Solve the following optimization of the 0/1 Knapsack Problem.
- Weights,
- Profits,
- Capacity,
The difficulty of the knapsack problem can be contributed to by the level of correlation of the Profits
This project uses a weakly correlated test data set to provide some challenge while still remaining solvable using penalty methods.
For each
Defaults shown.
- Number of items to choose from,
- Upper bound for weight,
- Profit correlation factor,
- Capacity,
Problems To Solve
1 - Binary Knapsack
Which problem? [1]:
Enter Number of Items [20]:
Enter Maximum Weight of One Item [10.0]:
Enter Profit Correlation Factor [5.0]:
Enter Knapsack Capacity [40.0]:
Penalty Methods
1 - Logarithmic
2 - Absolute
3 - Dynamic
Which Penalty Method? [1]:
Enter Rho for Logarithmic Penalty [1.3]:
Selection Mechanisms
1 - Proportional
2 - Truncation
3 - Tournament (Deterministic)
4 - Tournament (Stochastic)
5 - Linear Ranking
Which mechanism? [1]: 4
Enter Probability of Fittest Winner [0.9]:
Crossover Methods
1 - Single Point
2 - P-Uniform
3 - Majority Voting
Which Crossover Method? [1]:
Enter Probability of Crossover [0.65]:
Population Size [30]:
Probability of Mutation [0.05]:
Max Generations [50]:
Maximize [Y/n]:
Single run? [y/N]:
Collect stats? [Y/n]: Y
Number of Runs [30]:
Profits Weights
[[ 1.41120996 4.66918325]
[ 0.98976516 1.49829436]
[ 9.7947617 8.0968139 ]
[ 8.15973775 3.58574666]
[ 8.38648779 5.05315528]
[ 3.8183104 3.73521075]
[ 7.0378312 5.73759572]
[ 9.96465678 6.61430992]
[ 7.46429557 7.99097912]
[ 9.79907955 7.17617481]
[11.19767219 9.82844977]
[ 5.03030377 6.40734483]
[ 3.47146217 8.32571668]
[ 7.79765528 7.37780637]
[ 0. 1.24781212]
[ 5.58830843 9.13840496]
[ 5.53806313 5.04914366]
[ 0. 2.07032189]
[ 7.50751635 8.51770158]
[ 0.2206161 2.82023404]]
Options: {
"Crossover_Method": "<class 'binary_knapsack.crossover_method.single_point.SinglePoint'>",
"Penalty_Method": "<class 'binary_knapsack.penalty_method.logarithmic.LogarithmicPenalty'>",
"Select_Mechanism": "<class 'binary_knapsack.selection_mechanism.proportional.Proportional'>",
"crossover_parameters": {
"p_c": 0.65
"maximize": true,
"p_m": 0.05,
"penalty_parameters": {
"rho": 1.3
"pop_size": 30,
"problem_instance": "Profits\t\tWeights\n[[ 1.41120996 4.66918325]\n [ 0.98976516 1.49829436]\n [ 9.7947617 8.0968139 ]\n [ 8.15973775 3.58574666]\n [ 8.38648779 5.05315528]\n [ 3.8183104 3.73521075]\n [ 7.0378312 5.73759572]\n [ 9.96465678 6.61430992]\n [ 7.46429557 7.99097912]\n [ 9.79907955 7.17617481]\n [11.19767219 9.82844977]\n [ 5.03030377 6.40734483]\n [ 3.47146217 8.32571668]\n [ 7.79765528 7.37780637]\n [ 0. 1.24781212]\n [ 5.58830843 9.13840496]\n [ 5.53806313 5.04914366]\n [ 0. 2.07032189]\n [ 7.50751635 8.51770158]\n [ 0.2206161 2.82023404]]",
"problem_parameters": {
"capacity": 40.0,
"dims": 20,
"max_item_weight": 10.0,
"profit_correlation_factor": 5.0
"selection_parameters": {},
"t_max": 50
- Chromosomes (input vector
) made up of bit-string values, e.g. . - The
item is selected if and only if .
Defaults shown.
- Population size,
- Mutation probability,
- Maximum generations,
I chose this static penalty method because of its ease of use and proven performance.
- Scalar of degree of violation,
Stats over 30 runs:
Best Overall: (Score: 56.96086516860768 :: [0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] => costing 39.99900703419182, 46)
Mean Best Fitness: 53.06670943662913
Standard Deviation of Best Fitness: 1.771948255995935
Mean Generation Best Was Acheived: 31.5
Standard Deviation of Generations: 13.037765657248688
Overage of any constraint leads to a zero fitness.
I chose this static penalty method because of its ease of use and to prove penalization works.
