1) Start monitor mode
2) Stop monitor mode
3) Scan networks
4) Capture handshake
5) Install wireless tools
6) Crack handshake (rockyou.txt)
7) Crack handshake with custom wordlist
8) Crack handshake without wordlist
9) Create wordlist
10) Perform WPS attack
11) Scan network with Nmap
12) Run Metasploit exploit
13) Brute-force login with Hydra
14) Perform phishing attack with Wifiphisher
15) Scan web server with Nikto
16) Listen with Netcat
17) Brute-force directories with Gobuster
18) Perform SQL Injection with SQLMap
0) Exit
Kali Linux
BlackArch Linux
Kali Nethunter
Termux ( Rooted Devices)
Parrot OS
sudo apt-get update && apt-get install git
git clone https://github.com/akashblackhat/wifi-hacking.py.git
cd wifi-hacking.py
sudo python3 wifi-hacking.py
apt update
apt install git
apt install python
apt install python3
apt install cmatrix
git clone https://github.com/akashblackhat/wifi-hacking.py.git
cd wifi-hacking.py
python3 wifi-hacking.py
- @akashblackhat
- Wifi-Hacking tool not responsible for misuse and for illegal purposes. Use it only for Pentest or Educational purpose 🏴 !!!
- Hacking is not a crime (: ..Pull requests are always welcome.. :)