Find files which are linked to from markdown and copy them to a destination directory. For the most part, this code is taken directly from gatsby-remark-copy-linked-files π.
yarn add remark-copy-linked-files
Say we have the following markdown:
[path to file](files/sample-file.txt)
<img src="images/sample-image.png" />
<img src="images/sample-image.jpeg" />
<img src="images/sample-image.jpg" />
<a href="files/sample-file.txt">link to file</a>
<a href="">Link to</a>

<video controls="controls" autoplay loop>
<source type="video/mp4" src="videos/sample-video.mp4"/>
<p>Your browser does not support the video element.</p>
[1]: images/sample-image.png
And our script looks as follows:
const destinationDir = __dirname;
.use(require('remark-copy-linked-files'), { destinationDir })
.process(VFile({ path, contents }));
Now, running it yields:
<a href="/sample-file-3324f2167c.txt">path to file</a>
<img src="/sample-image-1e02a85bee.png" />
<img src="/sample-image-5aa858befc.jpeg" />
<img src="/sample-image-5aa858befc.jpg" />
<a href="/sample-file-3324f2167c.txt">link to file</a>
<a href="">Link to</a>
<img src="/sample-image-5e25d61b3f.svg" alt="some svg image" />
<img src="/sample-image-76faedf4c5.gif" alt="some gif image" />
<img src="/sample-image-1e02a85bee.png" alt="some png image" />
<img src="/sample-image-5aa858befc.jpg" alt="some jpg image" />
<img src="/sample-image-5aa858befc.jpeg" alt="some jpeg image" />
alt="some absolute image"
<video controls="controls" autoplay loop>
<source type="video/mp4" src="/sample-video-d9061d3da8.mp4" />
<p>Your browser does not support the video element.</p>
<img src="/sample-image-1e02a85bee.png" alt="sample" />
And writes the following files:
βββ sample-file-3324f2167c.txt
βββ sample-image-1e02a85bee.png
βββ sample-image-5aa858befc.jpeg
βββ sample-image-5aa858befc.jpg
βββ sample-image-5e25d61b3f.svg
βββ sample-image-76faedf4c5.gif
βββ sample-video-d9061d3da8.mp4
0 directories, 7 files
This plugin takes the following configuration options:
Path to the directory where the files should be copied. This option is mandatory.
Path to the directory where the files should be copied from. Use this if the MDX file you are loading is not the one calling this plugin.
Default is the current working directory.
Prefix to use in the src
attribute. Set this if the files are copied in a
location that is is not hosted under /
Default is /