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PSScriptTools |
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Create a custom file name based on a template.
New-CustomFileName [-Template] <String> [-Case <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
This command will generate a custom file name based on a template string that you provide. You can create a template string using any of these variables. Most of these should be self-explanatory
- %username
- %computername
- %year - 4 digit year
- %yr - 2 digit year
- %monthname - The abbreviated month name
- %month - The month number
- %dayofweek - The full name of the week day
- %day
- %hour - the hour of the day in 12-hour format to 2 digits
- %hour24 - the hour of the day in 24-hour format to 2 digits
- %minute
- %seconds
- %time - A compact string of HourMinuteSecond
- %string - A random string
- %guid
You can also insert a random number using %### with a # character for each digit. If you want a 2 digit random number use %##. If you want 6 digits, use %######.
The command will attempt to preserve case for any non-pattern string, but you should separate it from other placeholder patterns with one of these characters: - ( ) [ ] or a . Using an underscore will not work.
Another option, is to turn the entire custom name into upper or lower case.
PS C:\> New-CustomFileName %computername_%day%monthname%yr-%time.log
PS C:\> New-CustomFileName %dayofweek-%####.dat
Create a custom file name using the day of the week and a 4 digit random number.
PS C:\> New-CustomFileName %username-%string.tmp -Case Upper
Create an upper case custom file name. The %string placeholder will be replaced with a random 8 character string.
PS C:\> Join-Path c:\work (New-CustomFilename "%Year%Monthname-LOG-%computername[%username].txt" -case lower)
Create a lower case filename using Join-Path. This command does not create the file, it only generates a name for you to use.
PS C:\> 1..10 | foreach-object {
$file = New-Item (Join-Path c:\work\data (New-CustomFileName %string-%####.dat))
$stream =$file.open("OpenOrCreate")
$stream.Seek((Get-Random -minimum 250 -Maximum 2KB), "Begin") | Out-Null
Directory: C:\work\data
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a---- 3/15/2020 4:46 PM 976 rcphz2nj-6431.dat
-a---- 3/15/2020 4:46 PM 1797 viz32er5-0526.dat
-a---- 3/15/2020 4:46 PM 1775 k2mukuv4-8267.dat
-a---- 3/15/2020 4:46 PM 666 0encqdlt-8753.dat
-a---- 3/15/2020 4:46 PM 513 dbswpujf-6314.dat
-a---- 3/15/2020 4:46 PM 371 qlkdufp0-0481.dat
-a---- 3/15/2020 4:46 PM 2010 5cxq3tb5-5624.dat
-a---- 3/15/2020 4:46 PM 2043 mcvoh4n5-8041.dat
-a---- 3/15/2020 4:46 PM 1048 4iwibnmf-1584.dat
-a---- 3/15/2020 4:46 PM 378 fgsj0rtd-2894.dat
Create 10 dummy files with random names and sizes.
Some values like username or computername might be in a different case than what you want. You can use the default value, or return a value that is all upper or lower case.
Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Accepted values: Lower, Upper, Default
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
A string that defines the naming pattern based on a set of placeholders. You can create a template string using any of these variables, including the % symbol.
- %username
- %computername
- %year - 4 digit year
- %yr - 2 digit year
- %monthname - The abbreviated month name
- %month - The month number
- %dayofweek - The full name of the week day
- %day
- %hour - the hour of the day in 12-hour format to 2 digits
- %hour24 - the hour of the day in 24-hour format to 2 digits
- %minute
- %seconds
- %time - A compact string of HourMinuteSecond
- %string - A random string
- %guid
- %### - a random number matching the number of # characters
Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: True
Position: 0
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.
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