Sets are containers for unique sorted values. Contrary to std::multiset, if you insert an identical value, that will result in failure.
The actual implemenation of a std::set is likely to be an underlying tree possibly a red-black tree. Compare this to std::unordered_set that is likely to be a hashtable. Hence there may be performance advantages to one over the other depending on how well your data hashes.
Hash tables are generally O(1) and trees O(log N), but there are some big caveats with hashes. If your hash table say had 10 elements and you added 10, 100, 1000, 10000 and they happen all to hash to the same slot, then std::unordered_set is going to have linked list performance O(N). This is obviously a worse case scenario, but things like that happen.
Compared to std::multiset, std::set likely has a performance gain as std::multiset has to potentially allocate sub trees for identical elements.
Here is a simple example of insertion: Notice below the 2nd insert of "Zaphod" is ignored as this value exists already:
std::set< std::string, std::greater<std::string> > m;
m.insert("zaphod"); // oops
which yields:
In our example below we will provide the comparison operator so we can sort accounts by balance. We will try and create two accounts of the same name and that should fail.
friend bool operator<(const class BankCustomer< T > & lhs,
const class BankCustomer< T > & rhs) {
return lhs.account.balance() > rhs.account.balance();
So the biggest accounts will appear first!
If we try to insert an element more than once it will fail, but how do we detect this? Well insert returns a pair:
pair<iterator,bool> insert ( const value_type& x );
So we can just check for false in pair.second e.g.:
using Account = BankAccount<int>;
using Customer = BankCustomer<int>;
using TheBank = std::set<Customer>;
TheBank customers;
customers.insert(Customer("Zaphod", Account(100000)));
if (!customers.insert(Customer("Zaphod", Account(999999))).second) {
// Someone (Zaphod, let's face it) tried to add a 2nd account!
Iteration over a std::set is simple:
auto show_all_bank_accounts = ([](const TheBank &customers)
for (const auto& b : customers) {
std::cout << b << std::endl;
} );
For finding elements, you can use surprisingly, find():
auto f = customers.find(Customer("Zaphod"));
if (f != customers.end()) {
// found
There is also std::equal_range which is really there for std::multiset but all the set and map containers seem to support it, so here goes:
using Iter = std::set<Customer>::iterator;
std::pair<Iter,Iter> ret = customers.equal_range(Customer("Zaphod"));
for (auto iter = ret.first; iter != ret.second; iter++) {
std::cout << "Zaphod has been found! " << *iter << std::endl;
Removing a customer is easy via erase:
And finally to remove everything and get rid of all your customers!:
Here is the full example:
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional> // for _1, _2
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
template < class T > class BankAccount;
template < class T > class BankAccount
T cash {};
BankAccount() { std::cout << "default constructor " << to_string() << std::endl; }
BankAccount(T cash) : cash(cash) { std::cout << "new cash " << to_string() << std::endl; }
BankAccount(const BankAccount &o)
std::cout << "copy cash constructor called for " << o.to_string() << std::endl;
cash =;
std::cout << "copy cash constructor result is " << to_string() << std::endl;
~BankAccount() { std::cout << "delete account " << to_string() << std::endl; }
void deposit(const T &deposit)
cash += deposit;
std::cout << "deposit cash called " << to_string() << std::endl;
using CheckTransactionCallback = std::function< void(T) >;
int check_transaction(int cash, CheckTransactionCallback fn)
if (cash < 100) {
throw std::string("transaction is too small for Mr Money Bags");
} else {
return cash;
T balance(void) const { return cash; }
bool check_balance(T expected) const
if (cash == expected) {
return true;
} else {
throw std::string("account has different funds " + to_string() + " than expected " + std::to_string(expected));
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const BankAccount< T > &o)
os << "$" << std::to_string(;
return os;
std::string to_string(void) const
auto address = static_cast< const void *>(this);
std::stringstream ss;
ss << address;
return "BankAccount(" + ss.str() + ", cash $" + std::to_string(cash) + ")";
template < class T > class BankCustomer;
template < class T > class BankCustomer
std::string name {};
BankAccount< T > account;
BankCustomer(void) { std::cout << "default customer " << to_string() << std::endl; }
BankCustomer(const std::string &name) : name(name)
std::cout << "new temporary customer " << to_string() << std::endl;
