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How to use std::map with a custom key

std::map provides a key to value mapping, where the key is sorted. Behind the scenes std::map could be implemented as a tree or hashtable, but the point is you don't need to worry about that. All you need to do is provide a means to sort the keys via the "<" operator.

Now, many classes come with this operator already, hence you can do:

    std::map< std::string, int > m;

But if you want to provide your own sorter, that is easy too:

    bool operator< (const AccountNumber& rhs) const {
        return (val < rhs.val);

For our example, let's make use of "using" to make things more readable: For adding to a map, you must insert:

    using Account = BankAccount<int>;
    using Bank = std::map< AccountNumber, Account >;
    Bank thebank;

So now we have our key as AccountNumber and Account being our value. Let's add an account. Note that to make a key value pair you use std::make_pair:

    AccountNumber account1(101);
    Account       balance1(10000);
    thebank.insert(std::make_pair(account1, balance1));

Alternatively you can insert via []

    AccountNumber account2(102);
    Account       balance2(20000);
    thebank[account2] = balance2;

And finally, emplace can be used which avoids the copy for large objects:

    AccountNumber account3(103);
    Account       balance3(30000);
    thebank.emplace(std::make_pair(account3, balance3));

To check if an account exists, use find(). The return value is an iterator, so to check for failure just compare to the end() iterator:

    if (thebank.find(account1) == thebank.end()) {
    } else {

Removing an account is via erase:


And finally to remove everything and rob the bank, do:


Here is the full example:

#include <algorithm>
#include <functional> // for _1, _2
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>

class AccountNumber
  int val {};

  AccountNumber(void) {}
  AccountNumber(int val) : val(val) {}
  bool                 operator<(const AccountNumber &rhs) const { return (val < rhs.val); }
  std::string          to_string(void) const { return "AccountNumber(" + std::to_string(val) + ")"; }
  friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const AccountNumber &o)
    os << o.to_string();
    return os;

template < class T > class BankAccount;

template < class T > class BankAccount
  T cash {};

  BankAccount() { std::cout << "default constructor " << to_string() << std::endl; }
  BankAccount(T cash) : cash(cash) { std::cout << "new cash " << to_string() << std::endl; }
  BankAccount(const BankAccount &o)
    std::cout << "copy cash constructor called for " << o.to_string() << std::endl;
    cash =;
    std::cout << "copy cash constructor result is  " << to_string() << std::endl;
  ~BankAccount() { std::cout << "delete account " << to_string() << std::endl; }
  void deposit(const T &deposit)
    cash += deposit;
    std::cout << "deposit cash called " << to_string() << std::endl;
  using CheckTransactionCallback = std::function< void(T) >;
  int check_transaction(int cash, CheckTransactionCallback fn)
    if (cash < 100) {
      throw std::string("transaction is too small for Mr Money Bags");
    } else {
    return cash;
  T    balance(void) const { return cash; }
  bool check_balance(T expected) const
    if (cash == expected) {
      return true;
    } else {
      throw std::string("account has different funds " + to_string() + " than expected " + std::to_string(expected));
  friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const BankAccount< T > &o)
    os << "$" << std::to_string(;
    return os;
  std::string to_string(void) const
    auto              address = static_cast< const void              *>(this);
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << address;
    return "BankAccount(" + ss.str() + ", cash $" + std::to_string(cash) + ")";

int main(int, char **)
  // Create a std::map of AccountNumber -> Account
  using Account = BankAccount< int >;
  using Bank    = std::map< const AccountNumber, Account >;
  Bank thebank;

  // We're going to be fancy here and create a lambda we can use
  // to print the accounts.
  auto show_all_bank_accounts = ([](const Bank &b) {
    // Show all bank accounts
    for (auto const &acc : b) {
      std::cout << acc.first << " " << acc.second << std::endl;

  // Create some accounts
  AccountNumber account1(101);
  Account       balance1(10000);

  AccountNumber account2(102);
  Account       balance2(20000);

  AccountNumber account3(104);
  Account       balance3(30000);

  AccountNumber account4(104);
  Account       balance4(30000);

  // Add an account with insert()
  thebank.insert(std::make_pair(account1, balance1));

  // Add an account with map[k] = v
  thebank[ account2 ] = balance2;

  // Add an account with emplace()
  thebank.emplace(std::make_pair(account3, balance3));


  // Does account1 exist?
  if (thebank.find(account1) == thebank.end()) {
    // No
  } else {
    // Yes

  // Does account4 exist?
  if (thebank.find(account4) == thebank.end()) {
    // No. Add it quick!
    thebank.insert(std::make_pair(account4, balance4));
  } else {
    // Yes

  // Remove account2

  // Modify account3
  thebank[ account3 ].deposit(100);

  // Rob the bank

  // End

To build:

cd std_map_with_custom_key
rm -f *.o example
clang -std=c++2a -Werror -g -O3 -fstack-protector-all -ggdb3 -Wall -c -o main.o main.cpp
clang  main.o -lstdc++  -o example

Expected output:

# Create a std::map of AccountNumber -> Account

# Create some accounts
new cash BankAccount(0x16bb32fc4, cash $10000)
new cash BankAccount(0x16bb32fc0, cash $20000)
new cash BankAccount(0x16bb32fbc, cash $30000)
new cash BankAccount(0x16bb32fb8, cash $30000)

# Add an account with insert()
copy cash constructor called for BankAccount(0x16bb32fc4, cash $10000)
copy cash constructor result is  BankAccount(0x16bb32fe4, cash $10000)
copy cash constructor called for BankAccount(0x16bb32fe4, cash $10000)
copy cash constructor result is  BankAccount(0x6000030e82f0, cash $10000)
delete account BankAccount(0x16bb32fe4, cash $10000)

# Add an account with map[k] = v
default constructor BankAccount(0x6000030e8320, cash $0)

# Add an account with emplace()
copy cash constructor called for BankAccount(0x16bb32fbc, cash $30000)
copy cash constructor result is  BankAccount(0x16bb32fe4, cash $30000)
copy cash constructor called for BankAccount(0x16bb32fe4, cash $30000)
copy cash constructor result is  BankAccount(0x6000030e8350, cash $30000)
delete account BankAccount(0x16bb32fe4, cash $30000)

# Show all bank accounts
AccountNumber(101) $10000
AccountNumber(102) $20000
AccountNumber(104) $30000

# Does account1 exist?

# Yes

# Does account4 exist?

# Yes

# Show all bank accounts
AccountNumber(101) $10000
AccountNumber(102) $20000
AccountNumber(104) $30000

# Remove account2
delete account BankAccount(0x6000030e8320, cash $20000)

# Show all bank accounts
AccountNumber(101) $10000
AccountNumber(104) $30000

# Modify account3
deposit cash called BankAccount(0x6000030e8350, cash $30100)

# Show all bank accounts
AccountNumber(101) $10000
AccountNumber(104) $30100

# Rob the bank
delete account BankAccount(0x6000030e82f0, cash $10000)
delete account BankAccount(0x6000030e8350, cash $30100)

# End
delete account BankAccount(0x16bb32fb8, cash $30000)
delete account BankAccount(0x16bb32fbc, cash $30000)
delete account BankAccount(0x16bb32fc0, cash $20000)
delete account BankAccount(0x16bb32fc4, cash $10000)