Note: This project is unfinished. Terrain manipulation is not yet implemented.
A map editor for Warcraft II. Written in JavaScript.
Currently implemented functionality:
- Viewing maps (unit, terrain, and movement layers).
- Placing units.
- Modifying map and player properties.
- Modifying unit, upgrade, and restriction data.
- Saving maps as a pud file or an image.
Not implemented but planned:
- Editing terrain.
Not implemented but would be nice some day:
- Undo for units and terrain.
- Copy/paste for units and terrain.
- Editing the movement map.
Works well in Firefox and Chrome. Also works in Safari, but performance is very poor.
Based on the pud specification created by Daniel Lemberg and contributors.
Used Alexander Cech's Wardraft for extracting tilesets and tile information.
Used ShadowFlare's GRP converter for converting sprites.
Uses Feather icons by Cole Bemis and contributors and scroll icon by Freepik.
- J.C. Fields
- Downloads—Maps and utilities.