BankCustomer(const std::string &name, const BankAccount< T > &account) : name(name), account(account)
std::cout << "new customer " << to_string() << std::endl;
~BankCustomer() { std::cout << "delete customer " << to_string() << std::endl; }
std::string to_string(void) const { return "Customer(" + name + ", " + account.to_string() + ")"; }
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const BankCustomer< T > &o)
os << o.to_string();
return os;
friend bool operator<(const class BankCustomer< T > &lhs, const class BankCustomer< T > &rhs)
return >;
static void backward_sort(void)
// Backward sorted set
std::set< std::string, std::greater< std::string > > m;
m.insert("zaphod"); // Should be ignored
for (auto i : m) {
std::cout << i << std::endl;
static void forward_sort(void)
// Forward sorted set
std::set< std::string, std::less< std::string > > m;
for (auto i : m) {
std::cout << i << std::endl;
static void default_sort(void)
// Default sorted set
std::set< std::string > m;
for (auto i : m) {
std::cout << i << std::endl;
static void account_demo(void)
// Create a std::set of BankCustomer -> Account
using Account = BankAccount< int >;
using Customer = BankCustomer< int >;
using TheBank = std::set< Customer >;
// Notice, Zaphod has two accounts and the set allows both
TheBank customers;
customers.insert(Customer("Arthur", Account(100)));
customers.insert(Customer("Zaphod", Account(100000)));
if (! customers.insert(Customer("Zaphod", Account(999999))).second) {
// Someone (Zaphod, let's face it) tried to add a 2nd account!
customers.insert(Customer("Marvin", Account(0)));
customers.insert(Customer("TheMice", Account(666)));
customers.insert(Customer("Ford", Account(10)));
// Two ways to print this. One a simple loop. the other a lambda:
// All customers, sorted by wealth
for (const auto &b : customers) {
std::cout << b << std::endl;
auto show_all_bank_accounts = ([](const TheBank &customers) {
// All customers, sorted by wealth (lambda version)
for (const auto &b : customers) {
std::cout << b << std::endl;
// Find Zaphod via find
auto f = customers.find(Customer("Zaphod"));
if (f != customers.end()) {
std::cout << *f << std::endl;
// Find customers via equal_range
for (const auto &customer : customers) {
using Iter = std::set< Customer >::iterator;
std::pair< Iter, Iter > ret = customers.equal_range(customer);
for (auto iter = ret.first; iter != ret.second; iter++) {
std::cout << *iter << std::endl;
// Get rid of a customer
// Get rid of all customers
// End
int main(int, char **)
To build:
cd std_set rm -f *.o example clang -std=c++2a -Werror -g -O3 -fstack-protector-all -ggdb3 -Wall -c -o main.o main.cpp clang main.o -lstdc++ -o example ./example
Expected output:
# Backward sorted set zaphod vogon universe mice marvin arthur # Forward sorted set arthur marvin mice universe vogon zaphod # Default sorted set arthur marvin mice universe vogon zaphod # Create a std::set of BankCustomer -> Account new cash BankAccount(0x16f542f84, cash $100) copy cash constructor called for BankAccount(0x16f542f84, cash $100) copy cash constructor result is BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $100) new customer Customer(Arthur, BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $100)) copy cash constructor called for BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $100) copy cash constructor result is BankAccount(0x6000037841f8, cash $100) delete customer Customer(Arthur, BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $100)) delete account BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $100) delete account BankAccount(0x16f542f84, cash $100) new cash BankAccount(0x16f542f84, cash $100000) copy cash constructor called for BankAccount(0x16f542f84, cash $100000) copy cash constructor result is BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $100000) new customer Customer(Zaphod, BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $100000)) copy cash constructor called for BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $100000) copy cash constructor result is BankAccount(0x600003784238, cash $100000) delete customer Customer(Zaphod, BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $100000)) delete account BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $100000) delete account BankAccount(0x16f542f84, cash $100000) new cash BankAccount(0x16f542f84, cash $999999) copy cash constructor called for BankAccount(0x16f542f84, cash $999999) copy cash constructor result is BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $999999) new customer Customer(Zaphod, BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $999999)) delete customer