- A simple file authentication system that simulate how you'd be able to authenticate and play video chunks as they are downloaded without having to wait for the entire file.

- The final hash value h0 (hash of the first block with its appended hash) is distributed to users via the authenticated channel.
$ python script.py --help
usage: script.py [-h] [-i BUFFERSIZE] action src dst hash
Simple File Authentication System. Authenticate and decode a received byte
stream or sign and write the bytestream to send.
positional arguments:
action SIGN/VERIFY, encode to write a bytestream to send, decode to
read and verify a bytestream
src Path to read bytes
dst The path to write bytes
hash This is NOT need for signing.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i BUFFERSIZE Number of bytes per chunk of data (default: 1024 bytes.)
$ python script.py SIGN ./data/video1.mp4 ./data/SIGNED.bin -1024
Writing hash in memory...
Hashes depleted.
h0: 5b96aece304a1422224f9a41b228416028f9ba26b0d1058f400200f06a589949
File created: ./data/SIGNED.bin
$ python script.py VERIFY ./data/SIGNED.bin ./data/VERIFED.mp4 5b96aece304a1422224f9a41b228416028f9ba26b0d1058f400200f06a589949
h0: 5b96aece304a1422224f9a41b228416028f9ba26b0d1058f400200f06a589949
File created: ./data/VERIFED.mp4