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342 lines (258 loc) · 12.5 KB
.. only:: noconfig

   .. warning::

      This autogenerated documentation is incomplete because it was not built
      with all optional dependencies (breathe, sphinxbib, cmake). Please visit
      the `Celeritas documentation`_ hosted on GitHub pages for the full

      .. _Celeritas documentation:


Celeritas is a Monte Carlo particle transport code for simulating High Energy Physics (HEP) detectors on general purpose GPUs. Motivated originally by the massive computational requirements of the High Luminosity upgrade to the Large Hadron Collider, the code's goal is to accelerate the most computationally challenging simulation problems in HEP.

.. only:: html

   :Release: |release|
   :Date: |today|


New projects in High Energy Physics (HEP) and upgrades to existing ones promise new discoveries but at the cost of increased hardware complexity and data readout rates. Deducing new physics from detector readouts requires a proportional increase in computational resources. The High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) detectors will require more computational resources than are available with traditional CPU-based computing grids. For example, the CMS collaboration forecasts :cite:`cms-computing-2021` that when the upgrade is brought online, computational resource requirements will exceed availability by more than a factor of two, about 40% of which is Monte Carlo (MC) detector simulation, without substantial research and development improvements.

Celeritas [1] is a new MC particle transport code designed for high performance simulation of complex HEP detectors on GPU-accelerated hardware. Its immediate goal is to simulate electromagnetic (EM) physics for HL-LHC detectors with no loss in fidelity, acting as a plugin to accelerate existing Geant4 :cite:`geant4-2016` workflows by "offloading" selected particles to Celeritas to transport on GPU.

[1]This documentation is generated from Celeritas |release|.



This background section is largely a quote of the Celeritas R&D report :cite:`celer-rd-2024`.

The first investigation of using GPUs to accelerate Geant4 computing was a tangential part of the GeantV project :cite:`geantv-2018`, which had the primary goal of using CPU SIMD hardware to accelerate detector simulation. Toward the end of that experiment, a follow-up GeantX group :cite:`geantx-2019` brought Fermilab and ORNL computational physicists together with computing experts from NERSC and Argonne to brainstorm pathways to exascale for detector simulation. This essentially informal collaboration was funded by ECP, inspired by the success of the ExaSMR code :cite:`exasmr-2023` that successfully developed new algorithms for MC neutronics in nuclear reactors. The broad scope of "implementing Geant4 on GPU" lead to many useful discussions but ultimately proved intractable as a starting point.

Celeritas was founded from those discussions as an entirely new project with the goal of incrementally developing GPU-targeted transport algorithms specifically for computationally intensive LHC simulations. The target of LHC production use is motivated by the high luminosity HL-LHC upgrade, which will drive simulation requirements well beyond the projected computing capacity that relies on traditional multicore CPU hardware :cite:`atlas-computing-2020,cms-computing-2021`.

At the same time as LHC demands more compute capacity, the HPC landscape has changed so that GPUs are responsible for larger amounts of processing power due to their energy efficiency :cite:`khan-top500-2021`. Similarly, as machine learning tools become more widespread across all scientific disciplines, GPU uptake will continue to grow. In this scenario, the primary goal of Celeritas is to enable HEP simulation to take advantage of this increasing supply of GPU hardware.

At the same time, Celeritas strives for a higher simulation throughput per unit power using GPUs compared to a CPU-only machine. Because detector simulation is only a fraction of the experiment toolchain, and the initial capabilities of Celeritas will accelerate only a fraction of that, it is unreasonable to assume that the hypothetical power efficiency of Celeritas will drive any architectural purchasing decisions for new hardware for WLCG. However, as more components of experiment toolchains use GPUs for acceleration for numerical simulations, reconstruction, and machine learning models, the economic considerations will likely change to favor an increasing fraction of machines with heterogeneous architectures.


This user manual is written for three audiences with different goals: Geant4 toolkit users for integrating Celeritas as a plugin, advanced users for extending Celeritas with new physics, and developers for maintaining and advancing the codebase.

Installation and usage

The :ref:`infrastructure` section describes how to obtain and set up a working copy of Celeritas. Once installed, :ref:`Celeritas can be used <infrastructure>` as a software library for integrating directly into experiment frameworks and user applications, or its front end applications can be used to evaluate performance benchmarks and perform some simple analyses.

