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The general architecture of ENSIME looks like this:


which is explained in a recent talk about ENSIME by @rorygraves and @fommil. All our code is hosted at

Where to Start

The first thing to do is to decide what you want to contribute!

If you are looking for a small task to pick up, have a look at our latest milestone on github.

Anything with the Low Hanging Fruit or Needs Reproduction labels are suitable for a new contributor. Please contact us on the github issue directly if you want to contribute something: this avoids duplication of efforts, and also lets us discuss the best way to do it.

We have regular Hack Days in London. If you can set aside the time to join us, they are a fun and exciting way to contribute to ENSIME.

If you can't come to a hack day but you'd really like to have some live help from somebody, please ask. We can use the libre software to screen share and discuss tickets anytime that is convenient.

If you'd like an ENSIME logo sticker for your laptop, let us know in your PR and privately email your postal address (or feel literally free to print your own, the logo is CC BY-SA 3.0 and is not trademarked).


If you want to work on editor support for ENSIME there may be additional documentation at these locations:

If you want to add support for an editor not listed here, please get in touch at and read the server documentation below to get an idea of what the API looks like.

Build Tools

If you want to work on build tool support, there may be documentation at these locations:

If you want to add support for a new build tool, the manual .ensime instructions are a good place to start.

Scala Compiler and Refactoring

Much of the Scala support of ENSIME is provided by the scala compiler itself and the refactoring library. Scala IDE also uses these components and their documentation on accessing the presentation compiler is recommended reading. We also recommend watching a recent talk about scala-refactoring by @mlangc.

If you'd like to improve these components, you may wish to ask questions at and respectively.

Many problems (e.g. the infamous "red squiggles on valid code") may be incredibly difficult to solve in the compiler and we created ensime/pcplod to help you create minimal examples of what is broken and to allow you to work with macro/plugin authors to fix the issues. If the problem appears to be a presentation compiler bug, you will need to fix the bug upstream.

To hack on the scala compiler with ENSIME, make sure to apply the instructions documented in build_tools/sbt.


The remainder of this document focuses on contributing to the server component, which is hosted at If you pick up a ticket, please comment on it to let us know so that we can help (and also to avoid overlapping with somebody else). Feel free to ask questions on the github issue tracker or

The server API is documented in org/ensime/api with example JSON payloads in org/ensime/jerky. The preferred protocol for most editors is JSON over WebSockets, which we call our JERKY protocol. A legacy S-Expression over TCP protocol is used by Emacs (deriving from the SWANK protocol of SLIME), but ENSIME 2.0 will hopefully see us move to S-Expressions over WebSockets, which we will call our SWANKY protocol.

Compiling and Tests

Make sure you have 0.13.13+ of the sbt start script, otherwise project compilation will fail with a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError or java.lang.StackOverflowError.

We use Java 6 in our CI because we are part of the community builds, but you should be able to use Java 7 for local development. Many of our tests are making assertions on classpath searches and some of our assumptions (such as method signatures and orderings of Java classes) may not be true for recent versions of Java. In ENSIME 2.0 we will move to Java 7 and Java 8 in our CI.

Before you start, run this SBT command on your ensime-server repository as the .ensime file is required to run the integration tests (even if you are not using ENSIME to hack on ENSIME).

sbt ensimeConfig

Don't forget to compile the integration tests as well as the tests, e.g.

sbt test:compile it:compile

The .drone.yml file documents the exact commands that we use during our CI and should serve as a good reference.

Implementing a Feature or Bugfix

It all starts with a test. Find a test that is already testing something similar to what you want to achieve, and adapt it.

We have several styles of tests: unit tests, in-memory source tests (e.g. RichPresentationCompilerSpec), on-disk source tests (e.g. BasicWorkflow) and the Emacs client tests. It may be instructive for you to read and understand some of these tests to get a feel for the right level to write your test.

Graphpocalypse Beta Testing

Are you willing to help us bring new exciting features to ENSIME, or perhaps you enjoy using unstable and bug-ridden bleeding edge software?

The 2.0-graph is where Andrey Sugak's Google Summer of Code project is happening.

First set up your developer version of the ensime client to track 2.0.0-graph-SNAPSHOT, e.g. in Emacs (setq ensime-server-version "2.0.0-graph-SNAPSHOT"). Assembly jars are available from the usual location (see Manual QA Testing for instructions).

The graph database needs direct memory, so you should add something like this to your ~/.sbt/0.13/global.sbt to ensure that all your projects can support it:

org.ensime.Imports.EnsimeKeys.ensimeJavaFlags += "-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=4g"

We want your feedback! Get in touch the ensime-server gitter room and direct your comments to @sugakandrey.


We do not have any official style guide. Code formatting is enforced by scalariform. When in doubt, prefer functional idioms encouraged by Typelevel such as referential transparency, typeclass derivation and immutable data structures. We made a huge mistake depending on akka and we would like to fix that by replacing it.

Note that many functional styles of programming introduce huge memory overheads and we have several critical paths where we cannot afford to trade style over performance. We encourage locally scoped mutability if it improves performance and / or readability. We integrate with several heavily mutable external systems, such as the ASM classpath visitor, file systems, databases and the compiler APIs, so we try to be pragmatic.

Because we are at the forefront of the development cycle for new versions of Scala, we prefer to restrict our usage of external scala libraries. Therefore, please prefer Java dependencies where possible.

Manual QA Testing

If an -assembly.jar file exists in your .emacs.d/ensime, .atom/packages/Ensime or .config/ensime-vim directory (for the expected binary version of scala and ENSIME) then it will be used in preference to the sbt auto-update procedure. This is advantageous for developing on ENSIME and also to enable a simple install of the ENSIME server in restricted environments. SNAPSHOT assembly jars are provided at (with many thanks to Typelevel for the use of their servers).

To build your own server jars, do this:

git clone
sbt ++2.10.6 ensime/assembly # replace with your version of scala
cp target/scala-2.10/ensime_2.10-0.9.10-SNAPSHOT-assembly.jar ~/.emacs.d/ensime/

When you want to swap back to using official releases, delete your -assembly.jar files.

You can also sbt publishLocal but make sure you clean up your ~/.ivy2/local afterwards.

When using sbt publishLocal for the first time make sure to remove a cached classpath file in your .emacs.d/ensime, .atom/packages/Ensime or .config/ensime-vim directory (for the expected binary version of scala and ENSIME) if it exists. It will be recreated automatically with new ensime location pointing to ~/.ivy2/local directory. Make sure to do the same things aftewards.