I could not get results due to the following error:
File ".\src\binary_knapsack\selection_mechanism\", line 49, in _generate_pmf
assert self.sum_of_fitnesses > 0
The absolute penalty method was not able to acheive feasible results.
As generations go by, the penalty for the same violation goes up.
I chose this dynamic penalty method to test the claims that this method leads to premature convergence.
- Scalar of generation number,
- Exponent of temporal harshening,
- Exponent of degree of violation,
Stats over 30 runs:
Best Overall: (Score: 55.5352304177474 :: [0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] => costing 39.49372651844115, 50)
Mean Best Fitness: 52.74168473724467
Standard Deviation of Best Fitness: 1.3731685279839918
Mean Generation Best Was Acheived: 29.933333333333334
Standard Deviation of Generations: 13.01520478346597
This did not perform as well as logarithmic, and also did not acheive feasible results sometimes.
An individual's probability of advancement equal to fitness score over sum of all fitness scores.
Stats over 30 runs:
Best Overall: (Score: 56.96086516860768 :: [0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] => costing 39.99900703419182, 32)
Mean Best Fitness: 53.09012691182008
Standard Deviation of Best Fitness: 1.4157700470325698
Mean Generation Best Was Acheived: 30.3
Standard Deviation of Generations: 12.607273033187365
The top
- Top tau,
Stats over 30 runs:
Best Overall: (Score: 56.96086516860768 :: [0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] => costing 39.99900703419182, 39)
Mean Best Fitness: 51.930860569359396
Standard Deviation of Best Fitness: 5.591743945371317
Mean Generation Best Was Acheived: 26.866666666666667
Standard Deviation of Generations: 16.390512160664443
Pick two individuals from the current population uniformly randomly with replacement.
Advance the chromosome
Stats over 30 runs:
Best Overall: (Score: 55.5352304177474 :: [0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] => costing 39.49372651844115, 19)
Mean Best Fitness: 49.19210281339055
Standard Deviation of Best Fitness: 8.154572784009153
Mean Generation Best Was Acheived: 24.666666666666668
Standard Deviation of Generations: 17.793881595150122
Same as deterministic tournament selection, except the worse chromosome
- Probability of the higher performer winning,
Stats over 30 runs:
Best Overall: (Score: 56.96086516860768 :: [0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] => costing 39.99900703419182, 32)
Mean Best Fitness: 46.870285204235365
Standard Deviation of Best Fitness: 5.924614709499177
Mean Generation Best Was Acheived: 13.533333333333333
Standard Deviation of Generations: 16.036901889773546
Each chromosome
An individual's probability of advancement is proportional to its rank.
- Expected # of copies of best
Stats over 30 runs:
Best Overall: (Score: 54.89214401149931 :: [0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0] => costing 39.40230129792615, 4)
Mean Best Fitness: 47.97313785058804
Standard Deviation of Best Fitness: 2.9990674396662595
Mean Generation Best Was Acheived: 22.133333333333333
Standard Deviation of Generations: 15.622064168633058
From two parents, randomly choose a cut-point and swap sides of each parent to create two children.
- Crossover probability,
Stats over 30 runs:
Best Overall: (Score: 55.5352304177474 :: [0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] => costing 39.49372651844115, 31)
Mean Best Fitness: 52.81255744849033
Standard Deviation of Best Fitness: 1.328633982424607
Mean Generation Best Was Acheived: 30.333333333333332
Standard Deviation of Generations: 14.25794125702897
From two parents and for each locus, randomly choose which parent to use at that locus. Choose the better parent with probability
- Crossover probability,
- Probability that the higher-performing parent donates their allele,
Stats over 30 runs:
Best Overall: (Score: 56.96086516860768 :: [0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] => costing 39.99900703419182, 14)
Mean Best Fitness: 53.27474215638246
Standard Deviation of Best Fitness: 1.5440293311694724
Mean Generation Best Was Acheived: 30.466666666666665
Standard Deviation of Generations: 11.315868896770096
From multiple parents and for each locus, deterministicly choose the most common allele for that locus.
- Crossover probability,
- The number of parents to produce one child,
Stats over 30 runs:
Best Overall: (Score: 55.30528934249181 :: [0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0] => costing 39.63564280822889, 7)
Mean Best Fitness: 50.370564380480324
Standard Deviation of Best Fitness: 2.406028580696979
Mean Generation Best Was Acheived: 31.833333333333332
Standard Deviation of Generations: 14.758236871508586
Each bit (
Simulate until one of the following has been met:
- Simulation reaches
generations. - Population fully converges.
From the project root, run pip install -e src/
See repository for full code.
I certify that this report is my own, independent work and that it does not plagiarize, in part or in full, any other work.
- Austin Hester