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Portfolio Manager

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If you or someone you know is unable to self host this application but would greatly benefit from it, checkout us out at, our hosted site (with a 1 year trial for a limited time)! We have stopped the service due to lack of demand

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To build a portfolio manager which can track and provide insights into a individual or family's financial interests.

What is supported?

  • Users

  • Goals

  • Fixed Deposit

  • ESPP (Employee Stock Purchase Plan)

  • RSU (Restricted Stock Units)

  • Shares

  • Crypto

  • Bank Accounts


  • PPF (Public Provident Fund)
  • EPF (Employee Provident Fund)
  • SSY (Sukanya Samridhi Yojana)
  • Mutual Funds
  • Gold


  • 401K



Baremetal and Virtual Machine Deployment Method

1. Requirements

  • Python v3. Tested with v3.9, v3.10

  • Libraries

    • macOS:
brew install ghostscript tcl-tk
  • Ubuntu
apt install ghostscript python3-tk

2. Downloading the application

  • Clone or download the source code.
git clone

Prepare the application to launch

  • Change into the recently clone/downloaded directory.
cd ./portfoliomanager
  • Set git configuration (optional).
git config "Your Name"
git config ""
  • Create a virtual environment (optional).
python -m venv ./venv
  • Activate virtual environment.
source ./venv/bin/activate
  • Install the required packages.
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Edit the environment variables to suite your needs.

    • Open the env_files directory and edit the .pm-env.sample file.
    • Carefully read the comments throughout the file as it will provide additional context.
    • Edit the parameters as necessary.
  • Rename the environment variables file.

    • Remove .sample from the filename. Ensure the filename is .pm-env before proceeding to the next step.
      • WARNING - The application is expecting .pm-env as the filename. If you wish to change it please also modify env_file_path in
  • Delete unused environment variables file (optional)

    • Since the postgresql-env.sample file is only used with docker deployments, this file can be safely deleted before proceeding to the next step.
  • Copy or move the entire env_files directory to the src directory. The directory should look as follows:

    • portfoliomanager
      • src
        • env_files
          • .pm-env OR .CUSTOM-FILE-NAME set above.
  • Setup the server.

cd src
python makemigrations
python migrate
python collectstatic
  • Create a normal user in django (recommended). Edit the fields below with your desired account details. For more details, please visit Django's documentation

    • It is recommended to use a non-admin account for your daily use and only use an admin account for administrative purposes.
cd src
python shell
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
User.objects.create_user('johndoe', '', 'johnpassword')
  • Create a super user in django (optional).
python createsuperuser
  • You should be prompted to enter the desired username, email and password for this new admin.

  • You can create additional normal users by logging in as the superuser and going to: Internals > Admin > Authentication and Authorization > Users > Add User.

  • Download, extract, and copy the chromedriver to root of the project (portfoliomanager). You can obtain this driver from here: The directory should look as follows:

    • portfoliomanager
      • chromedriver

Launch PortfolioManager

  • Start the server.
python runserver
  • Start the huey process

    • In another terminal activate virtual environment (if you created one above) and run background tasks
source ./venv/bin/activate
cd src
python run_huey

Browse to Portfolio Manager

  • Open your favorite web browser and go to:



Note: Different charts and data gets updated at different fixed schedules. If you want to manually update these, go to "Internals" and then "Tasks" and queue the tasks to run once

  • Enjoy Portfolio Manager!

Optional Features

Summary Emails

  • Create a new MailJet account and sign up for their free tier.
  • Go to "Internals" then "Preferences" and provide the details to setup the integration.

Baremetal and Virtual Machine Upgrade Steps

  • Stop the server
cd ./portfoliomanager/src
  • Download the new app version and install any new packages
cd ./portfoliomanager
git pull
source ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Docker Deployment Method

1. Requirements

2. Downloading the appliaction

  • Clone or download the source code.
git clone

Prepare the application to launch

  • Change into the recently clone/downloaded directory.
cd ./portfoliomanager
  • Edit the environment variables to suite your needs.

    • Open the env_files directory and edit both files (.pm-env.sample and postgresql-env.sample).
    • Carefully read the comments throughout the files as it will provide additional context.
    • Edit the parameters as necessary.
  • Rename the environment variables files.

    • Remove .sample from the filenames. Ensure the filename is .pm-env and .postgresql-env before proceeding to the next step.
      • WARNING - The application container (pm-app) is expecting .pm-env as the filename. If you wish to change it please also modify env_file_path in
      • WARNING - The database container (pm-db) is expecting postgresql-env as the filename. If you wish to change it please also modify ./env_files/.postgresql-env in pm-db > env_file section of docker-compose.yml

Launch Portfolio Manager

  • Within the application folder (i.e. portfoliomanager), run the docker compose file to build the appliaction and launch the docker containers. This step should take approximately two minutes.
docker compose up -d
  • Should you need to tear down the app environment, run:
docker compose down
  • Create a normal user in django (recommended).

    • It is recommended to use a non-admin account for your daily use and only use an admin account for administrative purposes.

    • Edit the fields below with your desired account details. For more details, please visit Django's documentation

    • Your Docker container name may vary. Please adjust the below commads to match your exact setup. In this example, I assume your docker container name running the PorfolioManager app is portfolio-manager-app.

docker ps
docker exec -it portfolio-manager-app bash
python shell
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
User.objects.create_user('johndoe', '', 'johnpassword')
  • You can create additional normal users by logging in as the superuser and going to: Internals > Admin > Authentication and Authorization > Users > Add User.

Browse to Portfolio Manager

  • Open your favorite web browser and go to:



Note: Different charts and data gets updated at different fixed schedules. If you want to manually update these, go to "Internals" and then "Tasks" and queue the tasks to run once

  • Enjoy Portfolio Manager!

Optional Features

Summary Emails

  • Create a new MailJet account and sign up for their free tier.
  • Go to "Internals" then "Preferences" and provide the details to setup the integration.

Docker Upgrade Steps

  • Stop the containers
cd ./portfoliomanager
docker compose down
  • Download the new app version
git pull
  • Build a new docker image with the updated application version
docker compose build --no-cache
  • Restart the containers
docker compose up -d
  • Delete the old images (optional but recommended)
docker image prune

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  • Please consider supporting us by contributing/reporting bugs or feeding our coffee addiction. Click on the link below!

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