes =>
            Debug.Log("client stuff");
            Assert.That(1, Is.EqualTo(1));
            throw new Exception("asdf"); // this client side exception will be communicated to the coordinator, making the test fail

Your test code shouldn't execute outside of these steps (as that test method can be executed multiple times, once for step registration and once for the actual test run for example)

Another way to write a multiprocess test without context based steps is to use TestCoordinator directly.

    private static void ExecuteSimpleCoordinatorTest()

    public IEnumerator CheckTestCoordinator()
        // Call the client side method

        var resultCount = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < WorkerCount; i++) // wait and test for the two clients
            yield return new WaitUntil(TestCoordinator.ResultIsSet());

            var (clientId, result) = TestCoordinator.ConsumeCurrentResult().Take(1).Single();
            Assert.Greater(result, 0f);

        Assert.That(resultCount, Is.EqualTo(WorkerCount));

Here's a complete set of examples using the API

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Unity.PerformanceTesting;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Profiling;
using UnityEngine.TestTools;
using static ExecuteStepInContext;

namespace Unity.Netcode.MultiprocessRuntimeTests
    public class DemoProcessTest : BaseMultiprocessTests
        protected override int WorkerCount { get; } = 2; // spawns 2 clients connecting to the test runner
        protected override bool m_IsPerformanceTest { get; } = false; // specifies whether this should execute from editor or not

        [UnityTest, MultiprocessContextBasedTest] // attribute necessary for context based step execution
        public IEnumerator MyTest()
            InitializeContextSteps(); // necessary to initialize context based steps

            // These steps execute sequentially.
            yield return new ExecuteStepInContext(StepExecutionContext.Server, bytes =>
                Debug.Log("server stuff");
            // for example, the test runner will yield on the same step until clients all report they are done with this step. Once all clients report they are done, the test can continue to the same step.
            yield return new ExecuteStepInContext(StepExecutionContext.Clients, bytes =>
                Debug.Log("client stuff");
                Assert.That(1, Is.EqualTo(1));
                throw new Exception("asdf"); // this client side exception will be communicated to the coordinator, making the test fail

            yield return new ExecuteStepInContext(StepExecutionContext.Clients, bytes =>
                // To write results to the test runner, call this method:
                TestCoordinator.Instance.WriteTestResultsServerRpc(123); // could be replaced by json string instead for ease of use?
            yield return new ExecuteStepInContext(StepExecutionContext.Server, bytes =>
                // consumes first result sent above from any client
                // consumes all results from all clients
                foreach (var (clientID, result) in TestCoordinator.ConsumeCurrentResult())
                    Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(123));
                // consumes results for individual clients
                foreach (var clientID in TestCoordinator.AllClientIdsExceptMine)

            int someValue = 456; // one caveat to executeStepInContext is contrary to instinct, this is not shared between server and client execution.
            // to send that value to clients, "paramToPass" needs to be used
            yield return new ExecuteStepInContext(StepExecutionContext.Clients, bytes =>
                var valueComingFromServer = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, 0);
            }, paramToPass: BitConverter.GetBytes(456)); // could be replaced by JSON string instead for ease of use?
            // useful for taking in [Values] method parameters as these are only known by the server

            // when you have client steps that take more than one frame, you can subscribe to the OnUpdate callback on CallbackComponent
            yield return new ExecuteStepInContext(StepExecutionContext.Clients, bytes =>
                void Update(float _)
                    NetworkManager.Singleton.gameObject.GetComponent<CallbackComponent>().OnUpdate -= Update;
                    TestCoordinator.Instance.ClientFinishedServerRpc(); // since finishOnInvoke is false, we need to do this manually
                NetworkManager.Singleton.gameObject.GetComponent<CallbackComponent>().OnUpdate += Update;
            }, waitMultipleUpdates: true); // this keeps waiting "are you done? are you done? are you done?" and relies on the clients calling the "ClientFinishedServerRpc"

            yield return new ExecuteStepInContext(StepExecutionContext.Clients, bytes =>
                int cpt = 0;
                void Update(float _)
                NetworkManager.Singleton.gameObject.GetComponent<CallbackComponent>().OnUpdate += Update;
            }, additionalIsFinishedWaiter: () => // this keeps waiting "are you done? are you done? are you done?" until this lambda returns true
                foreach (var (clientId, latest) in TestCoordinator.ConsumeCurrentResult())
                    return latest >= 10;
                return false;

        [UnityTest, Performance] // already existing performance framework
        public IEnumerator PerfTest()
            var totalAllocSampleGroup = new SampleGroup("GC Alloc", SampleUnit.Kilobyte);
            var allocStat = Profiler.GetTotalAllocatedMemoryLong();
            Measure.Custom(totalAllocSampleGroup, allocStat / 1024); // this will record in Unity's shared Performance DB.
            // Dashboards will be able to display these stats overtime
            yield return null;

How to run a test

Local: Test players need to be built first to test locally.

