Cargo subcommand to select and execute binary/example targets
(This demo uses Ratatui as an example!)
$ cargo install cargo-selector
$ paru -S cargo-selector
Run the command in the cargo project directory:
$ cargo selector
Then, target list will be displayed, and you can execute the following command by selecting it.
# if the target is bin
$ cargo run --bin xyz [--features "foo bar"]
# if the target is example
$ cargo run --example xyz [--features "foo bar"]
By switching the action, you can also run only the build.
Usage: cargo selector [OPTIONS]
-i, --inline Display list inline
-n, --inline-list-size <SIZE> List size [default: 10]
-k, --kind <NAME> Target kind [possible values: bin, example]
-t, --match-type <TYPE> Match type [possible values: substring, fuzzy]
-a, --additional-args <ARGS> Additional arguments
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
If you run the command:
$ cargo selector -a "-- --foo 1"
Then select the command and it will run:
$ cargo run --bin xyz -- --foo 1
Key | Description |
Down Ctrl+n | cursor down |
Up Ctrl+p | cursor up |
Enter | execute cargo run --bin/example <selected> |
Tab | switch actions |
Esc Ctrl+c | quit |
environment variable specifies the path to the config file, the config will be loaded.
The config file uses the following format:
# Sets the default match type. If argument `-t` or `--match-type` is specified, it will be overridden.
# type: enum ("substring" | "fuzzy")
match_type = "substring"
# Sets the display colors.
# Colors can be set in one of the following formats:
# - ANSI color name
# - "red", "bright-blue"
# - 8-bit color (256-color) index values
# - "34", "128", "255"
# - 24-bit true color hex codes
# - "#abcdef"
# type: string
bg = "reset"
action_run_bg = "green"
action_run_fg = "black"
action_build_bg = "blue"
action_build_fg = "black"
input_fg = "reset"
numbers_fg = "darkgrey"
kind_fg = "blue"
name_fg = "white"
name_match_fg = "red"
path_fg = "darkgrey"
features_fg = "darkgrey"
selected_bg = "yellow"