All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Node package update.
- Usage of wrong Au3Check encoding for the file path string.
1.0.13 - 2025-01-28
- Command to remove Debug to Console and MsgBox lines added by the extension
- Commands to add and remove debug Trace lines
- Refined syntax check, with ability to set options through
- Completions and Hovers for AutoIt3Wrapper Directives
- Changes to autoit.includePaths setting now gets written to Windows Registry
- Go To Definition regression
- Output colors not showing due to other extensions (e.g., Github Copilot)
- Icons missing for some Const and Enum variables in the outline/Symbol search
- Detection of nested Regions
- outputCodePage setting not working
- Au3Check/Problems tab now works with includePaths setting
1.0.12 - 2023-09-26
- Signature help pulls description and parameters from function headers
- Option to disable
as an option to accept function completion suggestions - Syntax highlighting for
, and#Tidy_ILC_Pos
- Path checks for utility executables (e.g., Au3Check) reduced to occur when changes are made and disabled for non-Windows OSes
- Simplified regex for functions
- Trimmed spaces in insertHeader command
- Removed default configuration settings that were overriding user settings
- Open include shortcut not working for library UDFs
- Open include shortcut not working for paths with
in them - Function autocomplete from include files
- Reduced completion suggestions when writing function definitions
1.0.11 - 2023-02-21
- Ignore case when identifying functions and regions
- Include search made recursive
- Improvements to regex used in extension functions
- Slow autocompletion suggestions
- Runtime errors when failing with symbol creation
- Can now capture regions with hyphens
- Syntax highlighting for nested comment blocks
- Include paths checked when gathering include data
- Problem tab not showing errors or warnings
- AutoIt indentation settings applying to other languages
1.0.10 - 2022-12-05
- Regex characters (e.g.,
) in that come after#Region
will no longer stop all symbols from being found - smartHelp checks includePaths with relative paths (thanks to @vanowm)
1.0.9 - 2022-12-01
- Set VS Code to default to 4-space tabs for indentation like SciTe
- Output window overhaul (thanks to @vanowm), including:
- Additional colors
- Multiple output panels
- An encoding option
- Options to keep output from previous runs
- Options to show process ID and times
- Option to show #regions as symbols in Outline and symbol search (thanks to @Danp2)
- Syntax highlighting for Au3Stripper directives (thanks to rcmaehl)
- Adds a wait for file save to finish before running certain commands (thanks to @vanowm)
- Support for Sticky Scroll
- Symbols nest in the Outline
- SmartHelp options that allow launching of help files (e.g., CHM) for UDFs (thanks to @Danp2)
- Tidy now runs through AutoItWrapper (thanks to @vanowm)
- MsgBox/Console debugging line generation improved (thanks to @Danp2)
- Paths to AutoIt executables can now be relative to the AutoIt executable in settings (thanks to @vanowm)
- Syntax highlighting for #include lines followed by comments (thanks to @Danp2)
- Makes regex for #include non-greedy (thanks to @Danp2)
- Limits header insertion and include opening to be limited to AutoIt scripts (thanks to @vanowm)
1.0.8 - 2022-06-09
- Open include file from the current line with
/Command Palette (thanks Danp2) - Insert UDF Header function (thanks Danp2)
- UDF Creator option in Settings to auto populate author when inserting a Function Header
- AutoIt Map functions (thanks steipal)
- Colorized output when running scripts (thanks Danp2)
- Restart script (thanks vanown)
- Abbreviations from SciTe4AutoIt as Snippets
is now a trigger character to accept a function completion and will place both parens and initiate signature help for the function.
- The AutoIt Help command will now open on blank lines (thanks Danp2)
- Updated the descriptions of the path settings
- Refactored filepath finding code (thanks Danp2)
- Code folding for
(thanks Danp2) - Go to Workspace Symbol functionality restored
1.0.7 - 2022-02-14
- Const and Enum variables now have appropriate icons in the Outline tree
- Snippet for Select Blocks
1.0.6 - 2021-06-14
- Implemented Diagnostics (Problems tab and red squiggles) for AutoIt scripts
- Completions and Hovers for InetConstants
- Switched from Parcel to Webpack for bundling
- Reworked the wordPattern
- Optimized HoverProvider
1.0.5 - 2020-05-07
- Stopped completion suggestions from showing in comments
- Reworked some of the statement snippets for accuracy and to show up properly as suggestions
- Indented function declarations will now be detected
1.0.4 - 2020-01-10
- Code folding for
- Fixed symbol detection for Function declarations
1.0.3 - 2019-11-19
- Fixed local function completions
1.0.2 - 2019-11-12
- Even more missing syntax highlighting for SendKeys
- Missing information for
function signature helpers
- Some improvements to code for Completions
1.0.1 - 2019-10-23
- Completion, Hover and Signature help for
- Missing Syntax Highlighting for SendKeys (including for ASCII and UNICODE characters (
Send("{ASC 065}")
orSend("{ASC 2709}")
), repetition for single keys (Send("{DEL 4}")
orSend("{S 30}")
) and holding a key up or down (Send("{a down}")
orSend("{a up}")
- Consolidated signature and hover for all Debug.au3 UDFs
- Generated .map file from final .vsix file
1.0.0 - 2019-10-15
- Improved Go To Definition to search include files (relative and UDFs)