GPU usage

Celeritas is designed to use GPUs for simulation. When built with CUDA or HIP support, the code automatically copies problem data to device during construction. See :ref:`api_system` for details on initializing and accessing the device.


Celeritas has two choices of geometry implementation. VecGeom is a CUDA-compatible library for navigation on Geant4 detector geometries. :ref:`api_orange` is a work in progress for surface-based geometry navigation that is "platform portable", i.e., able to run on GPUs from multiple vendors.

Celeritas wraps both geometry packages with a uniform interface for changing and querying the geometry state.


The Celeritas default unit system is Gaussian CGS, but it can be :ref:`configured <configuration>` to use SI or CLHEP unit systems as well. A compile-time metadata class allows safe interoperable use of macroscopic-scale units and atomic-scale values such as MeV. For more details, see the :ref:`units_constants` section of the API documentation.

EM Physics

Celeritas implements physics processes and models for transporting electron, positron, and gamma particles. Initial support is being added for muon EM physics. Implementation details of these models and their corresponding Geant4 classes are documented in :ref:`api_em_physics`.

Optical Physics

Optical physics is being added to Celeritas to support various astroparticle, high energy physics, and nuclear physics experiments including LZ, Calvision, DUNE, and ePIC. See the :ref:`api_optical_physics` section of the implementation details.

Stepping loop

In Celeritas, the core algorithm is a loop interchange between particle tracks and steps. Traditionally, in a CPU-based simulation, the outer loop iterates over particle tracks, while the inner loop handles steps. Each step includes actions such as evaluating cross sections, calculating distances to geometry boundaries, and managing interactions that produce secondaries.

Celeritas vectorizes this process by reversing the loop structure on the GPU. The outer loop is over step iterations, and the inner loop processes track slots, which are elements in a fixed-size vector of active tracks. The stepping loop in Celeritas is thus a sorted loop over actions, with each action typically corresponding to a kernel launch on the GPU (or an inner loop over tracks when running on the CPU).

See :ref:`api_stepping` for implementation details on the ordering of actions and the status of a track slot during iteration.


Celeritas includes a core set of libraries for internal and external use, as well as several helper applications and front ends.

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2
   :caption: Using Celeritas



.. only:: nobreathe

   .. warning:: The breathe_ extension was not used when building this version
      of the documentation. The API documentation will not be rendered below.

   .. _breathe:

The bulk of Celeritas' code is in several code libraries to be used by external users and application developers. Currently, the most stable and user-ready component of Celeritas is its :ref:`api_g4_interface` for offloading. This section includes detailed descriptions of the physics model implementations, and high-level summaries of the Celeritas Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). Cursory documentation for many of the classes and other data constructs are described in this user manual, but further details for developers can be found in the full Doxygen-generated developer documentation.

The Celeritas codebase lives under the src/ directory and is partitioned into several libraries of increasing complexity: :file:`corecel` for GPU/CPU abstractions, :file:`geocel` for geometry interfaces and wrappers to external libraries, :file:`orange` for the ORANGE platform-portable geometry implementation, :file:`celeritas` for the GPU implementation of physics and MC particle tracking, and :file:`accel` for the Geant4 integration library.

Additional top-level files provide access to version and configuration attributes.


When building Celeritas, regardless of the configured :ref:`dependencies <Dependencies>`, all of the documented API code in corecel, orange, and celeritas (except possibly headers ending in .json.hh, .device.hh, etc.) will compile and can link to downstream code. However, some classes will throw celeritas::RuntimeError if they lack the required functionality.

If Geant4 is disabled, the accel library will not be built or installed, because every component of that library requires Geant4.

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2
   :caption: Implementation details


Development Guide

The agility, extensibility, and performance of Celeritas depend strongly on software infrastructure and best practices. This section describes how to modify and extend the codebase.

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2
   :caption: Development



A few standalone codes demonstrate how to use Celeritas as an app and as a library, in independent and Geant4-integrated contexts.

.. todo::
   This section is not yet complete.

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2
   :caption: Examples


.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2
   :caption: Appendices
