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98 lines (90 loc) · 5.94 KB


Annotate Terminal based notes managing utility for GNU/Linux OS.


annote OPTIONS


You can take note from terminal, or GUI, Capture file into note, or record script or pipe commands output to it to save for later, it can does that. Take notes from wherever, whenever, orcestrate in any way, and it does the thing 'notes' are supposed to do so, whenever, wherever, however it doen't make any difference. It's not an App that works in isolation, it's utility, that works in integration to terminal.


-h|--help			Show help and exit.
--info				Show information and exit.
-V|--version			Show version and exit.
-v|--verbose			Be verbose.
-S|--silent			Be silent, don't ask questions, use default values whenever required.
-q|--quite			Disable warning messages to print.
--strict			Use strict comparisions, exact matches. Effects find action.
--gui				Use GUI Editor when editing note. Effects new, and modify actions.
--no-pretty			Do not prettify output.
--no-header			Do not display header in the output.
-z|-0				Seperate record(s) by NULL character, instead of NEWLINE(default).
--stdout			Do not use pager, just put everything on stdout.
--inc-arch			Include archived notes, default is to exclude. Effects list and find actions.
--tee				Redirect the captured stdin to stdout. Effects new, and modify actions, and only when
         			recording note's content through stdin.
--delim [delimiter]		Use delimiter to delimit the list output fields.
--format [format]		Create custom note listing format with <SNO>,<NID>,<TITLE>,<TAGS>,<GROUP>,<DELIM>.
--sort-as [sf]			Use sort flag (sf) to sort the notes listing. sf can be: 'L|l', 'O|o', 'F|f',
         			'M|m'. As Latest on the top, Oldest on the top, random as they're Found(default),
         			last Modified on the top.
-C|--config			Manages config, if specified, then atleast one option has to be supplied.
   -i|--import [file]		Import config from file.
   -x|--export [file]		Export config to file.
   -u|--use [file]		Use file as current instance's config.
   -s|--set ['key=value']	Overrides key in current instance, repeat set to override more keys.
-D|--db [dbl_key]		Use db 'dbl_key' from config file as current instance's db location.
-n|--new			Add new Note. If no sub options suplied then this will assume defaults or ask.
   -t|--title [title]		Title of note. (required)
   -g|--group [group]		Group for note (use '.' for subgroups). Uses default group, if not specified.
   -T|--tags [tags]		Tags for note (use ',' for multiple tags). Uses default tag, if not specified.
   -r|--record			Record terminal activity as note, invokes the script command.
   -c|--content [content]	Use content as note's content.
   -f|--file [file]		Record file as note's content, use '-' to record from stdin
-l|--list <dbs>			List out notes from db. Output controlling options can affects it's output.
         			If 'dbs' is supplied, then --list will only display available db(s).
   --note [nid]			Delete note nid(id).
   --group [gname]		Delete group gname(fully qualified name), and assign default group to notes.
   --group-nosafe [gname]	Delete group gname(fully qualified name), also deletes the notes belongs to it.
   --tag [tname]		Delete tag tname, assign default tag, if this was only tag to that note.
-o|--open [nid]			Open note nid(id) in Pager.
   --edit			Use Editor instead of Pager to open.
   --with [cmd]			Use command cmd to open note's file(n_file). By default, n_file will be appended
         			at the end of cmd, but if n_file needs to be supplied in between, then use '{}'
         			in the cmd and n_file will replace all occurences of {}.
-m|--modify|--edit [nid]	Edit note nid(id), if none from -r,-c,-f are present, then open note with editor.
   -t|--title [title]		Modify title of note.
   -g|--group [group]		Modify group of note (use '.' for subgroups).
   -T|--tag [tags]		Modify tags of note (use ',' for multiple tags).
      --append			Append new tags. (default)
      --overwrite		Overwrite with new tags.
      --delete			Delete tags, if present, and assign default tag, if note left with no tags.
   -r|--record			Record terminal activity as note, invokes the script command.
   -c|--content [content]	Use content as note's content.
   -f|--file [file]		Record file as note's content, use '-' to record from stdin
   -O|--no-append|--overwrite	Do not append to note, and overwrite with new content.
-F|--find|--search		Search and list. Output controlling or strict options can affects it's behaviour.
   --tags [pattern]		Search Tags with matching pattern, and display number of notes belong to them.
      --list			Display all notes instead of count of notes.
   --group [pattern]		Search Groups with matching pattern, and display number of notes belong to them.
      --list			Display all notes instead of count of notes.
   --note [pattern]		Search notes title & content for matching pattern.
      --title-only		Limit searching of pattern to notes title only.
      --note-only		Limit searching of pattern to notes content only.
      --with-tags [tags]	Filter notes with tags.
      --with-group [group]	Filter notes with group.
      --created-on <date>	Filter notes with created on date. date and sub-options are mutually exclusive.
         --before [date]	Filter notes that are created before date.
         --after [date]		Filter notes that are created after date.
      --last-edit <date>	Filter notes with modified on date. date and sub-options are mutually exclusive.
         --before [date]	Filter notes that are modified before date.
         --after [date]		Filter notes that are modified after date.
--archive [nid]			Archive note nid(id).
--unarchive [nid]		Unarchive note nid(id).
--list-archive			List archived notes.

How to install

  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Edit annote.config file.
  3. Run script
  4. To install at different location, run <INSTALL/LOC>.
  5. Done, verify by typing $ annote --info.