issues Search Results · repo:lessthanoptimal/Java-Matrix-Benchmark language:Java
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(63 ms)10 results
inlessthanoptimal/Java-Matrix-Benchmark (press backspace or delete to remove)Importing the modules/projects to eclipse doesn t work, and the gradle project import wizard does present a list of
various features that will not work because of the old version used.
Building on the ...
- 2
- Opened on May 24, 2022
- #18
- Explain the difference between the two approaches
- Explain why we are not using JMH
- Opened on Jul 14, 2018
- #15
When a case takes very long messages like these get printed periodically:
Master is still alive: Mon May 21 07:34:11 UTC 2018 Press q and enter to quit. 66%
It would be much appreciated if this log statement ...
- 2
- Opened on May 21, 2018
- #14
In the below method if for loop ran 2 times with the same inputs, the result is different for each run. Testcase
assertion was failed.
jmbench.impl.runtime.OjAlgoAlgorithmFactory.OpMultTransB.process(BenchmarkMatrix[], ...
- 11
- Opened on May 21, 2018
- #13
I ve completed a benchmark execution, but I cannot generate the charts when the results for either MTJ-N or UJMP-N are
included. If I remove both of those libraries (data sets) I get the charts, and also ...
- 2
- Opened on May 16, 2018
- #12
When I run a quick runtime benchmark, I get a couple of errors (not sure whether they are windows related or not). I get
the same errors, when I run the benchmark without quick .
After each single test ...
- Opened on Mar 2, 2017
- #9
I just tried to run the benchmark on windows 7, but I get the exception message Can t make directories to save results
at ...
- 5
- Opened on Feb 24, 2017
- #8
Hello. After breaf discovering of the project and reading the article MethodologyRuntimeBenchmark I did found that
benchmark uses System::currentTimeMillis and test will be evaluated 25 times (please, ...
- 2
- Opened on Oct 20, 2016
- #6
After execution of the runtime benchmark both MTJ and MTJ-N have isNative false /isNative
and both UJMP and UJMP-N have isNative true /isNative in their respective runtime_info.xml files.
- 1
- Opened on Jun 15, 2016
- #4
Hello! For starters, thanks a lot for building this benchmark. I might have found something weird in the code at ...
- Opened on May 27, 2016
- #3

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