Trying out different clang compiler on macos, 3rd try
Trying out different clang compiler on macos, 3rd try
Trying out different clang compiler on macos, 2nd try
Trying out different clang compiler on macos, 2nd try
Trying out different clang compiler on macos
Trying out different clang compiler on macos
Updating to latest Catch2 and macos-15 on GH action runner
Updating to latest Catch2 and macos-15 on GH action runner
Tweaked concepts syntax
Tweaked concepts syntax
Enhanced with notes on concepts
Enhanced with notes on concepts
Requires signature problematic for MSVC
Requires signature problematic for MSVC
Simplifying emplace_back requires
Simplifying emplace_back requires
Finished DBC code, added requires clauses
Finished DBC code, added requires clauses
Changed iterator ctor to take a container by moving or copying
Changed iterator ctor to take a container by moving or copying
Adding thanks to Lou
Adding thanks to Lou
Minor style changes from Lou's code
Minor style changes from Lou's code