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This repository was archived by the owner on Mar 25, 2019. It is now read-only.


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99 lines (78 loc) · 6.07 KB

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99 lines (78 loc) · 6.07 KB

☝️ Please Note!

This plugin was integrated into CLion 2019.1, and it will be further developed as part of the IDE. Older versions of the plugin will remain available in the plugins repository.

Refer to the press release for more information.

For bug reports and feature requests, please use JetBrains YouTrack. Feel free to upvote and comment in existing tickets.

This repository was archived and turned read-only.


The plugin supports two different, almost unrelated features:

  • Conversion STM32CubeMX projects to CLion-capable cmake project
  • Downloading and debugging binaries onto MCU chips using OpenOCD

You can use only one the second parts, if you develop something unrelated to ST products.


You are doing everything at your own risk. Nor me, nor JetBrains, nor anybody else takes any responsibility in case of any direct or indirect damages or losses.


You will need following tools being installed and configured:

  • Compatible hardware, virtually any of STM32 development boards
  • CLion. The project tested against CLion 2017.3.
  • GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain
    • (Mac only) Install GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain via Homebrew: brew cask install gcc-arm-embedded
  • OpenOCD
    • (Mac only) Install OpenOCD via Homebrew: brew install openocd
  • (Windows only) ST-LINK/V2 driver. May be downloaded from or just borrowed from OpenOCD binary distribution
  • STM32CubeMX. After installation, do not forget to download MCU support library for your MCU. See Help -> Manage embedded software packages there.
  • (Windows only) MinGW

Install Plugin

In CLion, go to File -> Settings ... -> Plugins -> Browse repositories ... and install the plugin "OpenOCD + STM32CubeMX support for ARM embedded".

Project creation and conversion HowTo

  1. Run STM32CubeMX and:
    1. Choose your hardware
    2. Configure it
    3. In project settings, select name and location for the project. Please do not use spaces, non-latin letters or any special symbols for the location and for the name.
    4. In project settings, select SW4STM32 as a toolchain and keep Generate Under Root checked.
    5. Click Generate Code. This will generate Eclipse-style project stub with libraries and sources.
  2. Run Clion and:
    1. Open or import the resulting folder of the previous step as a project. Ignore all the errors shown.
    2. Go to File -> Settings... -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> OpenOCD support and configure tool location.
    3. Select Tools -> Update CMake project with STM32CubeMX project. This will regenerate project files and reload cmake configs.
    4. In the newly popped dialog, select your board config file. OpenOCD is shipped with a set of board config files located at /usr/share/openocd/scripts/board folder, in case of Windows <openocd_home>/share/openocd/scripts/board. Those files are OpenOCD predefined ones and they are quite obviously named, for instance st_nucleo_f4.cfg is the config file for any STM32 Nucleo boards based on STM32F4 MCU family. If there is no suitable config among existing, you can write your own .cfg file and use it. Refer to OpenOCD documentation for more details.
    5. To customize TCP ports or the board config file afterwards, open Run -> Edit Configurations ... -> OpenOCD Download & Run.
  3. (Mac Only) Configure CLion to point to the Homebrew-installed multi-arch GDB (installed in the Prerequisites section), since CLion does not bundle this on macOS:
    1. Change Preferences -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Toochains -> Debugger to arm-none-eabi-gdb
    2. Change Preferences -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> OpenOCD Support -> Use GDB to From Toolchain (arm-none-eabi-gdb)

Now you can connect your board, compile and start the firmware. The plugin creates special run configuration, if you run it, the compiled firmware will be downloaded to the target board, and then the chip will be reset. If Debug button is pressed, then firmware will be downloaded, chip chip will be reset, and then remote debugger will be attached to the MCU, you can use breakpoints and watches to verify how your firmware works on-chip.

While code writing

  • Put all your source and include files under Src and Inc folders, respectively.

  • In files, generated by STM32CubeMX all your code lines should be placed between of /* USER CODE BEGIN ??? */ and /* USER CODE END ??? */ pseudo comments. STM32CubeMX keeps those pieces of code untouched during code regeneration.

  • Run Update CMake project with STM32CubeMX project everytime after running STM32CubeMX code regeneration.

  • CMakeLists.txt is always regenerated during project update, so if you make changes to it, they all will be lost. If you need to have CMakeLists.txt changed (i.e. external libraries, FPU support etc.) please change the template, CMakeLists_template.txt, and then update the project.

Bugs, Feature requests, Questions, and Contribution

Please read


If you like the plugin, you may ⭐ the project at github (button at top-right of the page) and at jetbrains plugins repository.