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86 lines (57 loc) · 2.98 KB

File metadata and controls

86 lines (57 loc) · 2.98 KB


Installing libraries

Several external tools are used in order to properly format the code. Install them with:

pip install -r requirements-tests.txt


Black is a code formatter made to be uncompromising. No time is spent in order to determine how things should be formatted since there is no choice to make.

To run black on a folder or a file, simply run:

black <path>

The configuration of black can be found in the file pyproject.toml.


Isort is an external tool that sorts and formats all the imports of a file.

The command to format a file is:

isort <path_file>

Or to run over a folder:

isort -rc <path_folder>

The configuration is also stored in the file pyproject.toml.


Pylint is another external tool that can check the coding standard such as line length, common mistakes, errors, etc. It is used in the CI in combination with pylint-fail-under, a wrapper.

The command to check the output over a folder or a file of pylint is:

pylint --rcfile=setup.cfg <path>

The configuration is stored in the file setup.cfg.

Pre Commit hook

pre-commit is a tool that will apply some hooks before every commit you do. This will be used in order to run the different formatting tools. In order to be able to use the pre-commit hook run:

pre-commit install

The pre-commit hook does the following:

  1. Adding blank line at the end of file if it's missing
  2. Removing trailing white spaces
  3. Applying Black
  4. Applying Isort
  5. Running the tests
  6. Running Pylint with a threshold score of 10

If any of these tasks fails, it will abort the commit and in case of tasks that format the code, it will change the files inplace. The configuration of pre-commit can be found in the file .pre-commit-config.yaml


In order to setup some documentation of the project, Sphinx is used. It's a library that will generate a nice documentation from the different comments from the code.

In order for it to work, the docstring should be of the google style format (some examples can be found here - from the google styleguide and here - the plugin used by Sphinx in order to parse google docstring) To generate the documentation, follow the different steps:

  1. If you added new .py files in the project, go inside the folder docs/ (Important) and run the command sphinx-apidoc -f -o source ../
  2. You can customize the files by editing the .rst files in the folder docs/source/
  3. Generate the doc with make html while being inside the folder docs/
  4. Open the file docs/bild/html/index.html in a navigator to see the documentation