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Arch installation script + py-wal + Hyprland + Yubikey/sudo + CyberSecurity Features


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  • Wayland, Hyperland, Waybar riced with py-wal
  • Fair amount of aliases, functions and plugins.
  • Custom Scripts
  • Yubikey CLI integration for sudo.
  • AppArmor enabled.
  • Unlocks blackarch library.
  • Bare metal only.
  • Uses dark theme.

Futures features and fixes:

  • Make wireshark profiles again.



Category Software
Window Manager Hyprland
Terminal Manager Alacritty
Clipboard Manager Cliphist
File Manager Ranger
Status Bar Waybar
Launcher Wofi
Shell Zsh
Browser Librewolf
Text Editor Codium


  • Interactive modules.
  • Custom module to see how many updates are available.
  • Custom module to check and show your public ip.
  • Cusrom module to display cmus status.
  • Fully customized style with pywal integration and nerdfont icons.

Additional Packages included:

pacman-contrib yay atool unzip zip exa bat ufw wireshark bleachbit virtualbox obsidian nordvpn signal btop wget curl less tree locate qflipper neofetch python rust go pamixer cmus vscodium-bin scrub pam_yubico pam-u2f burpsuite sxiv p7zip apparmor whois tcpdump net-tools

Zsh Plugings, Aliases and Functions:

  • ohmyzsh and pywal integration.
  • Many handy aliases and functions.
  • implemented on a function to use as cheat <argument>
  • zsh plugins.

Custom Scripts:

  • Waybar reset for troubleshooting.
  • Theme Change.
  • Screenshot and edition.
  • Cache management.
  • Cmus Status for Waybar

Cybersecurity features:

  • yubikey integration for passwordless sudo.
  • blackarch library.
  • AppArmor profiles.


  • Make sure you have a USB ready to use with a verified Arch ISO
  • You can use rufus or dd command in linux:
# Lookup for your USB drive
sudo fdisk -l
# Lookup for the path of your ISO file
realpath isofile
# Create the bootable USB
sudo dd bs=4M if=/home/shutter/Documents/ISOs/archlinux-2023.10.14-x86_64.iso of=/dev/sdb
  • Once you booted the USB and accessed the Arch ISO you may need to connect to your wifi
# Start iwctl
# list devices
device list
# Interface set to scan
station wlan0 scan
# Scan for networks
station wlan0 get-networks
# Connect to a network
station wlan0 connect networkname
  • First, update the keyring to avoid issues:
pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring
  • Just run the archinstall script. This are the only relevant steps that you need to follow for this build:

    • Use ext4 file type for your system.
    • Systemd-bootloader can give you problems with encryptation, in that case just use GRUB
    • Choose NetworkManager
    • Extra libraries for 32bit support.
    • Once is done reboot your system.
  • Edit pacman.conf

nano /etc/pacman.conf
# Uncoment Color
# Set ParallelDownloads = 5
# Add "ILoveCandy"
  • Now you should need to connect to the internet, this time use NetworkManager from your system:
# Check if Networkmanager is running
sudo systemctl status NetworkManager.service
sudo systemctl start NetworkManager.service
# Connect to wifi
nmcli device wifi list
nmcli device wifi connect SSID_or_BSSID password password
# Different interface
nmcli device wifi connect SSID_or_BSSID password password ifname wlan1 profile_name
# Hidden network
nmcli device wifi connect SSID_or_BSSID password password hidden yes
  • And download this repository:
git clone
  • Some application doesnt accept relatives paths and you will have to change those to your own home folder.
  • You may also want to create a new directory with your desired profile name on Wireshark/profile and move the files inside.
  • You may want to add your wallpapers to the w4llp4p3rs folder or just change the name and path on the script as you want.
  • If you experience problems with py-wal, make sure that all the paths inside the config files match with your system files.


  • To integrate your yubikey for passwordless sudo:
# Introduce this command, if it generates a hash is all good
# Create the directory for the config files
mkdir -p ~/.config/Yubico
# Now register the hash in the config file
pamu2fcfg -o pam://me -i pam://me > ~/.config/Yubico/u2f_keys
  • Now configure PAM.