Automated: Integration with CI should do this automatically.

Then run the tests from Unity's test runner.

Note that performance tests should be run from external processes (not from editor). This way the server code will run in a build, just as much as client code, for more realistic test results.

How it's done

Multiple processes orchestration

Test code and host code execute in the same process: When writing play mode tests, Unity will start a unity environment for that test, including game loop, scene, object hierarchy, all that fun stuff. This means the test itself has access to everything other unity scripts would have access to. At test startup, the test will ask unity to switch scene to MultiprocessTestScene containing a GameObject already placed in that scene called TestCoordinator . The test will callStartHost that will listen for connections, still all in the same process. Once that's done, that same test will then spawn new client processes. These clients will also start with that MultiprocessTestScene loaded at startup, also containing a TestCoordinator . These client side TestCoordinators will detect they are clients (using command line arg) and instead of calling StartHost will call StartClient . This is where new code to specify the IP to connect to would stand (the lines I sent you). A good way I could have clarified that code is to separate TestCoordinator into TestCoordinatorClient and TestCoordinatorServer thinking of it. Right now TestCoordinator code does both. Once the connection is established (tests yield wait for connection in Setup code), then the tests can start sending RPCs to each other. The test (that's server side) will call multiple TriggerActionIdClientRpc . This will trigger these actions on all clients. The clients execute their test code, then answer back with ClientFinishedServerRpc. Once all the tests are done exchanging commands, a final RPC CloseRemoteClientRpc is called to tell the clients they are done. If that RPC fails to send for some reason, clients also have a keep alive that tells them to self destroy when it expires. If you look at the “how it's done” section in the multiprocess testproject/Assets/Tests/Runtime/MultiprocessRuntime/ there's a few drawings to explain that flow.

So: Editor

  • Run tests
  • Run host code
  • Launches builds Separate build
  • Runs client RPCs that execute test code, not the tests themselves

Now just to bake your noodles a bit more, Unity will take an additional step before launching these steps. The above is true if you launch these tests from the editor. If you launch these tests in a separate player, Unity in the background will create a separate process for that player. That player will then connect using a plain tcp connection to the editor to report back on its test results. This is important to know if you want to have the test/host part launch on different platforms like mobile.

So the above would become Editor

  • Launches test player on platform Test player
  • Run tests
  • Run host code
  • Launches builds Separate build
  • Runs client RPCs …

With the bokken integration, we'll need to be careful about ressource contention at Unity, these tests could be heavy on ressources. Tests when launched locally will simply create new OS processes for each worker players.

Note that this diagram is still WIP for the CI part

Bokken orchestration

Bokken Orchestration can be performed with the support of the following tool: Multiplayer Multiprocess Test Tools Documentation



Performance report dashboards


Client-server test coordination

A Test Coordinator is in charge of managing communication between the nodes, executing remote test code. The test coordinator is also in charge of process cleanup, if for example the server crashes, so we don't have zombie clients laying around. The test coordinator in client mode will automatically try to connect to a server on Start().

Context based step execution

Test methods are executed twice. Once in "registration" mode, to have all the steps register themselves using a unique ID. This ID is deterministic between client and server processes, so that when a server calls a step during actual test execution, the clients have the same ID associated with the same lambda. During test execution, the main node's step will call an RPC on clients to trigger their pre-registered lambda. The main node's step will then yield until it receives a "client done" RPC from all clients. The main node's test will then be able to continue execution to the next step.

The MultiprocessTestPlayer

The MultiprocessTestPlayer, which is built by the sub-menu items under "Netcode" -> "Multiprocess Test", supports many workflows and configurations.

Command Line

Currently the MultiprocessTestPlayer can be configured via the command line on all platforms that support parsing of command line arguments in the C# layer. For example, this means that command line configuration is not available on Android.

Setting the transport address

Default Values on Client:, 3076

In order to set the transport address for either the server/host or the client, the options of "-ip" and "-p" can be used. For example:

-ip -p 3076

These options can be passed when starting the client, for example, in order to let it know where the host is to connect to.

Setting the transport

Default Values: UNET

The default transport is UNET but this can be switched to UTP by using

-transport utp

Future considerations

  • Integrate with local MultiInstance tests?
  • Have ExecuteStepInContext a game facing feature for sequencing client-server actions?