- Used Parcel.js to bundle extension into single file
- Started work on consolidating Signature and Hover files for smaller extension size
- Switching to SemVer for versioning
- Made code-style improvements for consistency
0.2.3 - 2019-05-29
- Added indentation rules for automatic indents for keywords that indent/unindent on the next line (currently doesn't work when the keyword is input from Intellisense)
- Implemented basic Go To Definition functionality for Functions and Variables
- Added syntax highlighting rules to color user created functions differently from default AutoIt and standard UDFs (may be the same depending on theme)
- Added syntax highlighting for '$' part of variables (depends on theme)
- Implemented command to kill running scripts set to Ctrl+Pause/Break
0.2.2 - 2019-02-12
- Improved Console parameter func tion to show previous input and preserve existing text if cancelled
- Added completions for DirConstants.au3, EditConstants.au3, ExcelConstants.au3, FileConstants.au3, FontConstants.au3, FrameConstants.au3, GDIPlusConstants.au3, StaticConstants.au3, StatusBarConstants.au3, StringConstants.au3, TrayConstants.au3 and TreeViewConstants.au3
0.2.1 - 2019-01-30
- Added "setupudf" snippet
- Added MIT license to extension
- Added functionality to set console parameters when runing a script, using the palette or
0.2.0 - 2018-05-30
- Fixed the word pattern for the extension
- Improved formatting for some parameter documentation in signature helpers
- Made hovers case-insensitive
0.1.9 - 2018-05-30
- Completions and Signature Helpers for files relative to include folders (e.g.,
#include <Test.au3>
) are now provided- Defaults to searching in C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\Include, more can be added in User Settings
- Output window now clears on each Run, Compile or Build
- Implemented Workspace/Folder-wide Symbol Search (
) - Upgraded Windows Message Codes from snippets to Completions
- Updated UDF file location for functions moved in latest AutoIt update (v3.3.14.3)
- Added configuration option to hide variables when using Ctrl+Shift+O to view symbols
- Fixed word definitions to clear up highlighting/selection inconsistencies
0.1.8 - 2017-12-20
- Improved function signature helpers
- Parameter position in function has much improved detection (no longer tripped up by commas in quotes)
- Help for nested functions now work
- Parameter descriptions have been upgraded with Markdown for better styling and layout
- Upgraded many snippets to Completions
0.1.7 - 2017-09-26
- Updated ReadMe with links and more information about shortcuts and configuration
- Improved handling of functions from include scripts
- Debug Console and MsgBox can now be inserted solely with the cursor on the variable
- Symbol search now catches multiple variables declared on the same line
- Added and optimized #include snippets for all default scripts
- Converted some keyword snippets into IntelliSense completions
0.1.6 - 2017-07-31
- The extension can now read in functions from user-specified include files and provide completion IntelliSense hints for them
- Added internal function parameters to IntelliSense (they are not yet limited to appearing in the scope of the function)
- Added configuration a path to launch Koda including an "Alt+M" shortcut
- Adjusted snippet code to better follow VS Code syntax
0.1.5 - 2017-06-03
More IntelliSense!
- Added in function signature helpers (parameter info)
- AutoIt commands and keybindings now only show/activate in AutoIt files
- Debug MsgBoxes and Debug Consoles now match the indent of the line that they're generated from
0.1.4 - 2017-05-16
- Added configuration for path to Au3Info
0.1.3 - 2017-05-04
- Added AutoIt Configuration in Visual Studio Code Preferences.
0.1.2 - 2017-04-26
The IntelliSense release!
- Hovers have been added for all UDFs
- Implementation of Completion Items has begun (Function, Macro and Variable suggestions will now have different icons)
- Symbol search added, press Ctrl+Shift+O to see where Functions and Variables have been declared in scripts
- You can now run a Syntax check and the Tidy tool
- You can now launch AutoIt Help by simply placing the cursor on functions and macros (complete selection no longer required)
- Even more hovers for UDFs
- Bugfix for commands that run through AutoIt3Wrapper (e.g. Build should make executables correctly now)
- Running, compiling and building now generate output live
- Added the ability to create console debug lines for highlighted variables and macros with Alt+D
- Added hovers for all macros, basic AutoIt functions and Array UDFs
- Running, compiling and building will now require the full install of SciTE4AutoIt3 (found here) in the default install location
- Changed compile command to closer reflect SciTe4AutoIt3 version (Opens GUI)
- Implemented build command, which works similar to previous compile command
- Added console output for running, compiling and building scripts
- Run, compile and build commands exit early if current file isn't AutoIt
- Implemented the hover feature and the first few hovers
- Implemented an option to compile scripts (Currently the AutoIt3Wrapper folder must be present in the "C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE" directory)
- Structure adjustment of the extension.
- Added more snippets.
- Added the ability to generate a debug MsgBox for a highlighted variable or macro with Ctrl+Shift+D.
- Added icon, banner color and description for marketplace.