Don't close the PAM file until you make it work if you want to avoid pain!!!

sudo nano /etc/pam.d/sudo
  • Make sure the file looks like this:
account         include         system-auth
session         include         system-auth
auth            sufficient cue origin=pam://me appid=pam://me
  • Without closing the PAM file test to see if it works:
sudo echo "SUCCESS"


  • Add the kernel parameters to your bootloader:
# For GRUB:
sudo nano /etc/default/grub
# Edit this line so it looks like this:
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="loglevel=3 quiet lsm=landlock,lockdown,yama,apparmor,bpf"
# Now run this command:
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
# Enable the service:
sudo systemctl enable apparmor.service
# Reboot your system and check if AppArmor enabled:
# Now parse the profiles
sudo apparmor_parser /usr/share/apparmor/extra-profiles



  • Sometimes you may enconter an error retrieving the blackarch.db while updating the system, this error is normally related to a mirror having an expired certificate, simply comment that mirror and uncomment another one
sudo nano /etc/pacman.d/blackarch-mirrorlist
  • In case you need to generate a new py-wal template just use the alias walup:
# For a specific file
wal -i ~/Downloads/w4llp4p3rs/1.jpg
  • In case you need to make zsh your default shell:
usermod --shell /usr/bin/zsh username
  • Refresh your system data base:
sudo updatedb
  • To implement plugings use locate to find the path of the plugin file and add it to your source file:
# use this command:
locate zsh-autosuggestions
# Copy the .zsh entry and add it as source in the config file:
source /usr/share/zsh/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions/zsh-autosuggestions.zsh
  • Type aliasto check the list of aliases.
  • Nowdays with Steam using proton you dont need to install the graphical drivers yourself, the correct drivers for your system will be install when installing proton from Steam.
  • Use atool to compress and uncompress files, worth to have a look at the Arch Manual pages.
  • Once you have apparmor ready you may want to have a look to the snap store.
  • I dont use xwayland but in case you do, the env paths are commented on hyprland.conf.
  • At some point your pacman cache may grow more than it should, clear old libraries and cache to release space
sudo pacman -Scc
  • You can also use this command to delete core dump files
find / -xdev -name core -ls -o  -path "/lib*" -prune


  • Currently Virtualbox Can't Use Fullscreen Mode On Wayland by default.
  • To fix this, go to "User Interface" on the "Settings" from your VM and uncheck "Show in Full-screen/Seamless".
  • This shoud fix the issue, after just adapt the display resolution inside the VM to match the size you are using with your compositor.

Mouse Bindings:

Combination Action
Super + RIGHT CLICK Resize Window
Super + LEFT CLICK Drag Window

Key Bindings:

Combination Action
Super + Enter Alacritty
Super + F Librewolf
Super + K Kill Window
Super + D Wofi
Super + [1-9] Switch Workspace
Super + [SHIFT] + [1-9] Move Window to Workspace
Super + [SHIFT] + [ARROW] Resize Window
Super + [CTRL] + [ARROW] Move Window
Super + [ARROW] Move within Windows
Super + P Toggle Split
Super + O Toggle Float
Super + I Swap Horizontal/Verical
Super + U Full screen
Super + [PRINTSCRN] Screenshot
Super + C Codium
Super + N Obsidian
Super + Z codium .zshsrc
Super + S Signal
Super + B Reset waybar
Super + W Changes theme
Super + Q Volume Up
Super + A Volume Down
Super + R Clear cache
Super + E Clear cache Hard
Super + V Clipboard

Credits and appreciations

  • Credit to Stephan Raabe for the base idea behind the custom scripts and all the pywal integration without his youtube channel would have been way harder.
  • Credit to s4vitar for the rmk function.
  • Credit to the annonymous user who posted the waybar custom module to see your public ip.
  • Credit to @PenAce for the wireshark profiles taken from his awesome video.
  • Credit to Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons for image1 and The band Sleep for image2
  • Wallpaper by Wenqing Yan. ;)
