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PEPPER-Margin-DeepVariant usage and parameters

We have made our pipeline customizable by exposing majority of the internal parameters to the main module. This allows better control over the pipeline, however, parameter tuning requires to have a good understanding of the pipeline. If you are unsure about any of the parameters, please open a github issue for a discussion.

The parameters allow to:

  • Use custom PEPPER/Margin/DeepVariant model and replace the default models provided.
  • Control PEPPER's candidate finding behavior and tune for higher precision or sensitivity.
  • Customize the pipeline by skipping optional parts of the pipeline.

Basic command

The basic command to run our variant calling pipeline is:

docker run --ipc=host \
-v "INPUT_DIR":/input \
-v "OUTPUT_DIR":/output \
-u `id -u $USER`:`id -g $USER` \
kishwars/pepper_deepvariant:r0.8 \
run_pepper_margin_deepvariant call_variant \
-b </input/READS_2_REFERENCE.bam> \
-f </input/REF.fasta> \
-o </output/OUTPUT_DIR/> \
-t <THREADS> \

Help message

To see the full help message, please run the following:

docker run --ipc=host \
-v "INPUT_DIR":/input \
-v "OUTPUT_DIR":/output \
-u `id -u $USER`:`id -g $USER` \
kishwars/pepper_deepvariant:r0.8 \
run_pepper_margin_deepvariant call_variant --help

Required parameters

Parameter Short Type Description
--bam -b String Path to a bam file containing mapping between reads and a reference.
--fasta -f String Path to a reference file in FASTA format.
--output_dir -o String Path to a output directory.
--threads -t Integer Number of threads to use.
--ont_r9_guppy5_sup Boolean Set to call variants on R9.4.1 Guppy 5+ sup Oxford Nanopore reads.
--ont_r10_q20 Boolean Set to call variants on R10.4 Q20 Oxford Nanopore reads.
--hifi Boolean Set to call variants on PacBio HiFi reads.

Optional parameters

Parameter Short Type Description
--region -r String Region in [contig_name:start-end] format.
--output_prefix -p String Prefix for output filename. Do not include extension in prefix.
--keep_intermediate_bam_files -k Boolean If set then intermediate haplotagged bam files will be kept in the intermediate files directory. Default: False
--sample_name -s String Name of the sample to put in the output VCF.
--gvcf Boolean If set then a gVCF output will be generated.
--only_pepper Boolean If set then pipeline will stop after PEPPER.
--only_haplotag Boolean If set then pipeline will stop after Margin haplotag stage.
--phased_output Boolean If set then Margin phase will generate a phased VCF and BAM at the end when --phased_output is set.
--skip_final_phased_bam Boolean If set with phased output then the final output will not have a bam file when --phased_output is set.
--dry Boolean If set then only the commands will be printed. [Debugging]
--help -h Boolean Show this text and exit.

