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This is a repository for rust users, who want to solve difficult challenges or kickstart basic projects in rustlang.


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Rust Raid

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This project is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by the Rust Foundation or the Rust programming language project. "Rust" and the Rust logo are trademarks of the Rust Foundation. For details on trademark usage, please refer to the Rust Foundation Trademark Policy.

Rust Raid is a repository for Rust learners and coding challenge seekers.

Note: In some linux distributions (specially WSL), the following packages might need to be installed to run some binaries that require network request.

  1. pkg-config
  2. libssl-dev

Example commands for installing in ubuntu

sudo apt install pkgconf
sudo apt install libssl-dev

You can check similar commands for other distributions

The repository contains the following:

  • Algorithms that can be used to solve various problems.
  • Examples of different design patterns and data structures.
  • solutions to diverse challenges categorized by different topics(workspaces).
  • advanced concepts that include memory management, multiprocessing, etc.
  • Demo projects to polish your skills to the depth.

Each workspace contains multiple binaries so that it will be easier to run specific problem by selecting binaries.

You can run the cargo run --bin <binary_name> to run binaries.To run all test cases, you can run cargo test command, or to run specific test, you can run cargo test --bin <binary_name>

# Example: running binary for huffman encoding
cargo run --bin huffman
cargo test --bin huffman

Note: Topics that do not contain hyperlinks are work in progress and will be updated once the solution gets completed.

You can also create a PR with solution/enhancement to each topics.

  1. Arrays
  2. Singly Linked Lists
  3. Doubly Linked Lists cargo run --bin doubly_linked_list
  4. Stacks cargo run --bin stack
  5. Queues cargo run --bin queue
  6. Binary Trees cargo run --bin binary_tree
  7. Trie cargo run --bin trie
  1. Linear Searching cargo run --bin linear_search
  2. Binary Searching cargo run --bin binary_search
  3. [Depth First Search (DFS)]
  4. [Breadth First Search (BFS)]
  1. bubble sort cargo run --bin bubble_sort
  2. selection sort cargo run --bin selection_sort
  3. insertion sort cargo run --bin insertion_sort
  4. quick sort cargo run --bin quick_sort
  5. Merge sort cargo run --bin merge_sort
  6. [heap Sort]
  7. [Counting Sort]
  8. [Radix Sort]
  1. [Activity Selection]
  2. Huffman Coding cargo run --bin huffman
  3. Krushkal's algorithm cargo run --bin kruskal
  4. [Prim's Algorithm]
  5. [Dijkstra's Algorithm]
  6. [Bellman-Ford Algorithm]
  7. [Floyd-Warshall Algorithm]
  8. [Topological Sort]
  9. [A* Search Algorithm]
  1. Singleton Pattern cargo run --bin singleton
  2. Factory Pattern cargo run --bin factory
  3. Builder Pattern cargo run --bin builder
  4. Decorator Pattern cargo run --bin decorator
  5. Observer Pattern cargo run --bin observer
  6. Strategy Pattern cargo run --bin strategy
  7. Command Pattern cargo run --bin command
  8. Adapter Pattern cargo run --bin adapter
  1. Practical Number cargo run --bin practical_number
  2. Greatest Common Divisor cargo run --bin gcd
  3. Median cargo run --bin median
  4. Reverse digits of the integer cargo run --bin reverse_integer
  5. List Comprehension cargo run --bin comprehension
  6. Linear Regression Model cargo run --bin linear_regression
  7. Matrix Multiplication Model cargo run --bin matrix_multiplication
  8. Color Converter cargo run --bin color_converter
  1. List group by consecutive numbers cargo run --bin consecutive_groups
  2. Find the length of the longest substring with maximum 2 repetitioncargo run --bin repeat
  3. Find the index of 2 numbers in an array whose sum equals to the provided target cargo run --bin two_sum
  4. Minimize the Sum from an array cargo run --bin minimize_sum
  5. Fibonacci Series cargo run --bin fibonacci
  6. Longest Common Subsequence cargo run --bin lcs
  7. Coin Change Problem cargo run --bin coin_change
  8. Palindrome Partition cargo run --bin palindrome_partition

5.1. Memory Management

5.2. Type System and Generics

5.3. Concurrency and Parallelism

5.4. Macros and Meta programming

5.5. Low level and systems programming

5.6. Error handling and patterns

5.7. Specialized topics

  • Writing a custom allocator
  • Self-referential structs (box, rc, Arc)
  1. Python's Pandas like dataframe container cargo run --bin pandas
  2. ruscrypt basic encryption cargo run --bin ruscrypt
  3. Basic Password vault cargo run --bin vault
  4. Basic TODO Web Application cargo run --bin todo
  5. File Downloader with Concurrency

Running binaries

To run any binary, you can run the command cargo run --bin <bin_name>


cargo run --bin practical_number

Note: Binary names might not always be the name of the file. Sometimes, a shorter version of the solution name is used to make easier to type. You can see the name of binary in the respective file or the docstring of the respective solution. some examples of shorter version of solution name are as follows:

  • The binary for is just huffman.


There are test cases for each functions/challenges which will be beneficial for you to learn testing as well as test programs for errors.

To test programs, you can run cargo test command.


cargo test

# alternatively, to test individual binary, you can run
cargo test --bin your_program_name


This is a repository for rust users, who want to solve difficult challenges or kickstart basic projects in rustlang.








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