is a HEP oriented concurrent framework written in Go
should be easy to pick up and use for small and fast analyses but should also support reconstruction, simulation, ... use cases.
, like any pure-Go package, is go get
$ go get go-hep.org/x/hep/fwk/...
(yes, with the ellipsis after the slash, to install all the "sub-packages")
The documentation is available on godoc
The examples
directory contains a few simple applications which exercize the fwk
The examples/tutorials should be readily available as soon as you've executed:
$ go get go-hep.org/x/hep/fwk/examples/...
$ fwk-ex-tuto-1 -help
Usage: fwk-ex-tuto1 [options]
$ fwk-ex-tuto-1 -l=INFO -evtmax=-1
-evtmax=10: number of events to process
-l="INFO": message level (DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR)
-nprocs=0: number of events to process concurrently
$ fwk-ex-tuto-1
::: fwk-ex-tuto-1...
t2 INFO configure...
t2 INFO configure... [done]
t1 INFO configure ...
t1 INFO configure ... [done]
t2 INFO start...
t1 INFO start...
app INFO >>> running evt=0...
t1 INFO proc... (id=0|0) => [10, 20]
t2 INFO proc... (id=0|0) => [10 -> 100]
app INFO >>> running evt=1...
t1 INFO proc... (id=1|0) => [10, 20]
t2 INFO proc... (id=1|0) => [10 -> 100]
app INFO >>> running evt=2...
t1 INFO proc... (id=2|0) => [10, 20]
t2 INFO proc... (id=2|0) => [10 -> 100]
app INFO >>> running evt=3...
t1 INFO proc... (id=3|0) => [10, 20]
t2 INFO proc... (id=3|0) => [10 -> 100]
app INFO >>> running evt=4...
t1 INFO proc... (id=4|0) => [10, 20]
t2 INFO proc... (id=4|0) => [10 -> 100]
app INFO >>> running evt=5...
t1 INFO proc... (id=5|0) => [10, 20]
t2 INFO proc... (id=5|0) => [10 -> 100]
app INFO >>> running evt=6...
t1 INFO proc... (id=6|0) => [10, 20]
t2 INFO proc... (id=6|0) => [10 -> 100]
app INFO >>> running evt=7...
t1 INFO proc... (id=7|0) => [10, 20]
t2 INFO proc... (id=7|0) => [10 -> 100]
app INFO >>> running evt=8...
t1 INFO proc... (id=8|0) => [10, 20]
t2 INFO proc... (id=8|0) => [10 -> 100]
app INFO >>> running evt=9...
t1 INFO proc... (id=9|0) => [10, 20]
t2 INFO proc... (id=9|0) => [10 -> 100]
t2 INFO stop...
t1 INFO stop...
app INFO cpu: 432.039us
app INFO mem: alloc: 68 kB
app INFO mem: tot-alloc: 79 kB
app INFO mem: n-mallocs: 410
app INFO mem: n-frees: 60
app INFO mem: gc-pauses: 0 ms
::: fwk-ex-tuto-1... [done] (cpu=625.918us)
There is also a more physics-oriented example/demonstrator: fads
is a small tool to generate most of the boilerplate
code to bootstrap the creation of new fwk.Component
s (either
or fwk.Svc
$ fwk-new-comp -help
Usage: fwk-new-comp [options] <component-name>
$ fwk-new-comp -c=task -p=mypackage mytask
$ fwk-new-comp -c=task -p mypackage mytask >| mytask.go
$ fwk-new-comp -c=svc -p mypackage mysvc >| mysvc.go
-c="task": type of component to generate (task|svc)
-p="": name of the package holding the component
lists all the currently available components.
$ fwk-list-components
::: components... (5)
[0000/0005] go-hep.org/x/hep/fwk.InputStream
[0001/0005] go-hep.org/x/hep/fwk.OutputStream
[0002/0005] go-hep.org/x/hep/fwk.appmgr
[0003/0005] go-hep.org/x/hep/fwk.datastore
[0004/0005] go-hep.org/x/hep/fwk.dflowsvc