Customer(Zaphod, BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $999999)) delete account BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $999999) delete account BankAccount(0x16f542f84, cash $999999) # Someone (Zaphod, let's face it) tried to add a 2nd account! new cash BankAccount(0x16f542f84, cash $0) copy cash constructor called for BankAccount(0x16f542f84, cash $0) copy cash constructor result is BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $0) new customer Customer(Marvin, BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $0)) copy cash constructor called for BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $0) copy cash constructor result is BankAccount(0x6000037841b8, cash $0) delete customer Customer(Marvin, BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $0)) delete account BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $0) delete account BankAccount(0x16f542f84, cash $0) new cash BankAccount(0x16f542f84, cash $666) copy cash constructor called for BankAccount(0x16f542f84, cash $666) copy cash constructor result is BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $666) new customer Customer(TheMice, BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $666)) copy cash constructor called for BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $666) copy cash constructor result is BankAccount(0x6000037842b8, cash $666) delete customer Customer(TheMice, BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $666)) delete account BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $666) delete account BankAccount(0x16f542f84, cash $666) new cash BankAccount(0x16f542f84, cash $10) copy cash constructor called for BankAccount(0x16f542f84, cash $10) copy cash constructor result is BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $10) new customer Customer(Ford, BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $10)) copy cash constructor called for BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $10) copy cash constructor result is BankAccount(0x600003784278, cash $10) delete customer Customer(Ford, BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $10)) delete account BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $10) delete account BankAccount(0x16f542f84, cash $10) # All customers, sorted by wealth Customer(Zaphod, BankAccount(0x600003784238, cash $100000)) Customer(TheMice, BankAccount(0x6000037842b8, cash $666)) Customer(Marvin, BankAccount(0x6000037841b8, cash $0)) Customer(Ford, BankAccount(0x600003784278, cash $10)) Customer(Arthur, BankAccount(0x6000037841f8, cash $100)) # All customers, sorted by wealth (lambda version) Customer(Zaphod, BankAccount(0x600003784238, cash $100000)) Customer(TheMice, BankAccount(0x6000037842b8, cash $666)) Customer(Marvin, BankAccount(0x6000037841b8, cash $0)) Customer(Ford, BankAccount(0x600003784278, cash $10)) Customer(Arthur, BankAccount(0x6000037841f8, cash $100)) # Find Zaphod via find default constructor BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $0) new temporary customer Customer(Zaphod, BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $0)) delete customer Customer(Zaphod, BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $0)) delete account BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $0) Customer(Zaphod, BankAccount(0x600003784238, cash $100000)) # Find customers via equal_range Customer(Zaphod, BankAccount(0x600003784238, cash $100000)) Customer(TheMice, BankAccount(0x6000037842b8, cash $666)) Customer(Marvin, BankAccount(0x6000037841b8, cash $0)) Customer(Ford, BankAccount(0x600003784278, cash $10)) Customer(Arthur, BankAccount(0x6000037841f8, cash $100)) # Get rid of a customer default constructor BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $0) new temporary customer Customer(Zaphod, BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $0)) delete customer Customer(Zaphod, BankAccount(0x600003784238, cash $100000)) delete account BankAccount(0x600003784238, cash $100000) delete customer Customer(Zaphod, BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $0)) delete account BankAccount(0x16f542fd0, cash $0) # Get rid of all customers delete customer Customer(TheMice, BankAccount(0x6000037842b8, cash $666)) delete account BankAccount(0x6000037842b8, cash $666) delete customer Customer(Ford, BankAccount(0x600003784278, cash $10)) delete account BankAccount(0x600003784278, cash $10) delete customer Customer(Arthur, BankAccount(0x6000037841f8, cash $100)) delete account BankAccount(0x6000037841f8, cash $100) delete customer Customer(Marvin, BankAccount(0x6000037841b8, cash $0)) delete account BankAccount(0x6000037841b8, cash $0) # End