This repository contains an implementation of a mobile Paradym SSI wallet.
With Paradym Wallet, you can seamlessly manage and present your digital credentials, allowing for a secure and private digital existence. Your data is stored locally on your device, meaning that you retain full control over your information and decide who you want to share it with.
Impression of Paradym Wallet
Note: To read more about the Animo EasyPID EUDI wallet prototype, look in the EasyPID app directory.
You can download Paradym Wallet from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
The wallet can be used with existing demo's in these environments:
- Dutch Blockchain Coalition (DBC): Use your wallet to access the DBC zone where you can find extra resources related to DBC events. You can use this link to receive your credential, and log in on the DBC website.
- Future Mobility Alliance: Access the Future Mobility Data Marketplace by obtaining your credential here and logging in via the FMA website.
The project is a monorepo managed using pnpm, which contains an Expo React Native application. The UI is built using Tamagui, and navigation is handled using Expo Router, React Navigation and Solito. For the Agent and SSI capabilities Aries Framework JavaScript (AFJ) is used.
The folder structure is as follows
top level applicationsparadym
Paradym Wallet - react native app for iOS & Androideasypid
EasyPID Wallet - react native app for iOS & Android
shared packagesui
includes our custom UI kit that will be optimized by Tamaguiagent
includes the Aries Framework JavaScript (AFJ) agent and SSI capabilitiesapp
you'll be importing most files fromapp/
(don't use ascreens
folder. organize by feature.)provider
(all the providers that wrap the app, and some no-ops for Web.)navigation
This folder contains navigation-related code for RN. You may use it for any navigation code, such as custom links.
You can add other folders inside of packages/
if you know what you're doing and have a good reason to.
First, start by installing all dependencies by running pnpm install
Once all dependencies are installed, you need to make sure you have a development build of the app on your mobile device. You can install this using the following commands:
cd apps/paradym # or apps/easypid
pnpm prebuild
pnpm ios # or android
You only need to install the development build when native dependencies change. If you're only working on JS, you can skip this step if you already have the development build installed.
Once installed you can run pnpm start
from the root of the project to start your development server.
π§ Soon documentation will be added on how to publish a new release to the Apple App Store and Google Play Stores. π§
If you're installing a JavaScript-only dependency that will be used across platforms, install it in packages/app
cd packages/app
pnpm add date-fns
cd ../..
If you're installing a library with any native code, you must install it in expo
cd apps/paradym
pnpm add react-native-reanimated
cd ..
You can also install the native library inside of packages/app
if you want to get autoimport for that package inside of the app
folder. However, you need to be careful and install the exact same version in both packages. If the versions mismatch at all, you'll potentially get terrible bugs. This is a classic monorepo issue. You can use lerna-update-wizard
to help with this (you don't need to use Lerna to use that lib).