The validator itself is just an engine which executes validation according to a certain configuration (see configuration documentation).
The validator takes a scenario.xml and the configured directory with all artifacts necessary for validation (scenario repository). Then it performs the validation and generates a report in XML format. This report is then the input to an XSLT provided by the configuration.
- The purpose of the validator is to only report if an XML instance is valid or not
- A configuration can provide an XSLT which takes the validator report and generates an own report
- This report may choose to conclude acceptance of the XML instance or not
The validator reports valid/invalid, a configuration reports acceptance/rejection!
The general process is like this (the default is defined in DefaultCheck
participant e as Validator
participant c as Configuration
e->>+c: create ScenarioRepository
c->>-e: is available
e->>e: parse XML
e->>e: select scenario
e->>e: validate XSD
e->>e: validate Schematron
e->>e: create Validator Report
e->>+c: execute configuration report generator
e->>e: Compute Recommendation
parse XML:
Is the XML instance valid in the basic sense. If not, validation is stopped and the validator report is returned with status invalid.
select scenario:
The configuration must have a defined scenario which matches the XML instance (it is an XPATH expression). If no scenario matches, validation is stopped and the validator report is returned with status invalid.
validate XML-Schema:
The XML instance must be valid according to the configured XSD. If not, validation is stopped and the validator report is returned with status invalid.
validate Schematron
create Validator Report:
All results are aggregated into the validation report:
- Depending on the configuration in the scenario, if there is a single error or warning the report will have status invalid, otherwise the status will be valid.
execute configuration report generator
The Validator will search for the XSLT as configured in scenario.xml and execute it with the Validator Report as input
compute Recommendation
In case a scenario contains an
element with an XPATH expression, this expression will be executed.In case the XPATH returns
, the recommendation will be set toACCEPT
else toREJECT
. In case no such XPATH is defined it isUNDEFINED