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This module will create:

  • Elasticsearch cluster with the specified node count in aws
  • Elasticsearch domain policy that accepts a list of IAM role ARNs from which to permit management traffic to the cluster

NOTE: To enable zone awareness to deploy Elasticsearch nodes into two different Availability Zones, you need to set zone_awareness_enabled to true If you don't enable zone awareness, Amazon ES places an endpoint into only one subnet.


Basic example

module "elasticsearch" {
  source                  = "git::"
  domain_name             = "eg"
  elasticsearch_version   = "6.5"
  zone_awareness_enabled  = "false"
  instance_type           = "t2.small.elasticsearch"
  instance_count          = 2
  encrypt_at_rest_enabled = true

  advanced_options {
    "rest.action.multi.allow_explicit_index" = "true"



Name Description Type Default Required
advanced_options Key-value string pairs to specify advanced configuration options map(string) <map> no
automated_snapshot_start_hour Hour at which automated snapshots are taken, in UTC number 0 no
availability_zone_count Number of Availability Zones for the domain to use. number 2 no
dedicated_master_count Number of dedicated master nodes in the cluster number 0 no
dedicated_master_enabled Indicates whether dedicated master nodes are enabled for the cluster bool false no
dedicated_master_type Instance type of the dedicated master nodes in the cluster string t2.small.elasticsearch no
ebs_iops The baseline input/output (I/O) performance of EBS volumes attached to data nodes. Applicable only for the Provisioned IOPS EBS volume type number 0 no
ebs_volume_size EBS volumes for data storage in GB number 0 no
ebs_volume_type Storage type of EBS volumes string gp2 no
elasticsearch_version Version of Elasticsearch to deploy string 6.5 no
enabled Set to false to prevent the module from creating any resources bool true no
encrypt_at_rest_enabled Whether to enable encryption at rest bool true no
encrypt_at_rest_kms_key_id The KMS key ID to encrypt the Elasticsearch domain with. If not specified, then it defaults to using the AWS/Elasticsearch service KMS key string `` no
instance_count Number of data nodes in the cluster number 4 no
instance_type Elasticsearch instance type for data nodes in the cluster string t2.small.elasticsearch no
log_publishing_application_cloudwatch_log_group_arn ARN of the CloudWatch log group to which log for ES_APPLICATION_LOGS needs to be published string `` no
log_publishing_application_enabled Specifies whether log publishing option for ES_APPLICATION_LOGS is enabled or not bool false no
log_publishing_index_cloudwatch_log_group_arn ARN of the CloudWatch log group to which log for INDEX_SLOW_LOGS needs to be published string `` no
log_publishing_index_enabled Specifies whether log publishing option for INDEX_SLOW_LOGS is enabled or not bool false no
log_publishing_search_cloudwatch_log_group_arn ARN of the CloudWatch log group to which log for SEARCH_SLOW_LOGS needs to be published string `` no
log_publishing_search_enabled Specifies whether log publishing option for SEARCH_SLOW_LOGS is enabled or not bool false no
domain_name Name of the application string - yes
namespace Namespace (e.g. eg or cp) string `` no
node_to_node_encryption_enabled Whether to enable node-to-node encryption bool false no
zone_awareness_enabled Enable zone awareness for Elasticsearch cluster bool true no


Name Description
domain_arn ARN of the Elasticsearch domain
domain_endpoint Domain-specific endpoint used to submit index, search, and data upload requests
domain_hostname Elasticsearch domain hostname to submit index, search, and data upload requests
domain_id Unique identifier for the Elasticsearch domain
elasticsearch_user_iam_role_arn The ARN of the IAM role to allow access to Elasticsearch cluster
elasticsearch_user_iam_role_name The name of the IAM role to allow access to Elasticsearch cluster


For additional context, refer to some of these links.