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Documentation Builds

InfiniteOpt.jl's documentation is written with Documenter.jl. To install it, run the following command in a Julia session:

julia> ] 

(v1.10) pkg> add Documenter

You'll also need to make sure you have JuMP.jl, Distributions.jl, and Ipopt.jl installed for use in the guide's examples.

Once you have these packages installed you can build the documentation via:

julia --project=. --color=yes make.jl

in a Bash terminal. Or you can just run the make.jl file in a Julia REPL:

julia> include("PUT/YOUR/PATH/HERE/InfiniteOpt/docs/make.jl") 

The compiled documents can then be viewed at build/index.html via a web browser of your choice (e.g., Chrome).