This folder contains a Dockerfile and instructions how to run SVL Simulator in a Docker container. Dockerfile
creates a minimal container image with Vulkan capabilities, and downloads and unpacks the SVL Simulator under /opt/simulator
The container image should work on Ubuntu 18.04 and on ArchLinux.
Run the following command to build the container image:
# Specify --pull and --no-cache in order to get upstream images and dependencies with the latest security fixes applied.
# Remove them when developing Dockerfile.
# Only one of the simulator_* build args should be specified.
# Default <VERSION> is "latest".
# Default <URL> is<VERSION>/svlsimulator-linux64-<VERSION>.zip .
# Default <ZIPFILE> is none, ie, fetch from URL; <ZIPFILE> must be in the same directory tree as Dockerfile.
# Default <IMAGE:TAG> is "ubuntu:18.04".
# Default <VL_VERSION> ls "sdk-".
$ docker build --pull --no-cache [--build-arg simulator_version=<VERSION>|simulator_url=<URL>|simulator_zipfile=<ZIPFILE>] \
[--build-arg base_image=<IMAGE:TAG>] \
[--build-arg vulkan_loader_version=<VL_VERSION>] \
[--build-arg image_git_describe=$(git describe --always --tags>) \
[--build-arg image_uuidgen=$(uuidgen)] \
-t svlsimulator[:<VERSION>] .
Docker v20.10 or later must be installed on Linux and the NVIDIA Container Toolkit.
To run the simulator using the host's X Server, first run the simulator outside of the container, link it to the cloud, and exit. Then use the following command:
$ docker run -ti \
--gpus=all \
--net=host \
-e XAUTHORITY=/tmp/.Xauthority \
-v ${XAUTHORITY}:/tmp/.Xauthority \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
-v ~/.config/unity3d:/root/.config/unity3d \
Note that only simulations which use the API Only and Random Traffic runtime templates can be run. Also, the OPEN BROWSER and Visual Editor buttons do not function.