Complete Application
Application structure, nested components, web services, animation, promises... - Multiple Modules App
Tables, Lists & Forms
Tabbed Component of Components
Drag & Drop - Mobile/touch support - Mobile/Touch shim - Take2
Drag drop swap list - Take 2 - Take 3 - Reorder
Communication - TagName - Multiple - Subscribe
Product search - filter example
Disable field AddOn - As Existing Object
Form select menu and table - Latest
Form field validation - Latest
Field length limit onload - v0.23
Limit number of characters in fields - Latest
Movie ticket quantity selection
Inner Modules swapping - Take2
Component with alternate children - Parent Child Components - Sortable List of Components
Dynamic node with css selector generation
Simple clean HoC - Simple dirty HoC - HoC dirty example - HoC dirty injection - HoC injection clean
Login/logout module with undo state - Latest
Login/Logout Modular w/router - Latest
Async & remote json data auto-loading w/caching & initialValues
Web service json request with loading feedback
Redux simple - Redux Simple w/Mag reduxConnect - ActionCreator map
Redux simple Todo - Redux Todos
Mini-redux Modal Conductor - With mag.template
Mag HTML Imports - Latest- Alternate html import call - Versatile options for HTML import