Parameters for PEPPER

Parameter Type Description
--pepper_model String Path to a custom PEPPER model.
--pepper_quantized Boolean If set then use quantization for inference while on CPU inference mode. Speeds up inference. May add non-deterministic behavior.
--no_pepper_quantized Boolean If set then do not use quantization for inference while on CPU inference mode.
--pepper_downsample_rate Float [0.0-1.0] Downsample rate of reads while generating images. Default is 1.0
--pepper_region_size Integer Region size in bp used to chunk the genome. Default is 100000.
--pepper_include_supplementary Boolean If set then supplementary reads will be used. Default is False.
--pepper_min_mapq Integer Minimum mapping quality for read to be considered valid. Default is 5
--pepper_min_snp_baseq Integer Minimum base quality for base to be considered valid for SNP.
--pepper_min_indel_baseq Integer Minimum base quality for base to be considered valid for INDELs.
--pepper_snp_frequency Float [0.0-1.0] Minimum SNP frequency for a site to be considered to have a variant.
--pepper_insert_frequency Float [0.0-1.0] Minimum insert frequency for a site to be considered to have a variant.
--pepper_delete_frequency Float [0.0-1.0] Minimum delete frequency for a site to be considered to have a variant.
--pepper_min_coverage_threshold Integer Minimum coverage of a site for finding candidates.
--pepper_candidate_support_threshold Integer Minimum number of reads supporting a variant to be considered as a candidate.
--pepper_snp_candidate_frequency_threshold Float [0.0-1.0] Minimum frequency for a SNP candidate to be considered to be a candidate variant.
--pepper_indel_candidate_frequency_threshold Float [0.0-1.0] Minimum frequency for an INDEL candidate to be considered to be a candidate variant.
--pepper_skip_indels Boolean If set then INDEL calling will be skipped.
--pepper_allowed_multiallelics Integer Max allowed multiallelic variants per site.
--pepper_snp_p_value Float [0.0-1.0] Predicted value threshold used for a SNP to be considered a candidate.
--pepper_insert_p_value Float [0.0-1.0] Predicted value threshold used for a insert to be considered a candidate.
--pepper_delete_p_value Float [0.0-1.0] Predicted value threshold used for a delete to be considered a candidate.
--pepper_snp_p_value_in_lc Float [0.0-1.0] Predicted value used for a SNP to be considered a candidate in low complexity regions.
--pepper_insert_p_value_in_lc Float [0.0-1.0] Predicted value used for an insert to be considered a candidate in low complexity regions.
--pepper_delete_p_value_in_lc Float [0.0-1.0] Predicted value used for a delete to be considered a candidate in low complexity regions.
--pepper_snp_q_cutoff Integer GQ cutoff for a SNP variant to be re-genotyped with DeepVariant.
--pepper_indel_q_cutoff Integer GQ cutoff for an INDEL variant to be re-genotyped with DeepVariant.
--pepper_snp_q_cutoff_in_lc Integer GQ cutoff for a SNP variant in low complexity region to be re-genotyped with DeepVariant.
--pepper_indel_q_cutoff_in_lc Integer GQ cutoff for an INDEL variant in low complexity region to be re-genotyped with DeepVariant.
--pepper_report_snp_above_freq Float [0.0-1.0] Report all SNPs above frequency for re-genotyping even if the predicted value is low. Set 0 to disable this. [Experimental]
--pepper_report_indel_above_freq Float [0.0-1.0] Report all INDELs above frequency for re-genotyping even if the predicted value is low. Set 0 to disable this. [Experimental]

Parameters for Margin

Parameter Type Description
--margin_haplotag_model String Path to a custom margin model.
--margin_phase_model String Path to a custom margin model.

Parameters for DeepVariant

Parameter Type Description
--dv_model String Path to a custom DeepVariant model. If set, then this model will be used for both SNP and INDEL calling.
--dv_model_snp String Custom DeepVariant model for SNP calling.
--dv_model_indel String Custom DeepVariant model for INDEL calling.
--dv_alt_aligned_pileup String alt_align_pileup used for make_examples of --dv_model parameter. [none, rows, diff_channels]
--dv_alt_aligned_pileup_snp String alt_align_pileup used for make_examples of --dv_model_snp parameter. [none, rows, diff_channels]
--dv_alt_aligned_pileup_indel String alt_align_pileup used for make_examples of --dv_model_indel parameter. [none, rows, diff_channels]
--dv_pileup_image_width String DeepVariant image width. [none, rows, diff_channels]
--dv_realign_reads String If true then local read alingment will be performed. [set: true/false]
--dv_partition_size String DeepVariant partition_size used for make_examples.
--dv_min_mapping_quality Integer DeepVariant minimum mapping quality.
--dv_min_base_quality Integer DeepVariant minimum base quality.
--dv_vsc_min_fraction_indels String DeepVariant minimum vsc fraction for indels.
--dv_vsc_min_fraction_snps String DeepVariant minimum vsc fraction for snps.
--dv_sort_by_haplotypes String If true then haplotype sorting will be used. [set: true/false]
--dv_parse_sam_aux_fields String If true then auxiliary field parsing is enabled. [set: true/false]
--dv_add_hp_channel String If true then hp channel will be added. [set: true/false]
--dv_use_hp_information String If true then hp information will be properly used. [set: true/false]
--dv_use_multiallelic_mode String If true multiallelic model will be used during post-processing. [set: true/false]